Friday, October 8, 2021

My current weight loss journey

Hey everyone, don't know who this might reach out to, but this is my first post on this sub and I wanted to talk about my current weight loss journey. Throughout high school and early college, I was a fairly active person, I worked out regularly and played sports as well, but junior year in college was a rough time and then it led into Covid-19, and honestly, I was pretty depressed. For context, I am 5'10". Earlier this year, around early June, I weighed in at 297 lbs. A bombshell of a weight for someone who came in to college in 2016 at around 215 lbs. At that point, I said enough is enough and got to work. I started out slowly with dieting and occasional walks as well and skip forward 3 months, I did an InBody assessment in September. I didn't start working out until around mid-August so I wanted a baseline of everything. I weighed in at 277.5 lbs, 44.5% body fat, and 87.5 lbs in Skeletal Muscle Mass, and a BMR of 1898. I was 44.5% body fat, I kinda got pissed thinking that bacon had the same amount of fat as I did so I switched my workout program to Layne Norton's PHAT program. Having lifted before and knowing my limitations of 1RM, and how my body can handle weight, I chose the program as it helps in developing muscle. I also spend my 2 rest days for cardio where I do a brisk walk for 25 min at an Incline and will normally also end my workout sessions with a 15-20min walk as well. I spent close to 30 hours researching nutrition, protein intake, calories in food, etc. and was able to create my own diet (I currently consume about 1200 calories and 120-130g of protein with various supplements). I have stuck with this since the 9th of September when I took the InBody Assessment til now, and I just took another one today. I am now at 269.8 lbs, 42.2% body fat, and 88.5 skeletal muscle mass. I'm extremely happy with my results and will keep sticking with this. The trainer that I occasionally work with also mentioned that I'm the only shes seen out of her clients (I'm not even a client, I don't pay to train with her, she just helps me out with training and workouts) who has actually made results. As much as it sucks, weight loss is a slow journey, and I know it. However, this has given me even more motivation to keep at it and lose all of this weight.

If you have any questions about anything, let me know and I'll try to get to it!

submitted by /u/GuidonBoi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Seeing a dietitian in a week, for a first appointment. I want to give up trying until the appointment day.

I know it's a bad idea, and I don't intend to give up attempting to eat better for the next week, but also, honestly, I can't see myself eating healthy until then. It feels like that's the starting point now of my new weight loss start, and everything that comes before it, including the next week, is of no consequence.

Years ago (around 2013) I saw a dietitian for a number of months and she was great. I lost around 10kg before I went off the rails and then couldn't afford it anymore. Of course, I put that 10kg back on (and more). But now I can afford it (well, that is, it's another expense we can handle). And today I made the dietitian appointment for the end of next week. I almost feel like it's too late for me (43 years old) and is there really anything I can do to change now. I don't like a lot of foods and at my age I know it's not a good thing to rely on so much junk food (or less than healthy food).

My wife is also trying to lose weight, so she's got an appointment too (she's never been to a dietitian before, but is willing to try anything now, as she's put on a bit more weight lately and her usual methods of losing/maintaining aren't working. Or she's lost all motivation, and she's feeling really down about herself too). She only needs to lose about 10kg or so, whereas I need to lose about 45. We're both hoping the accountability of a dietitian might help us both, as we're struggling to it it alone/just the 2 of us.

I also suspect that the first appointment will be homework to record my diet for the next 2 weeks while they prepare a plan for me. To get a baseline idea of my eating habits. But that would mean I'll have another 2 weeks of thinking what's the point of eating healthy. They want to see my normal diet, so I'll just eat junk food for the next 2 weeks like usual. I'm hoping I could just show my food diary in the MyNetDiary app, and then get a plan on the first appointment. I don't know if that's just wishful thinking though. We're going on a brief trip this weekend, where it'll mostly be cafe/restaurant food, so that's another thing.

I'm not really asking for advice here - more just sharing my situation. I'd love to hear some success stories about anyone's dietitian visits though. Has anyone lost around 40kgs (I think that's something like 90-100lbs) by seeing one regularly?

submitted by /u/lets_go_to_the_beach
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice: Relying on suger to concentrate when work pressures increase

I have managed to lose over 4 stones since lockdown, which is great. I am about 2 stones away from my ideal weight. It has stalled for a variety of reasons/excuses.

But something in particular is work related. I have had a busy month with delivering lots of events, writing reports, applying for a new job, etc.

I stopped focusing on weight loss/exercise as I was having to do some crazy work days to accomplish the above. I know it is awful, but in addition to coffee - suger helps me get work done (2-3 biscuits or bread with jam) as a mid morning and/or afternoon snack.

Either as an energy buzz before a meeting or to keep energy levels up while writing a report, etc.

Does anyone else go through this and if so how did you overcome it? I can't even say it is due to not eating enough... as I have been eating well for the past month... a bit too well...

I know before when I was losing weight I did feel sluggish/tired often at work and forced myself through it, but I do have more work responsibility now so can't really afford to be tired/slow.

TLDR: Suger helps me get work done. Does this happen to you? If so what did you do to overcome it?

submitted by /u/iiiSushiii
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I realized that I cannot go on like this

After my mother’s death last year, I was unable to cope with my feelings. Growing up, I have always been a stress-eater and had a difficult relationship with food, but her death last year and the whole pandemic combined made my whole situation even worse. I began to overconsume and literally binge eat almost every day. In a way, I tried to fill the void in me. I know this is not a healthy coping mechanism and I came to realize that, however I just couldn’t stop. Due to all the bingeing, I gained like 30 pounds :( I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin anymore and I just wanna hide but this is not the solution. Finally, after struggling a lot, I suddenly had a change of heart. I realized that what I was doing wouldn’t make my mother happy. I realized that I was slowly destroying myself and this shouldn’t be the case. So I am very glad to say that I have started my weight loss journey a few days ago. I began to eat more healthy and once a day (intermittent fasting). Plus, I started working out every day. I can already feel the positive effects it has on me. My mood is better and I feel more energized. I hope I will stick to it. Wish me luck on this journey, I really need it. Also, good luck to the other people who are also struggling. You are not alone!

submitted by /u/misssakuraangel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Scared of being attractive

I'm a 29-year old male, 6'0. I've been mostly overweight my whole life, but got fit a few times. I'm currently 200 pounds, but got very fit at 20-years old, 169 pounds.

I think I've realized that I'm scared of being attractive, for a couple reasons, and this probably is what sabotaged my weight loss in the past. First, the biggest one is that my family/extended family have all been mostly overweight my whole life. I remember having a family pic taken when I lost a lot of weight, and everybody else was overweight/bordering obese, and I was lean. I felt like an outsider and the black sheep, like I wasn't really a member of my family. I've carried this internal sense of guilt with me for a long time, that if I get fit I am rubbing it in my family's face and they are going to resent me. My parents have been mostly supportive now, and we actually talked a lot about caloric intake the other day, so that was fantastic, I don't feel as much judgement now.

The other big reason, I think, is that I'm terrified of destroying my innocence about how the world works. The truth, as many here and elsewhere can attest to, that people really do treat you differently based on how you look. Everybody suddenly gets nicer, and you become miraculously funnier and more interesting when you lose weight. I get that it's human nature, and I'm no spring chicken, I know how the world works, yet it does kind of allude to the fact that we are enormously superficial as a species and this will never change. Not to mention that my personality which was completely the same when I am overweight is the same when I am fit, I'm the same person, yet only when I get fit it shines through and people like it. Or maybe that it's a feedback loop and being treated better makes me happier and then I treat people better, when being overweight I was just isolated and unhappy and nobody really helped me out of that. Like the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, unless you can break the cycle.

One more reason is that I often thought when I was younger "when I lose weight, I will _______", like I had all these big plans and dreams that would happen one day when I lose weight, and actually bringing that into reality is scary. Like I have to actually face reality, realize that this is my life and I only get one, so what if I get fit and then don't get to just stay comfortable putting off my dreams? And the kind of identity confusion, where the dude that's out there crushing his goals, looking good, is not the same schlubby guy that came up with all of those dreams.

I looked in the mirror today and thought "wow, I look kind of hot", and couldn't help feeling extremely guilty. Like my entire existence is just selfish, why do I deserve to be hot? Why does anybody? I know that's irrational, and I'm working through it, but it still comes up. I think I've had a problem throughout my life of dragging myself down because I hate the idea of being privileged in some way when others have it so bad.

Regardless, there's no debate about it, I'm going to get down to my ideal weight, I don't want to be fat anymore, I don't really care about the potential judgement of others, and I'm willing to face the superficiality of society. I figure the negatives of being fit and attractive are worth the payoff.

submitted by /u/BluePsychosisDude2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are you doing to celebrate your goal weight?

The title says it all!

I have some special stuff that I want to do to celebrate the day I hit my goal weight (55 more pounds to go!). Getting my nails done, going on a mini shopping spree, and baking a celebratory cake are one my docket, amongst other things. I want to give myself something to work to and keep me motivated besides the obvious health (and aesthetic) reasons. Do you have any special things you are saving to do when you hit your goal weight? I'd love some more things to add to my list!

Apparently this is not long enough so here's the type of cake I am making: Lemon cake with raspberry filling and lemon frosting. Definitely a layered cake and of course it has to be served with ice cream. AND the way I will maintain my weight loss is by doing all the mixing by hand lol!

submitted by /u/Practical_Extreme728
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I get started on this weight loss journey?

Female. 28 y.o. 5’3. HW: 260, CW:252

I’ve been overweight majority of my life. Always a little chunky. Hit puberty and thinned out a bit but after college gained over 100lbs. I’ve been on diet after diet and have become an extremely picky eater (much like the palate of a toddler) with an addition to fast food. Anxiety and depression has caused me to become so unmotivated. But at the same time, I know I need to do better for myself.

I always say am going to start changing my habits and losing weight on Monday’s me then by Wednesday I’m craving something and the diet goes out the window.

What is the key to sustainable weight loss? I’ve tried WW, Calorie counting, keto.. I just can’t stay on a diet for more than a few days.

I now have pcos, and high blood pressure, along with a fatty liver and am just tired of being tired. Tired of being fat. Don’t want to die early.

How did you stick to your diet to reach weight loss goals?

submitted by /u/Fancy-Line-93
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