Saturday, July 10, 2021

I have a food addiction!

26F, 5’2, 148lbs.

I used to be so petite! And I’m still short (obviously) and I still see clothes that would have fit the old me, and I’m consistently embarrassed that my mind hasn’t caught up with my “new and unimproved” body after like… 3 years of ticking upwards toward my current weight.

Anyways, I’ve been going to the gym at least 3x a week - usually 4 or 5 - for about a month, with varying degrees of intensity and time spent. I have cut out soft drinks, but haven’t committed to calorie counting, hoping/thinking/praying? that the changes I’ve made so far would give me the results I want. Spoiler alert: they haven’t.

So I decided tonight to start calorie tracking with an app and settled on Loseit. I started tracking my calories and even started thinking, there’s no way I’m eating that much - I should be losing weight, I didn’t even have coffee today! This app will prove that it’s not me, it’s a health condition sabotaging my weight loss, blah blah blah.

And then I logged the Chinese Buffet that I had this afternoon. I was having a bad day and went to the gym anyways so I “treated myself” but didn’t even eat that much, less than I usually do at the China Buffet. And I still logged 2400 calories for the day. No special occasion, nothing that I recall wanting badly enough to “splurge” for.

No wonder I am at my highest weight! I am probably eating 3000 calories on days when I really let loose. In fact, I’m hungry right now and if I had Oreos in the house right now I could probably eat another 300 calories in Oreos without a second thought.

Fuck. I am in for a long few weeks/months.

submitted by /u/clambrulee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Invisalign and weight loss

Has anyone experienced weight loss from Invisalign? I’ve had Invisalign for 3 weeks and here is my experience.

For those who don’t know the process, Invisalign are clear removable braces (called trays), kind of like mouth guards that you must wear for minimum 22 hours a day, leaving just 2 hours to eat.

When I do eat I have to remove the trays, eat quickly and then immediately after I have to go through the routine of brushing my teeth, flossing my teeth and then using a water pik before having to force the Invisalign braces back in my mouth, which in the first week was AGONY.

In 3 weeks I’ve cut out all snacking because it’s not worth having to go through the process of removing and cleaning just for a chocolate bar. Before this I would binge on so much chocolate. I’d reward myself for any little thing with chocolate.

I’ve also been doing involuntary intermittent fasting because my teeth are sensitive and it hurts to remove them, so I try to limit how many times I eat a day.

I’ve learned to eat at the same time every day. And if I feel hungry I drink water. I also can’t have sodas anymore.

I’ve lost about 10lbs already and any bloating has gone.

Anyone else experiencing this?

submitted by /u/redditgemma
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Brand new (sorta) *TW: Eating Disorder*

Hey everyone!

I am 25 FtM, 5'4, and already down to 181 lbs from 186 last week (very fast and first weight was a scale at the doctor's office, so I'm assuming this as mostly water weight and a difference in scales but still! Very happy to see the decrease!). So, so happy I found this subreddit a few days ago, as reading through all of your triumphs and tribulations, wins big and small, has made me enthusiastic about actually getting healthy rather than just "losing weight" for the first time in my life.

I am posting today mostly for accountability, I guess. I am (unfortunately) an old hat at losing and gaining and losing again and gaining even more. I've been overweight since age 6 or 7, surrounded by a household full of people who were chronically under weight. Yes, you can imagine what that did for my self-esteem (it's non-existent). All my life, it's only ever been me who has to watch what they ate. Me who wasn't allowed to have dessert while I watched my family pig out on anything they wanted. Me who was bullied at school. Me constantly getting comments from well-meaning family members and family friends about my weight and "should you really be eating that?". Me overhearing my mom crying to my dad when she thought I was asleep about how she's worried I'm going to be fat and miserable until I die young of some comorbid illness. Me getting dragged from nutritionist to nutritionist and eating "special" (read: gross) diet food and new food rules that changed with every new nutritionist.

Needless to say, my relationship with food probably hasn't been healthy since I graduated preschool. And I never understood why it was just me. I thought there must be something wrong or broken with me, and there was nothing I could do about it. That I was doomed to be "the fat kid" forever.

Until the summer between 9th and 10th grade. I was 15. We finally had Internet, and I spent literally all day on the computer. It completely distracted me from everything, even food. I would watch YouTube videos and read for hours and hours until it was 8 hours later and I still haven't eaten anything all day. I would make myself soft boiled eggs and a bagel and get right back on the computer. And that was it. Every day. All summer long. My only meal was eggs and a bagel, and the occasional family dinner.

