Wednesday, April 7, 2021

NSV: My thighs don’t chafe anymore!

I began this small weight loss journey in November 2020 after finding myself on the cusp of the overweight BMI category (5’7” 155lb). For my whole life up until transferring to university, I was around 130lbs, and very comfortable there - I have chronic back issues so I really cannot tolerate much extra weight, and my doctor told me to keep a strong core to minimize back pain. However, throughout the last five years or so, I have outgrown a closet's worth of clothes and have steadily climbed around 5lbs a year. As of last week, I’ve lost 16lbs - meaning I’m only 4lbs away from my goal weight!

About two days ago, I was walking my puppy in shorts (I was in shorts, not my puppy). Where I live, it's already ~90 degrees. Anyways, I realized how much better walking felt. It was so much easier and so much more comfortable. My thighs don't rub together anymore! Honestly, I didn't even realize how uncomfortable it was when they did, because it's been a few years since I've been this weight. I've been telling my fiance about this win since I noticed it, and I thought it might be nice to tell other people. Ya'll, it feels soooo much better to walk. SO MUCH BETTER! After just a 16lb loss.

So yeah, I'm a small loser, but of course I will share what has worked for me:

  • counting calories - be HONEST with yourself! I use the LifeSum app on my phone. There was a time when I regained the first 5lbs I had lost because I wasn't logging my calories accurately. I would pick the option with the lesser amount of calories rather than being safe and more realistic by selecting the option with higher calories. I just liked when the calorie log looked "happy," lol. But uh, yeah, no... the calorie tracker looking nice isn't going to make you lose more weight faster.
  • eat whatever you want as long as it fits within your calorie goal for the day. I realize these first couple of tips are just the basics of CICO (calories in, calories out), but some people track their macros more religiously than me. I like having a balanced diet - I notice it really makes me feel better. But if I want a vanilla drumstick at the end of the day, I'm going to structure my day so as to fit it in there after dinner... yeah, I might stay on my stationary bike longer, but I don't like restricting food groups from my diet. Being watchful of what you're eating doesn't mean you can't enjoy what you're eating.
  • find time to exercise in the parts of the day you take for granted. For me, this means hopping on my stationary bike when I'm catching up on my trash reality TV shows. I'll even sometimes lift my 5lb weights for 5-10mins or do some stretching in front of the TV.
  • get an accountability buddy. For me, this is my pup. We got him in November and since he got his vaccinations, I walk him twice a day, and for about a mile each walk. Not only does this get me some more exercise, but it gets me outside. We all know how we need to get outside during the isolation that has been the past year.
  • Routine! This has helped me keep on keepin' on even when I plateau for a while. I have my meals planned for the day usually by breakfast time. I make sure I have some staples on hand at all times - cottage cheese, icelandic yogurt, green apples, bananas, peanut butter, cruciferous salad, eggs, tofu, diet dr. pepper, diet arizona iced tea... these are just things I like to have as I consume them consistently. The sweet 0-calorie drinks keep me on track when I have a craving but know that I'm not actually hungry, I just want something fizzy or sweet or caffeinated. Oh, on that note, remember to pay attention to when in the day you're actually hungry... I guess I'll finish with this tip:
  • eat 3 solid meals a day and DON'T skip breakfast! For the longest time, I was a breakfast-skipper. No more! When I didn't eat breakfast, I found myself binging around 2pm.

So, those are all of the things that helped me out. Feel free to ask me questions if you want to. My weight loss is nothing to write home about, but yeah, I feel so much better. Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/tortoisesandicecream
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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