Friday, October 8, 2021

My current weight loss journey

Hey everyone, don't know who this might reach out to, but this is my first post on this sub and I wanted to talk about my current weight loss journey. Throughout high school and early college, I was a fairly active person, I worked out regularly and played sports as well, but junior year in college was a rough time and then it led into Covid-19, and honestly, I was pretty depressed. For context, I am 5'10". Earlier this year, around early June, I weighed in at 297 lbs. A bombshell of a weight for someone who came in to college in 2016 at around 215 lbs. At that point, I said enough is enough and got to work. I started out slowly with dieting and occasional walks as well and skip forward 3 months, I did an InBody assessment in September. I didn't start working out until around mid-August so I wanted a baseline of everything. I weighed in at 277.5 lbs, 44.5% body fat, and 87.5 lbs in Skeletal Muscle Mass, and a BMR of 1898. I was 44.5% body fat, I kinda got pissed thinking that bacon had the same amount of fat as I did so I switched my workout program to Layne Norton's PHAT program. Having lifted before and knowing my limitations of 1RM, and how my body can handle weight, I chose the program as it helps in developing muscle. I also spend my 2 rest days for cardio where I do a brisk walk for 25 min at an Incline and will normally also end my workout sessions with a 15-20min walk as well. I spent close to 30 hours researching nutrition, protein intake, calories in food, etc. and was able to create my own diet (I currently consume about 1200 calories and 120-130g of protein with various supplements). I have stuck with this since the 9th of September when I took the InBody Assessment til now, and I just took another one today. I am now at 269.8 lbs, 42.2% body fat, and 88.5 skeletal muscle mass. I'm extremely happy with my results and will keep sticking with this. The trainer that I occasionally work with also mentioned that I'm the only shes seen out of her clients (I'm not even a client, I don't pay to train with her, she just helps me out with training and workouts) who has actually made results. As much as it sucks, weight loss is a slow journey, and I know it. However, this has given me even more motivation to keep at it and lose all of this weight.

If you have any questions about anything, let me know and I'll try to get to it!

submitted by /u/GuidonBoi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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