And the weight melted off of me. At the time, I think my highest weight was 165, and 2.5 months later I was about 140. I was shocked! I didn't think it was possible, because I'd never been able to lose weight before. And I wasn't even trying! Suddenly everyone was proud of me. I was getting a bunch of positive attention from everyone about my weight. It was the first thing people talked about when they saw me. My parents were visibly relieved. And all it took was just not eating.

Hello, eating disorder! (TW START. Will mark the end, skip to there if you need to)

I stopped eating breakfast- only coffee. I stopped eating lunch at school. I'd get home from school and eat fruit or a small bag of hot cheetos, and stuff myself with dinner. Which progressed to getting home and taking a nap to avoid eating anything at all. Maybe I'd eat dinner, maybe not. But I absolutely never finished anything I ate. It didn't matter how hungry I was, or even how much food was there to start with. It didn't matter that I was fainting left and right. It didn't matter if I was exhausted and shaking. It didn't matter if my heart was getting damaged and my body canablizing itself to stay alive. I was finally "skinny", and if I finished my food, I was going to gain everything back and disappoint my family and be right back where I was. I ate a lot if I had 600 calories in a day, and punished myself the rest of the week by eating even less.


I'm not sure what changed but I hit 117 pounds and gradually came back to my old (still poor) eating habits. I started seeing my weight creep back up and I would start to panic, but then console myself about still being a normal weight. And then the excuses kept coming. And kept coming. And kept coming. And then 4 years had passed and I had blown past my starting weight to a grand 192 pounds and I hated myself.

I tried to get back to my starvation "diet" and I just couldn't do it. I would last few a couple of weeks or months, lose 20 or 30 pounds, and then go on a binge and "give up", and gain it all back and more. Then start a different, actual diet (like keto) but start to fall back into my anorexic mentality. And I was juussttt self aware enough to know that was a bad thing, and gave up again. The entire time, guilty for every morsel of food that passed my lips. Blaming myself for not being able to starve myself well enough (I know, I know).

Cue 4 months ago. I finally got on some antidepressants that I should have been on since maybe age 9, and the whole world feels different. Leaving my house doesn't feel half impossible. Hanging out with friends isn't completely exhausting. Hell, getting out of bed every day no longer feels like climbing Everest. I have all this brand new energy I've never had, so I figured I might as well do something with it. So I started seeing a "food therapist" who works with people with anorexia and disordered eating and does the whole "intuitive eating" thing.

I realized that my weight isn't the problem, but the consequences of the problem. I realized that I was absolutely miserable no matter what I weighed. There was no difference between how I felt about myself at 117 pounds vs 192. My relationship with food, how I think about food, how I think about my body, my thought processes in general - here lies the problem.

I also realized about a week ago that I "intuitively ate" myself to another 20 pound weight gain. And I realized that this was okay. Because I learned that blindly "intuitive eating" doesn't work for me. I learned how to recognize my distorted thoughts and I'm working on learning how to combat them. I learned some steps to work on forgiving myself for being in this situation in the first place, and accepting and working with or around the circumstances that I didn't have control over but which lead me here as well.

I figured I needed something different, so I searched reddit for a weight loss sub and found this one. Within 5 minutes, I learned about CICO and TDEE. And then I downloaded Noom, which seems to be exactly the kind of structure and direction I wasn't getting from the food therapist, and has been providing context to some things that weren't clicking when my food therapist brought them up.

For the first time, I feel like I'm motivated for the right reasons, with the right intentions. I feel like I do actually want to be healthy, not just "thin". I want to run a mile non-stop for the first time in my life. I want to hike some national parks without being out of breath and in agony. I want to eat good food guilt-free with my friends and family. I want to know what it feels like to not be self conscious. I want to know what it feels like to not completely hate myself.

Am I worried about falling back into an eating disorder? Absolutely. But I hope I have a better support system now, and I'm in a much better place mentally than I've ever been, so that doesn't happen. I have the tools now, and I'm ready to make the change once and for all.

This really does feel like the last first start.

Sorry for the ultra long (and kinda rambly) post and thank you to anyone who made it this far 😊

submitted by /u/KH_Trash08
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dealing with Unforeseen Health Limitations

M, 21, 6’2, 220 (starting weight 235)

Hello, I’ve been lifting weights, tracking my macros and eating properly for the past two months in an attempt to lose weight and change my body and it had been showing actual results!

