Saturday, June 5, 2021

Weight Loss Communty Suggestions

Hi there!

I'm looking for some weight loss community suggestions. Motivation has gotten so hard for me since the start of the pandemic and I'm looking for a way to incorporate this into my weight loss journey. I have looked into some things like Noom and weight watchers, but im looking for something that is mostly if not only community encouragement because I feel as though those services are too expensive for what I'm trying to get out of it (I have gained and lost weight before, and fell well educated on how, I'm just not doing what I need to do).

I used a blogging site ages ago that no longer exists, but I found that somewhat helpful. Reddit groups seem like a decent option but I feel like I'd be bogging down a forum page by posting my updates...

Any suggestions are welcome, please provide a bit of info for things you have tried yourself (if it costs anything and positive/negative points).


submitted by /u/sjh11
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you stop feeling trapped in your fat body?

For those of you who lost a lot of weight.... meaning over 100 pounds... how do you stop feeling trapped in your body during the weight loss?

Last year, I weighed over 400 pounds. As of today, I'm at 325. That's almost 90 pounds gone in about a year and a half. It's been incredibly slow, and knowing that weight loss only gets slower as you get lighter, I'm feeling like I'll still be fat years from now.

I have a lot of victories... whether it's the steadily decreasing numbers on the scale, the fact that I'm wearing clothes a size smaller than before and they're still loose, the fact that I have skin that's starting to get all wrinkly and saggy and I can pinch and pull at it way more than I ever could before... and I have before and after photos that show my eyes the difference.

But when I wake up in the morning and hop in the shower and put on my work clothes... I still look down at my body and see what I saw a year ago. My giant gut. My man-boobs that are bigger than most women have.

Obviously, I can't change this. I know that I have body dysmorphia preventing me from seeing the changes in a mirror or when looking down. I know that weight loss takes time and I won't just wake up tomorrow in the body I want to be in. But there are so many things I want to do, and I'm an impatient person. How do you cope with accepting the fact that it's not an overnight thing?

It's especially discouraging because I'm still physically HUGE, despite having lost almost 100 pounds now. 100 pounds later and I'm only wearing clothes that are a size smaller? It feels like no matter how low the number on the scale gets, this is what I'll always look and feel like. I just want it gone.

submitted by /u/DunTuchMaFud
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Will I (or anyone) ever notice my weight loss?

Today was one year since I weighed my absolute highest. I couldn't fit in chairs, my clothes were busting, it was painful to do most things. I went to the doctor for some blood work, saw the number and decided it was time. I have since lost 55 pounds. I am astonished. I'm proud of myself. When I started I had ~110 pounds to lose and I am now halfway there!

I don't see it though. I can't find one spot on my body where I can notice that I've lost weight. I would think it's just me but only one single person has said anything about my weight loss. I know I don't know need anyone's validation but I'm having trouble finding the desire to keep going. If I could notice the change in myself I think it would fuel me but I'm not.

How do I deal with this? Where can I find the motivation from?

submitted by /u/zilops
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First time experience. Wondering if anyone has ever gone through it or what to do with this newfound knowledge.

So I’ve been pushing myself pretty hard with exercise and, for me, pretty drastic diet changes for what’s just under 6 months now. I’m 5’5, started at 268 lbs in late December 2020 and am currently 189 lbs. My body fat according to one of those digital scales went from 44.2% to 28.5%.

Today I said screw it, I just need to eat some “real” food. I got a chicken cutlet hero, some French fries, some guacamole, some cheese. The works, you guys get it. I fucking loved the first few bites. I’m so happy I ate like this because I’ve been eating like a squirrel for a while now. I got full almost immediately.

My questions are, is it possible my stomach shrank? Do stomachs shrink? Is it possible that it takes far fewer calories to fill me up now? And if that is the case, in a world where all my blood work is fine and normal, can I basically eat whatever I want as long as it it’s still within my calorie deficit for continued fat/weight loss? Just at a somewhat slower rate?


submitted by /u/MitchNYM
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need advice on how to deal with my MIL and her unhealthy relationship with food affecting me

Hi folks. So, like many people, my weight loss journey has not been linear and has been (still is) a long process. Total I've lost about 50 lbs in the past few years and 20 lbs in the past 4 months.

My wife and I live in Atlanta and our families both live in the DC area. I haven't seen my mother-in-law since Christmas 2019, and since then I've lost about 25 lbs. My MIL has a very unhealthy relationship with food and I believe she has an undiagnosed eating disorder. She is obsessive about eating healthy. She refuses to eat fast food or let anyone around her eat fast food, she rarely serves dessert, makes comments on the health level of every single food she mentions, eats, or looks at... etc. Of course this negatively affected my wife growing up as my MIL constantly made comments and judgments about what she ate and her exercise levels. For reference, both my MIL and my wife are healthy BMIs, not over or underweight.

