Saturday, September 4, 2021

When do you give up on your goal weight?

Male, 28, 6'2"

I set my goal weight when I started my weight loss at 170 pounds. This is the weight I was at age 18 and I looked good then.

I started at 310 pounds and I am now down to 195, where I'm stuck.. I look okay I guess but I feel fat still because of the loose skin. I just want to lose the last 20lbs to actually reach my goal and accomplish what I set out to do.

Whenever I eat too little now it seems to trigger a binge, and then I get angry with myself and don't eat the next day and it's starting a cycle I don't really want to get into.

During my weight loss I managed on 1200 calories a day mostly fine, but now my body can't seem to take it anymore. Even 2000 isn't enough, I still get very hungry.

Shall I push through the plateau or just accept I may never get to 170 and give up on it?

submitted by /u/Adgggi
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Can anyone answer this?

Can anyone answer this?

So basically, just a simple question. (This is hypothetical btw)

Say my daily calorie intake should be 1700kcal and I consumed 2200kcal but burnt 500kcal would that be the same as just eating 1700kcal?

I asked this question to someone irl and they wasn’t sure so I decided to see if anyone here had any ideas.

I was told otherwise by someone on another subreddit but just wanted to make sure 👍

Thanks in advance guys. This is just something I was interested in for days where I over-eat. P.s hope you guys keep up your weight loss I’m sure you’re all doing great! I’ve lost 9lbs at the moment!


submitted by /u/cb4020
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing Cup Sizes?

For reference, I’m 25F, current weight is around 147lb. I am well aware that most of the fat on my body is from my unhealthy lifestyle for the past few years, but a disproportionate amount of it is in my breasts. I’m a 36F possibly G cup, and one of my motivations to lose weight is to hopefully go down in cup sizes so I don’t have back problems when I’m older.

However, I’ve recently started looking up how much someone can actually go down in cup sizes, and I’ve come to find that generally if a woman has large breasts they’re going to stay that way without surgical intervention. Best case scenario is I go down 2 cup sizes max and probably have saggy boobs for the rest of my life. I’m wondering how true this is? I know I’m not supposed to think too much about my looks and care more about my overall health in terms of weight loss, but I’m having a hard time coming to terms with the idea of sagging for literally the rest of my life without a reduction surgery. Are there specific eating plans or exercises that can help with breast reduction/keeping the sagging minimal if I do lose any weight in my breasts?

I’m basically starting from scratch as far as my weight loss journey goes but I’m in a calorie deficit and trying to make sure I go on walks at least 4 times a week. So it’s not much, but I’m hoping to slowly incorporate more into my routine, just to give an idea of what I’m currently doing to lose weight. Any advice is helpful.

submitted by /u/beepbeepbeep8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Waving a white flag on doing it by myself - can anyone recommend a meal delivery plan, shakes, etc. that helped them make CICO easier? The simpler the better.

I’ve had success when I was younger losing 50 pounds one time and about 35 pounds another time but both times I was younger and it was much easier. Kept it off by mostly eating healthy and regular exercise.

From 2017-now, I’ve been pregnant, tore my rotator cuff and had to have surgery to repair it, and then Covid happened which meant my husband and I were spending every waking moment either watching our kid or working our full time jobs. In the last 4 years, I went from weighing in the 160s to weighing 235 and I’m still so burned out from Covid/being a working mom and my body being generally unhealthy that I just can’t keep up with calorie counting. I know how healthy habits/CICO can look but it also takes time and energy I really don’t have at this moment to make happen.

I’m looking for recommendations for some kind of extremely structured meal order plan where meals are delivered or maybe even replacing meals with juice or shakes to jumpstart my weight loss. I just need whatever I do to be as easy as quick and easy as ordering takeout every night because that’s all we’ve felt we’ve had the capacity for at this point. Neither of us have time to thoughtfully grocery shop or prepare meals. We do have a little money to throw at the problem (part of why we’ve been eating takeout every night that’s not helping either of us with our weight loss goals.)

Plans I’m interested in: NutriSystem, Hello Fresh, Blue Apron, BistroMD, Purple Carrot and Trifecta Nutrition

Open to any recommendations though!

submitted by /u/StregaCagna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for inspiration

Hello! I've been working on my health since February of this year and I'm getting close to my halfway goal! 🎉 I started at 315 and I'm heading for 250 (15 lbs. to go). My current end goal is 180 lbs. And I was wondering of any ladies around 5' 6" and 180 had any pictures they'd be comfortable sharing? Just looking for inspiration and something to keep me excited to keep going!


Also, just in case rule #10 applies here: I suspect beginning Metformin aided in my weight loss (fresh D2 diagnosis) as well as walking daily (1-2 miles a night, but I haven't been nearly as consistent with this as I'd hope) and going mostly low carb (not necessarily high fat though; just focused on lowering carbs and meeting protein).

submitted by /u/alloutofwittynames
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss in Forehead?

I've read a lot of posts about people losing weight in weird places, like their feet getting smaller, their glasses falling off their head. Stuff like that. That made me wonder, has anyone who has lost a bunch of weight, ever lost size in their forehead? Every person in my family has/had a small to medium sized forehead, except for me. I've always had a larger forehead and I've been really insecure about it. HOWEVER, the only difference between me and the rest of my family is that I have been seriously overweight for most of my life. I gained a lot of weight in my teens so it's safe to say that I have never seen my "mature" face why being at a healthy weight. If I feel my forehead, it does feel more "squishy" than, let's say, under my eye socket where it's just skin in bine. So it is possible there is fat stored there and I have about 90lbs to lose so I'm just curious if anyone's forehead got smaller after major weight loss.

Not sure if it makes a difference but my stats are male, 6'1 and 272lbs

submitted by /u/SunBoy_1587
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I would like to have more discipline in MY weight loss

Hello my name is boris And weight currently 230 pounds MY goal It's weighing 176 pounds My Height is 5' 8" Since I Was Little I wanted to see myself strong As in my native country you have the habit of Junk food and that was The fact that I was always obese The taunts by my family and one or another sentimental couple
When I propose to lose weight I feel that I lose interest Since THE school always worry me but The fact is that I want to see myself better feel with Much better self-esteem to be able to see myself in the mirror without feeling disgust or shame for Myself Now I usually have inmsonio for many years Now I usually have an inmsonia for many years and I have a hard time sleeping

When I get anxiety I usually eat something and I don't like that very much I want to buy clothes without feeling so embarrassed

I do this not so much for Health In what I also treat MY depression

I would like you to give me some tips To begin with not feeling that this weight loss see it as an obligation but as something natural

Or what kind of exercises should start that helps More to the loss of weight

If I have to leave any habit in specific

And what can I do So that I don't. It gives me the rebound effect as sometimes I usually lose a few pounds and it gives me that effect.

I would like to know if you could help me with this really I will thank you very much I am not

And an apology English is not my native language

submitted by /u/BorisEvans21
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