Thursday, September 2, 2021

Looking for a weight loss buddy! 💕

Hello! Hope you're having a good day. i (18f) am looking to lose about 10kgs / 22 pounds. Currently i'm 53kgs but i'm also really short.

I'm starting Uni soon and it's stressing me out that I look like this. I want to be the best version of myself. I gained the 10kgs (exactly that oof) over the past year due to the pandemic. I just felt so depressed since I couldn't meet my friends and I turned to food. Now that things are getting better, I want to be better too.

I want to lose this as fast as possible and then maintain it using another mild method.

I'm planning on eating 1500-2000 cal every day and start a Chloe ting challenge (one video every other day maybe?). Yoga and walks is something I already do but it's not as intense as i'd like it to be tbh. Chloe ting seems to work for literally everyone of my friends (and other people I know) who have tried them. She's also so realistic and shows bloating and how it can affect you

It's okay even if you have a different goal/method! I'm just looking for someone to talk about doing this and accountability. None of my friends are interested so :(

P.s: Age/Gender doesn't matter as well. Just want someone who relates!

You can DM me if this is something you want!

submitted by /u/Bittercoffeeandbooks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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