Due to this I was pretty nervous about meeting my MIL when I started dating my wife, but luckily she has always been supportive, even though I was pretty obese when we first met. She never commented on my weight (to my face or to my wife behind my back) or tried to give me less food or restrict what I was eating. I think she generally likes me a lot and we have a good relationship.

However, apparently in recent pictures my MIL can tell that I've lost weight and mentioned it to my wife, who confirmed it. Currently my wife is staying with her parents and I'm staying with mine, but I'm going over there tomorrow for the day (our folks live about an hour apart). According to my wife, my MIL was originally planning on making waffles for breakfast but then freaked out because waffles are "unhealthy" and she doesn't want to "ruin my progress". My wife talked her into still making the waffles but MIL insisted on subbing fruit for bacon as a side. She was planning on getting us all seafood from a local food truck for dinner but now wants to make a Cobb salad because the food truck could have "greasy buns and fries" which is detrimental to progress on my weight loss journey.

I'm really nervous about seeing her and her constantly making comments on what I'm eating and/or trying to restrict my food. I am not, by any means, trying to eat "healthy". I count calories and stay around 1600-1700 a day usually, but on this trip I am eating at maintenance around 2100 per day, and I'm not strictly counting calories for this long weekend. I try really hard not to label food as "bad" or "good" and I do not restrict myself from ANY food. I simply eat what I want and eat less of it, maybe skip the bread or do a bigger serving of vegetables, things like that. I don't want to cause conflict with my MIL but spending 12 hours with her and having her make comments is going to be really difficult for me.

Sorry for the super long winded story but basically, does anyone have tips for me of ways I can respond to my MIL's comments without making her feel bad or cause a rift between us? I know her intentions are good and she wants to support me, but I'm going to lose my mind and get upset if she makes my weight loss the focus of the whole day and wants to choose my food for me. Thanks!

submitted by /u/reluctantleaders
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

7 Foods Nutritionists Never Eat

The grocery store can feel like a minefield: With labels touting words like “natural,” “reduced sugar,” and other unregulated terms that sound healthy, it can be tough to know which choices are really best for your weight loss program and your family’s overall health.

Everything can be enjoyed in moderation, of course, but when you’re trying to make healthy choices, you want those nutritional choices to be actually healthy—which means you should call in the experts. Luckily, we’ve got access to them. So we caught up with two Nutrisystem Registered Dietitians, Courtney McCormick, MPH, RDN, LDN, and Mandi Knowles, RDN, LDN, to find out what seemingly “healthy” foods you’ll rarely find in their kitchens.

1. Fruit “juices” that aren’t 100 percent juice

Drinking your calories is always a risky proposition on a weight loss program. Liquids don’t generally contain much fiber, protein or fat, so the calories you consume don’t stay in your gut to help ward off cravings later. But at least when you drink real fruit juice, the natural sugar inside brings nutrients along—stuff like Vitamin C, potassium and other minerals your body needs for healthy function.

But juices that aren’t just juice—that is, they have sugar added—are basically sodas hiding behind the facade of health when they can actually be killing you. It’s true: A study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, concluded that people who consume more than 21 percent of daily calories from added sugars double their risk of death from heart disease compared to people who consume just 10 percent of their calories from added sugars. The added sugars cause blood sugar spikes, weight gain, and leave you feeling less satisfied: Other studies have shown that consuming carbohydrates as a liquid produces less satiety—fullness and satisfaction—than solid carbs, meaning you could still be looking for a snack after drinking “juice” despite the glut of calories you’ve just consumed.

Juicing vs. Smoothies: The Experts Weigh In

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2. Refined grains

We’re talking white stuff: White rice, white pasta and white bread. What’s the problem with this color? What it lacks: When the grains are refined, they don’t just lose color—they lose nutrients, especially fiber.

One hundred grams of white rice, for example, has fewer calories than a cup of brown rice, but the brown stuff has almost twice as much fiber, plus an added gram of protein. So while the carbs in the white stuff are fast-acting—like sugar, zipping through your system and spiking your blood sugar—the higher-fiber carbs in the brown stuff actually don’t get digested. Instead, the fiber slows the speed of your digestion so that you feel full, longer. And the fiber can also help ward off disease and keep you healthy: Insoluble fiber, like the kind found in rice, can lower breast cancer risk, keep your intestines moving for more regular bowel movements, and has been shown in studies to lower your overall risk of death.

3. Low-fat peanut butter

Fat—the dietary kind—gets a bad rap: In a Johns Hopkins study, dieters who ate a high-fat, reduced-calorie diet took 25 fewer days to lose 10 pounds than those on a high-carb diet. And the right kinds of fats can do even more: People eating a diet rich in monounsaturated fat lost weight and body fat without reducing their calorie intake in another study.

When it comes to reducing fat in natural peanut butter, it’s these healthy, monounsaturated fats that are removed. These monos can help control spikes in blood sugar, which can keep your body from storing fat around your waist. So when you slather reduced-fat peanut butter on a PB&J, you’re losing those benefits in favor of a high-sugar, high-carb meal. Stick with regular natural peanut butter and add some extra filling properties: Instead of jelly, try thinly-sliced apples or banana to give your sandwich fiber that will help you stay fuller, longer.

Fats: The Good, the Bad & the Gray Area

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4. Sugary cereals

Cereal can be a great, fiber-rich, grab-and-go snack, but sugary cereals are packed with added sugar. One cup of a leading kids’ brand has three grams of fiber, but 10 grams of added sugar—about the same as you’d get from half of a full-size candy bar.

Look for cereals with little or no added sugar, and add sweetness in other ways: Try using vanilla-flavored, light or no-calorie almond milk instead of regular milk, or add a portion of sliced fruit to the bowl for added fiber. Nutrisystem has lots of great cereal options that were prepared with the right mix of nutrients… and none of the bad stuff. Click here to check them out >

5. Regular canned vegetables

Those green beans are canned with more than water: They’re loaded with salt. A half-cup serving of cut canned green beans contains 16 percent of your daily intake of salt. Added salt like that is part of the reason that the average American takes in almost 50 percent more sodium per day than is recommended—a surplus that can result in higher risks of stroke and high blood pressure. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a reduction of just 400 milligrams per day across the American diet could prevent 28,000 deaths each year.

A good place to start: Replace canned vegetables with frozen ones. They’re packed and frozen without salt, so you can control the sodium you add. If your freezer’s already packed and canned is your only option, look for cans with “no sodium added” or marked as “low sodium,” which means the product must have 140 milligrams of sodium or fewer per serving—compared with 380 milligrams for the regular can.

The Skinny on Sodium: How Much is in Nutrisystem Foods?

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6. Yogurt with added sugars

If it looks, smells and tastes like candy… it may not be the best choice for a weight loss program. Major brands know that healthy eaters have caught onto the fact that many yogurts are more dessert than breakfast, and are touting that they’ve reduced the sugar in their cups. But there’s still plenty of the sweet stuff inside: The blueberry flavor of one major brand has 18 grams of sugar in that little cup—so much that “sugar” is listed on the ingredients list before blueberries!

You’re better off mixing in your own fruit: Pack a quarter-cup of blueberries, sliced strawberries, or—if you’re feeling fancy—black currants, and mix the fruit with nonfat, plain yogurt. Five ounces of nonfat Greek yogurt has more protein than the sugary stuff, and just four grams of natural sugar.

7. Fat-free, oil-based salad dressing

Just like with peanut butter, when the fats are removed to make fat-free Italian and similar dressings, those fats are usually monounsaturated—the types of fats that help you lose fat, lose weight and in some studies, have been shown specifically to target belly fat.

What’s worse here is what they put in the dressing instead: Sugar and salt. Just two tablespoons of one of the leading brands provides 14 percent of your daily recommended intake of salt. When it comes to oily dressings, stick with the full-fat versions, and dress lightly: The fats will help the salad fill you up, and won’t leave you crashing like a fat-free, sugar-laden meal will.

One exception: Creamy dressings. Many of the leading brands have more fat—and not the healthy kind—than a full-size candy bar, and can deliver 140 calories in a single serving of ranch. If you’re a creamy dressing fanatic, go with the light version or look for yogurt-based creamy dressings. They’re made with nonfat yogurt, swapping the filling fat for equally filling protein that can keep you feeling full long after you’ve finished your forkfuls of veggies.

The post 7 Foods Nutritionists Never Eat appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Anyone here with an underactive thyroid?

I cut out soda and been more active and it’s helped a lot. But I ended up hitting a wall even though I’ve been counting calories correctly.

I was recently in a motorcycle accident and was taken to the hospital. I was fine but they did scans just to be safe. Found out that I have an enlarged thyroid and furthermore a deficiency which makes weight loss a lot harder. It reduces how many calories you need but I don’t know by how much so I’m guessing that my deficit isn’t low enough.

I’ll talk to my doctor about it, but I want to know if anyone else here has dealt with this situation or a similar one and what you did to help overcome it.

submitted by /u/Suekru
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from loseit - Lose the Fat