Just recently, I had a complication with my second COVID vaccine dosage which resulted in me being diagnosed with myopericarditis and as a result unable to do anything physically straining, including lifting weights for 6 months.

Not gonna lie this whole ordeal has hit me pretty hard and has left me frustrated as I feel like I’ll just see all of my progress from the past couple months be wiped away. How did you guys deal with a challenge similar to mine without being able to work out for a period of time?

Is there anything that I could do to continue my weight loss progress without lifting weights? Any diet plans that would be recommended for a situation like mine? Thanks!

submitted by /u/baconboy1261
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dealing with guilt/shame over weight gain. Fear of disordered eating.


I just joined because tonight I finally realized how much weight I've gained. But I can't say that I've accepted it yet. And I would like some advice on how to get into the right mindset to start losing weight and maybe how to deal with the shameful feelings around it. Really thankful for any kind of support!

The story goes something like this.. I lost 30 kilos three years ago in about a year. Which is interesting, because I remember so distinctly that I wasn't like "Oh, I'm so fat I have to diet now." I knew I was big. I had been for a long time. It was just how I looked, I thought. But I have always struggled with mental illness and the reason I began "dieting" was mainly because I knew I needed to treat myself better to feel better. And the more weight I lost, the better people started treating me and the more terrified I began to feel at the thought of gaining it back. Being able to just wear any clothes, having "pretty privilege", etc, was just so foreign to me and needless to say it felt good and I didn't wanna lose that feeling.

Long story short, after receiving tons of positive feedback during my weight loss I started restricting A LOT and I lost even more weight, but I felt more miserable and uncomfortable about my body than ever, because I didn't realise it then, but I was basically starving myself. Around this time, I changed jobs (from a very active one to a desk), lost basically all of my friends, quit smoking and moved in with my partner. And during all of this, I started to comfort eat, happy eat, eat eat eat (and not exercising. At all.) and was in denial about the weight I was gaining. I was still stuck in the "I'm finally skinny" feeling and it clouded my perception. I didn't wanna go through the whole journey of losing weight again, so I just silently ignored my weight gain.

And now I feel so angry with myself. Like, there was no need to ever let it get this bad, why was I in denial for so long? After having all of that "freedom" when I was at my skinniest, I now feel trapped and I don't know what to do. I know it takes a lot of patience, hard work and discipline. But right now it feels so hard, impossible even. It's all or nothing for me, how do I find the balance? It was when I started counting calories that I began to fear food and I don't want to get in that place again.

If you've managed to read all of this I'm truly thankful. Maybe someone who is smarter than me knows some good advice or if you can relate.

Also, English isn't my first language, so please excuse any spelling/grammar errors.

submitted by /u/BabyBellyBean
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any tips for weight loss?

Before the pandemic hit, I weighed 223lbs at age 13 and I really wanted to lose weight fast and so I did it in a dangerous and unhealthy way – I binged and purged. So from October of 2019 to March of 2020 I had lost 40 pounds! I was happy about it. When the pandemic caused schools to close I had nothing to do but eat and eat. I gained back the weight and gained 20+ more pounds. I currently weigh 237lbs at age 15. Now that I look back I realize how horrible of a decision I made and I want to lose weight in a healthier way this time.

I had something in mind like lose 60 pounds before 2022, so like 10 pounds each month. Make healthier food choices and be more active. I was wondering if anyone had any advice that can help me and if losing 10 pounds a month is a good idea.

submitted by /u/OverallBlueberry4143
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss advice for 22M, 89kg, obese BMI. with 40" waistline

So i'm 22 years old, Male. I weigh 89 kg (height: 167 cm) and have a waistline of 40". I'm currently limiting myself to 1500 calories per day using the MyFitness App and I also plan to do intermittent fasting, perhaps 16-8. Will this be enough?

As for my exercise, I barely have time to do them what will school works and all but I want to make time. My last consistent exercise was a year ago, I'm not kidding and this was when the pandemic temporarily halted school. Now, we have online classes, so yeah, I barely have time :( . One of my problems I guess is that my mind doesn't know how many reps or how long I should be doing stuff. I'll be posting the equipment available to me if any of you can help me find a routine that I can do perhaps 2-3 times a week.

The equipment I have at home are as follows (my dad mostly uses them)
Equipment for arms and legs:

Cycling equipment

And I also have a Jumprope.

So any advice that can range from dieting to exercise will be GREATLY appreciated. Aside from wanting to lose weight because for once in my life, I'd want to be normal and not overweight or obese, which I am right now. Many thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/IJustWantAnon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat