Sunday, September 5, 2021

Any tips for weight loss after total thyroidectomy?

I (25f) have been dealing with a tough case of Graves disease for 2 years. I have my total thyroidectomy scheduled for next Wednesday, so exciting! Like many of my fellow Graves patients out there, my weight has fluctuated A LOT. I'm 5'7 and before treatment, I had spent most of my teen and adult life at around 136 pounds, the perfect weight for me.

Since being diagnosed, my weight has shifted between 123 and 187 pounds, and in the last months, I have been on the heavier side. I exercise often and am conscious of my eating (which wasn't at all the case when I was healthy). It's really disheartening to feel like you have no control over your own body.

I'm super eager to get back on track, but I'm still super nervous. Does anyone have any experience with height loss after thyroid removal? Any tips?

submitted by /u/damiunte
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I look the same. I weigh the same. My measurements are the same. BUT! I feel thinner and lighter.

What is this phenomenon? Is there a name for it? What is going on?

The goal is that I want to lose weight for all the glorious reasons and benefits that come with it.

I've been on IF for the past two weeks. It's my first time doing IF for this long. I plan to keep going.

On my first week, I did 14-16 hours. Then, the second week, I did 16-17 hours. On weekends, I do 10-12 hours. I bike, run a mile, and weight lift for 20-30 minutes. Lately, I've been slacking on it but I make sure to do this at least once a week.

My portions are small to medium-sized. I cook at home. On days that I order delivery, I would get noodle soup, like Korean bone broth glass noodles.

I've been a long-term weight loss doer and lurker of subreddits and myfitnesspal forums. There is a chance that I am eating the same amount of calories.

I'm also on medication, so that can be the cause. I'm open to thoughts and comments about this. Thank you!

submitted by /u/eggyolknshells
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Daily log: Day 1

Hello I'm creating this log in order to have basically a daily check in for my weight loss. I have been very heavy since I was about 9 and it's only really gotten worse with time, and although I have tried many times in the past just to ultimately fail, I figured creating a log here to keep myself accountable would be a good way to start.

Weigh in result: 307.4 lbs

Since I'm feeling super motivated today I will most likely do pretty well, I'm having a mix of egg fried rice with broccoli and a clif bar for the first half of my day, and a salad with a few slices of pizza for dinner. I'm also going to go for a 30:60 run (30 seconds of running 60 seconds of walking) and some workouts through the HomeWorkout app today. I'll probably hit legs and chest today. I do definitely need to be active every day especially since for both School and my job I basically don't move, and considering I work about 30 hours a week on top of remote classes it's quite a bit of sitting. Other than that I think today's goal is going to be to not eat past 10:00 PM.


submitted by /u/MotivationAccount33
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why is my metabolism so slow?

I’ve been cutting for around 10 weeks now. I’ve started at 86kg and now Im around 79.5kg. I am 6ft tall (183cm). I have been happy with my weight loss this far, however my calories are extremely low. I have been eating around 1300 to 1500 cal a day. And it’s not like I eat this little because I want to lose the weight fast. If I eat around that much, my rate of weight loss is at a moderate pace. If I eat more however, I won’t lose any weight. I have been walking around 10,000 steps a day and I train around four times a week. My strength hasn’t decreased. I have even gained strength at some movements. I just can’t figure out why I have to eat this a little amount of calories. Have you guys got any idea how to fix this problem?

submitted by /u/nksora7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I (18F) made the mistake of telling my mom about my goals.

Let me give a little background to all of this by saying that I have tried to lose weight before and I was moderately successful. I lost around 20 lbs, but when I stopped actively counting calories I gained all the weight back and then some. Currently I am 5'2 and 201 lbs, and I have reached the point that I can't live like this anymore because it is stopping me from living my life the way I want to. My mother on the other hand has been skinny her entire life. Even though we eat the same things a lot of the time and she is only slightly more active than me she is always between a size 0 and 3. My grandmother has had the same weight issues as I have and has tried everything to lose weight but nothing ever sticks, which makes me really confused as to whether or not there is any kind of genetic component.

I decided to restart my weight loss journey about a week ago. When I was losing weight before, what really helped motivate me is working towards being fit enough to thru hike the Appalachian trail. Obviously I got nowhere near that goal, but this time I am really determined to get in shape so next year I can just go for it. The issue is that I get discouraged because I don't have the funds to do something like that. In order to prevent myself from getting discouraged and falling into the same thought process of "I'll never get to do it anyway", I spoke to my mom about possibly helping me out financially when the time comes, but her response was very hurtful. She told me that she wasn't going to even entertain that thought because she has a hard enough time even getting me off the couch and that even if I lost the weight and tried to go it would just be a waste of money because I would quit before finishing. I know that she has said she also gets worried when I mention stuff like that because going out hiking by yourself can be dangerous, but sometimes I think even that is just an excuse because she doesn't believe in me. Whenever I start exercising she also tells me things like "you weren't out there for very long" and makes me feel guilty for going out and doing exercise videos because she has offered to do them with me in the past and I have declined. I hate exercising with her though because she is so thin and makes me feel horrible about myself.

I don't know really why I decided to post all of this other than I really felt like I needed to rant and have no one to listen.

submitted by /u/OpossumBitch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss is not hard. It should not be.

This is probably a very controversial title for many.

Post ended up being much longer than I expected so TLDR: lost weight two times before, was not fun to say the least. Lost weight third time, was kinda fun and easy. Conclusion: weight loss might be not as bad as you think.

So what happened is that I suddenly reached my ultimate goal weight last week. And moreover, I haven't abruptly stopped after that, like have always happened before. I just... continued?
Counting calories, eating exactly what I ate over the last 4 months - just a tiny bit more. And I feel great. Not because of weight loss. But I just feel good in general about my new eating and behavior patterns.

This gave me a lot of thinking why this time it's different. I lost weight two times before this, every time using CICO. But every time I was jumping from my "diet" as fast as possible as soon as it ended. It put me near ED, I felt afraid of food, was really restraining myself from eating what I really wanted (e.g. some sweet pastry), I was weighing myself every day and my mood really depended on that scale number. I went to the gym religiously even when I was tired and didn't really want to go, sometimes I had to drink energy drink just to get through my gym workout. Yes, it gave pretty fast results, I felt great about the results - but inside I was suffering, and I didn't want to admit it. When my friend told me that she didn't feel bad about CICO, she is really ok counting what she eats, I didn't believe her. I thought everyone is suffering restricting themselves from eating food they want in the quantities they want.

After those 2 times, I didn't go into weight loss for about 5 years. I didn't have to, but also I remembered dieting like one of the worst things to do to yourself. So when I gained weight under corona, I felt really helpless. I had to get on this journey again and I remembered how bad it was. So when I started I was not even determined, I was prepared not to succeed, my main goal was simply to get my food under control and not make myself unhappy again while doing that.

Surprise-surprise, I didn't really suffer this time. There are some things I did differently:
- I didn't set unrealistic goals. My weight loss was two times slower comparing to previous times. I was OK with not losing any weight at all, in the beginning.
- I had to stop the gym half-way because of a knee injury and I didn't even walk more than around my apartment for a week or two.

- I learned that walking and just moving in any way burns more calories than I expected, so I generally started moving more.
- I ate my exercise calories, even from walking and chores (I want to make a separate post about it, because of how important this is).
- I ate sweets that I wanted (just making sure I really wanted them and that I get enough proteins from other food).
- I overate my limit when I really wanted to eat before bed - but didn't beat myself for that
- I told my boyfriend and everyone else about my diet and learned to stop being embarrassed about it.

However, my main take away from this time - weight loss was not really hard. Not as hard as I expected it to be after previous times. It was actually much-much easier and almost fun! Yes, there were some times where I had to say "this is enough" to myself. There were times when I really wanted something but had to talk myself out of it. But there was no suffering, no heroic moments, no jealousy about "normal people" diet. It just required a bit of attention and some habits switch.

And why I wanted to make this post is because of two reasons:
1) I'm seeing quite often here how people are struggling. Many write they want this to end and forget about it, that they hate CICO, that they dream about some foods all the time, that they are afraid to eat out, etc. This gives me particular vibes from my previous successful-but-unhappy weight losses. I know everyone fights their own battle. But because of my little story, I started thinking that maybe - just maybe - it should NOT be like this? If you feel miserable, maybe something needs to be changed. Even if it brings results. Maybe we all should stop accepting that suffering is the obligatory part of the process?

2) I know how hard it is to start. If you are like me, afraid, or just held back by your previous attempts, try anyway, with some goals but your mental wellbeing in the first place. Maybe it'll be not as hard as you think?

submitted by /u/mamkatvoja
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you get "THAT" body?

Hello everyone,

I started my weight loss journey at 14. I was at my heaviest (190 pounds), and by 16 I was on path to becoming anorexic (100 pounds). By 20, I was 170 pounds and didn't realized how much weight I had actually gained because I used to weigh myself 6 times a day and completely stopped. I didn't take pictures at all, and nobody told me either until I lost weight again recently. I have been trying to recover, yet still make progress and today I weighed in at 150 pounds (10 more to go and I am officially no longer "overweight")!!

I am losing weight but I don't feel like I will get the results I had hoped for. How do I get "that" body (you know the female body). I don't want to just lose weight - I want to be healthy, feel healthy, and look healthy (and great).

I am 5'3" and now 150 for reference.

submitted by /u/personal_accountnot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat