Saturday, September 4, 2021

Weight Loss in Forehead?

I've read a lot of posts about people losing weight in weird places, like their feet getting smaller, their glasses falling off their head. Stuff like that. That made me wonder, has anyone who has lost a bunch of weight, ever lost size in their forehead? Every person in my family has/had a small to medium sized forehead, except for me. I've always had a larger forehead and I've been really insecure about it. HOWEVER, the only difference between me and the rest of my family is that I have been seriously overweight for most of my life. I gained a lot of weight in my teens so it's safe to say that I have never seen my "mature" face why being at a healthy weight. If I feel my forehead, it does feel more "squishy" than, let's say, under my eye socket where it's just skin in bine. So it is possible there is fat stored there and I have about 90lbs to lose so I'm just curious if anyone's forehead got smaller after major weight loss.

Not sure if it makes a difference but my stats are male, 6'1 and 272lbs

submitted by /u/SunBoy_1587
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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