Sunday, September 5, 2021

I (18F) made the mistake of telling my mom about my goals.

Let me give a little background to all of this by saying that I have tried to lose weight before and I was moderately successful. I lost around 20 lbs, but when I stopped actively counting calories I gained all the weight back and then some. Currently I am 5'2 and 201 lbs, and I have reached the point that I can't live like this anymore because it is stopping me from living my life the way I want to. My mother on the other hand has been skinny her entire life. Even though we eat the same things a lot of the time and she is only slightly more active than me she is always between a size 0 and 3. My grandmother has had the same weight issues as I have and has tried everything to lose weight but nothing ever sticks, which makes me really confused as to whether or not there is any kind of genetic component.

I decided to restart my weight loss journey about a week ago. When I was losing weight before, what really helped motivate me is working towards being fit enough to thru hike the Appalachian trail. Obviously I got nowhere near that goal, but this time I am really determined to get in shape so next year I can just go for it. The issue is that I get discouraged because I don't have the funds to do something like that. In order to prevent myself from getting discouraged and falling into the same thought process of "I'll never get to do it anyway", I spoke to my mom about possibly helping me out financially when the time comes, but her response was very hurtful. She told me that she wasn't going to even entertain that thought because she has a hard enough time even getting me off the couch and that even if I lost the weight and tried to go it would just be a waste of money because I would quit before finishing. I know that she has said she also gets worried when I mention stuff like that because going out hiking by yourself can be dangerous, but sometimes I think even that is just an excuse because she doesn't believe in me. Whenever I start exercising she also tells me things like "you weren't out there for very long" and makes me feel guilty for going out and doing exercise videos because she has offered to do them with me in the past and I have declined. I hate exercising with her though because she is so thin and makes me feel horrible about myself.

I don't know really why I decided to post all of this other than I really felt like I needed to rant and have no one to listen.

submitted by /u/OpossumBitch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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