Friday, June 4, 2021

Weight Loss

Hi everyone I’m a 20 year old male, for the first time in my life I am not happy with the way I look physically. I’ve never been really in shape like the abs and all that, I’ve more of so been an average build my whole life. About 4 years ago I reached a weight of 145 lbs when I worked a little to hard to get that by basically being anorexic but had no idea until I was educated on the topic during first year university. With COVID I have been in the house a lot and find myself bored eating a lot. From 145 to looking okay in S/M Shirts I weighed myself and looked deep into the mirror today and just asked myself “how did I let this happen?” I’ve been running on the treadmill for 30 minutes off an on these past couple of months but I just think I eat more than I burn in a day. I’m now 180 and would like to hear some feedback/tips from anyone in this community. I’ll be starting a calorie deficit diet I think tomorrow by watching what I eat and eating the stuff I did 5 years ago: oatmeal protein pancakes, chicken grill, salmon, fruits and lots of water. Wish me luck y’all! I’ll come back to this in a month and good luck on everyone’s journey!

submitted by /u/Slayster8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Question about CICO

So, maybe it's my fault because I haven't done enough research... However, I have been experimenting with IF in addition to CICO, lately and in doing so I joined a group on FB. There are a lot of beginner questions on this group (which is great for learning!), and one of those questions that were asked was about whether someone could still have a can of soda or something along those lines.. I responded and said that while there is a lot of sugar in non-diet sodas, as long as the calorie count was factored into your daily allowance you could still lose weight because CICO is the most important factor when it comes to weight loss. Well, I immediately received about 4 responses all telling me that CICO is a myth and that it depends on food that trigger an insulin response and that my information is outdated and that I've been doing things wrong. I was told to read Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung and that I needed to update my knowledge.

I've been on a calorie deficit for quite some time and I'm down 35 lbs, I still have about another 50lbs or so to lose... But now I'm confused. Is my knowledge outdated? Should be doing something different? CICO is working for me. I thought it was just basic physics and science... Eat less than your body burns and you'll lose weight. Is this not the case after all?

submitted by /u/nocoffeethanks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My legs look terrible post weight loss

This is basically just a rant, sorry if that bothers anyone. I should just be happy with my results, but I wonder if anyone else has these issues!

I have spent the last 3 years doing CICO and exercising for an hour, 5 days a week. Weight lifting, running, core workouts. I’ve actually made a lot of sustained progress- I’m 5’ 8” and I’ve lost 35 pounds, from 168 to 133, and I look very toned in my upper half. I’m the fittest I’ve ever been and my stomach is flat, but my legs....

They just look so bad! Weight loss has revealed intense varicose veins, and made my cellulite so much more pronounced. The skin under my butt is basically flab that jiggles when I walk.

I want to wear cute dresses and show off my results, but my legs look like my grandmothers, and I’m only 32! (Actually these things are probably all genetic) and I’m on my feet all day for work, so that contributes too I’m sure.

I’m just frustrated and disappointed! I had hoped I would be happy with my body after all the work I’ve put in, but alas!

Anyone else had this experience? Do I just need to lose more weight? More cardio? I do lots of squats every workout, and a very thorough leg day each week, but I just seem to retain fat in my thighs.

submitted by /u/spacewitch89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Rock Bottom

June 4th, 2021. Sitting outside my obstetricians office in tears is when I finally found the bottom. Not when I gained 20lbs this year, not when my family doctor put me back on blood pressure medicine, it was when my OB told me that he HIGHLY recommended me and my husband to not try for a baby until I lose significant weight.

After a very traumatic birthing experience with my first child it’s taken me almost three years of medicine and therapy and countless conversations with my husband to get to the right point emotionally. And to now have to wait due to me being overweight? I am beyond embarrassed and pissed off at myself.

It’s time to get my shit together. This is my accountability post. Hopefully I’ll have an update in a month or so with some goals met.

Can anyone give me some positive stories of weight loss before getting pregnant? Could really use some positivity today.

submitted by /u/lostmymarbles_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

2 months on a weight-loss journey, seeing no results. Feel like giving up.

Hey everyone. I have been on my weight loss journey for 2 months now and seeing almost no results makes me want to give up.

For the record I'm a 26 year old male, 6'0". Starting weight 255 pounds, current weight 253

I cut out all sugar, soda, junkfood from my diet. Got myself a food scale and my fitness pal and have been counting everything i eat,. I cut my caloric intake to 1500 cal. Per day. (I'll post what i eat for referance)

And just last week i signed up to a gym and have been excersiseing 4 days a week doing 30 minutes of weight training and 30 minutes of cardio.

So i don't know what I'm doing wrong to only lose 2 pounds in 2 months. At this point i should be around 238 pounds by now but I'm milles off.

What I eat:

Protain smoothy for breakfest/lunch:

3 scoops of whey protain powder (360 cal.) 2 tbsp of peanut butter (190 cal.) Unsweetened almond milk 355 mml (45 cal.) 1 banana (105 cal.) 1 packet of regular oatmeal (100 cal.)

Total 800 cal. 1/2 for breakfest and 1/2 for lunch


8 Oz grilled chicken breast (375 cal.) 185g white rice (180 cal.) 150g steamed broccoli (55 cal.)

And I'll have some fruit on the side for snack (apple, peach, watermelon)

submitted by /u/Latter_Place_544
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Plateaued for over a month in a deficit

Hi I am going crazy and hoping someone can help. I’m 224 pounds, F, 25 and so far have lost about 50 pounds eating 1600 calories or under. I have been tracking EVERYTHING, doing HIIT dumbbell workouts or 10k steps a day every day. I joined the gym last week and have started weight training.

The thing is, I have been teetering between 224-227 pounds for more than a month and I literally don’t know what to do. After a perfect week this week I weighed in the exact same weight again so it’s been 5 weeks. I’m eating well below the 2000 plus calories I need for maintenance. My friend who is into fitness says upping my calories to 1800 ish could help kickstart weight loss again but I’m afraid I’ll just gain after being stuck at this number for so long. I’m so discouraged and would appreciate any advice. Thank you!!

submitted by /u/Rainingdownn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

An unexpected moment of validation

I've posted about my weight loss on Reddit before. I started losing weight almost exactly two years ago and ended up losing 60 pounds (F, 5' 5", SW 175 lbs, CW 118 lbs). I got my butt back into strength-training and currently have a visibly fit body (AND I CAN DO PULL UPS, Y'ALL).

I was at a new gym today and the trainers there kept looking at me. Not in a way that made me uncomfortable, but they were definitely looking. When I took a break and walked over to the sanitisation station (where two of them were standing), they started talking to me.

"Are you a personal trainer?" One of them asked. I swear to God, I nearly fainted from the pride that I felt in myself right then and there.

But there was more. They told me my form was impeccable. That my workout was so dynamic and they were really appreciating the fact that I was doing great at it. When I told them that I have only been training for 15 months and that too almost exclusively at home, they actually couldn't believe it.

I don't even think they were just being nice (I would usually think that when someone would compliment me). I think they actually meant these things.

I feel so validated and so proud. 2 years ago, I was fat and depressed and got out of breath walking 1500 steps. Today, I killed it in a gym enough that I impressed the trainers there.

I can die happy now. That's all.

submitted by /u/SylviasDead
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from loseit - Lose the Fat