Thursday, September 2, 2021

Talking about new body?

Female, 26, 5’10” / SW 248.8 lb. / CW 171.5 lb. / GW 160 lb.

Hello everyone! I’ve lost almost 80 pounds and a few pant sizes since last December. I feel phenomenal, I look better than I ever have, and my confidence is through the roof! It’s all I want to talk about, and I’m pretty sure people IRL don’t care anymore.

I try to be very mindful with how I talk about myself, because a lot of really beautiful people in my life are not currently interested in weight loss. My journey of self love began, and really solidified when I was overweight. I wasn’t even trying to lose weight at first (the initial 20 pounds just happened by itself). But, I just feel so much better about myself now, and want to scream it to the world. It makes me feel vain and conceited though.

Sorry if this is too much of a jumble of thoughts! Anyone else struggle with something like this? My new gym opens this week, so I’m hoping to meet some new people that want to talk weight loss.

submitted by /u/cheechiie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m smaller than I was as a child and yet I suddenly feel fatter now [mini vent]

I grew up obese. I was looking at a picture of me when I was around 10 and I’m much much smaller now in my 20s than at that age. That just blows my mind. I hit my adult height at a young age so I was the tallest in my class (now I’m considered average) so it’s very easy to compare. I had no idea how large I was!

I’ve lost a lot of weight. I’ve also been getting skin tightening treatments in Korea which have worked! I have no loose skin (plus I lost weight extremely slow). I’m started to even see ab definition but I currently feel as if I am the heaviest I’ve ever been. My mind is definitely screwing with me.

If I lose 5 more lbs I’ll officially have a normal BMI. I’m struggling so much to get there. For whatever reason, my legs and butt want to retain fat and I’m running out of fat on my stomach. Honestly my body looks like a combination of two different bodies. I can fit a size small on top and on bottom I’m an XL. My goal is just to be a L on bottom. I think this is part of the reason I suddenly feel so massive and maybe why I’m struggling to lose more.

I don’t even feel like I’m eating much anymore. Honestly starting to feel sad about how little I eat. I’ve been going to a weight loss clinic in Korea and my weight hasn’t budged in two weigh ins. The doctor is asking me what I’m eating and I feel sad because I’ve been mainly eating salads and eggs. I literally live above a bakery and our apartment is filled with the scent of fresh bread every morning and I haven’t eaten it, not even once!

Most girls here are trying to get to 110. I’m a curvy Latina with large hip bones. Unless I shave off bone, 110 is impossible. My sister got to 120 and it didn’t look healthy on her so my ultimate goal is 125-130.

I just want to lose 5 more lbs in this month. Just 5! It’s getting harder and harder. I tested my muscle and I haven’t lost any muscle luckily. I’m slightly above average in muscle.

If I walk 15k steps a day I know I will lose weight. That’s what I did to get here but I’m so so tired. It’s getting harder to eat very little and workout so much for so long.

submitted by /u/Almostthere2040
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss slowing down

Hi, I started out with a goal of losing 100 pounds. I've lost 32 of it and still losing. The problem is I'm losing MUCH more slowly now than I was in the beginning. I lost 13 pounds in the first two weeks, 9 in the second two weeks, 6 in the third two weeks, and only 4 in this last two weeks. 1,200 calories a day strictly.

The only thing that has changed is I ate more protein in the beginning. I've gotten a little freer with carbs, but haven't fudged on calories at all.

Could the higher carb ratio be affecting my rate of weight loss? Or does it just sound normal to slow down a bit after the first few weeks?

submitted by /u/winterwoods
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The best feeling ever is when your old clothes start fitting you :)

Hope this gives you all some Thursday motivation!

As of today, I lost 29 pounds!!!!


I can't believe this!!!! I feel so happy I needed to share this with you all!

I'm 5'6 and started at 180 lbs (In January 2021). Weighed myself this morning and I'm now 151 lbs (so that's almost 30!!!!) I was so excited that I went on a rampage and tried on my old clothes. They all fit!

SW: 180, CW: 151, GW: 118 lbs

Perseverance, determination, and discipline go a long way! No keto, no fad diet, or crash dieting. I wanted to establish a lifestyle change. I've been walking, watching my portions, cutting out sugar, etc.

The true test was this one beautiful dress that I wore 6 years ago to my cousin's wedding. That time was the smallest I had ever been (I think I was 140 or so). It fit but was a bit tight. I'm almost there!!!

You gotta celebrate those smaller milestones :) I feel the best I've ever felt in a long time! Weight loss makes a huge difference!!!

Please don't give up and keep going! If I can do it you absolutely can :)

submitted by /u/thecherryflower
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Accurate calorie counting for exercise

I have a really weird situation and I'm hoping to get some guidance. For my birthday my partner bought me a Polar h10 heart rate counter to help me with my weight loss (I asked for it - don't worry).

Here are my personal stats -

29, 5 foot 10, 188.6 pounds, Male.

I've just done my first run. Here is the data -

  1. Distance run - 2.54 miles
  2. Minutes - 25 minutes
  3. Average Heart Rate - 191 bpm
  4. Pace - 09:51 min/mile

The heart rate seems *really* high as I felt like I could continue (I control mileage as I am coming back into running after putting on 30 pounds).

The interesting part is the calories burned -

  1. Polar H10 - 526 kcal
  2. Plugging in the distance and speed into an online calculator, I burned 326 kcal. I used this one -

How do I know which figure to trust?

I would have gone with the heart rate monitor, but I didn't feel like I was exerting that much.


submitted by /u/karna852
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Problems with OMAD

Hi all, I hope this is allowed. Wanted to talk about this and I don’t know where else to talk about it. I have been doing OMAD for a while now. Probably like around a year, I have only been eating dinner. I went from 205 lb to 162 lb by doing this over the span of probably 6 months and then maintained my weight loss by continuing OMAD. However, in the past couple months I’ve started struggling with binging in the evenings/at night because I’ve restricted my food all day and have gained back 10lbs. I am struggling to control my urge to do this and I feel like maybe doing OMAD is no longer benefitting me but I feel like I’m giving up almost if I just stop fasting. Have any of you found that eventually, OMAD isn’t doing you any favors? I have also started working out 3-4 times at the gym each week so maybe I am getting hungrier and it’s causing me to binge. Any tips or insight or really just solidarity would be helpful. Thanks everyone

submitted by /u/hatefulcats
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for a weight loss buddy! 💕

Hello! Hope you're having a good day. i (18f) am looking to lose about 10kgs / 22 pounds. Currently i'm 53kgs but i'm also really short.

I'm starting Uni soon and it's stressing me out that I look like this. I want to be the best version of myself. I gained the 10kgs (exactly that oof) over the past year due to the pandemic. I just felt so depressed since I couldn't meet my friends and I turned to food. Now that things are getting better, I want to be better too.

I want to lose this as fast as possible and then maintain it using another mild method.

I'm planning on eating 1500-2000 cal every day and start a Chloe ting challenge (one video every other day maybe?). Yoga and walks is something I already do but it's not as intense as i'd like it to be tbh. Chloe ting seems to work for literally everyone of my friends (and other people I know) who have tried them. She's also so realistic and shows bloating and how it can affect you

It's okay even if you have a different goal/method! I'm just looking for someone to talk about doing this and accountability. None of my friends are interested so :(

P.s: Age/Gender doesn't matter as well. Just want someone who relates!

You can DM me if this is something you want!

submitted by /u/Bittercoffeeandbooks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat