Thursday, November 4, 2021

I really need some help/advise

So in March of this year I was very overweight, not quite obese (bmi was around 27-29), and I decided to start eating healthy and doing some exercise, I never really saw it as a diet but more of a lifestyle change and as the months went on I got slimmer and slimmer, but I never frequently weighed myself or set a weight loss goal and I just wanted to keep going however yesterday ( November 3rd) I had a doctors appointment and found out I’m now underweight, my bmi is 17.5 as I’m a 5’5 male (16 years old) and weigh 48.2KG, I was shocked and for some reason thought the weight loss would stop as soon as I hit a healthy weight, and I honestly thought I still had to loose some. I really don’t know what to do as I don’t want to be malnourished but don’t want to change my diet/exercise as I’m so scared of gaining all the weight back. My current plan is to just do 30-45 mins of slow paced walking per day instead of 1 and a half to 3 hours I was doing before and not changing my diet, and seeing if in a few weeks (my next doctors appointment) if I have stopped loosing weight Any advice about what I should do/ stay the same weight would be appreciated, also if you have any questions please ask. Thanks

submitted by /u/X_Kayzzz_X
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I gotta tell SOMEBODY!

So I've officially lost 11lbs and I have nobody to talk to about it... which is why I'm here!

My story:
When I was 19 I lost 60lbs by low carb dieting and went from 180lbs to 120lbs. I was happy, hot, and amazed by myself. I managed to keep myself around that weight until my early 30's, when the weight started creeping back. I got to 140lbs and was trying to get to 130, at least. I'm only 5' tall so believe me, this isn't as drastic as it sounds. A combo of PCOS and stress did that, mostly, but then 2 years ago I got hit by a bus and added 10lbs. Then the pandemic happened and another 10lbs. Then I had surgery on my shoulder and was (and still AM) in constant pain due to capsulitis.

My docs prescribe me metformin for the PCOS and an antidepressant that supposedly helps with nerve pain. Well the antidepressant also has a side effect - it's a big appetite suppressant. So for the first few weeks, I was eating under 1,000 calories a day. I kinda got used to it, and when the appetite side effect wore off, I was still steadily losing just by eating 1,200 calories a day.

That was a little over a month ago, and today I've lost 11lbs. The fact that I can eat whatever I want and just keep the calories under 1,200 is so FREEING. I've been eating low carb so long, just eating fruit feels like a huge luxury. I'm over here eating grapes like they're candy. I eat apples like they're cake. I'm so fucking happy I can finally eat like a regular human being. I still do low carb in a lot of ways (like substituting radishes for potatoes in stews) but I get to eat oatmeal for breakfast and it's so AWESOME.

I'm sure my weight loss would go faster if I could exercise the way I used to (running 3 miles every day..), but my capsulitis has reduced my mobility a lot and I'm in constant pain. So mostly I'm losing through calorie counting, which gives me anxiety. I still have another 20lbs to go before I reach my goal of 130lbs. If I can get there, I'll see about MAYBE getting down to 120, but I'm still kind of scared of stalling and this weight loss coming to a crash before my eyes. I'm scared it will stop working. Historically, CICO never worked for me because of my blood sugar issues. Now that I can do it, I'm so paranoid it will just stop suddenly.

I can't talk to friends about this because my friends are all body positive, HAES people, and that is FINE. I got no issues with that and I don't want to trigger anyone with weight loss talk. For me personally, I just know I feel better at a certain weight, so I wanna get there. I'm just happy that I can do it in a way that doesn't make me have to eat like a weirdo, anymore.

20lbs to go!!

submitted by /u/nerdorama
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: I forgot to eat dinner!?!?

Like the title says. I sat down this morning to log last night's dinner and retraced my steps in my head; last night was busy, which I thought was why I was having a hard time remembering what I ate.

Then it dawned on me, I legit got too busy to eat. Not terribly uncommon, but it didn't even occur to me that I hadn't ate. I didn't whine about not having dinner yet, I didn't go to bed thinking about not having time to eat, or consider having a snack, or anything. I full stop forgot to eat and forgot that I hadn't eaten until I sat down this morning, I looked at MFP and realized what I had done.

I am amazed. I have always known those people who could occasionally forget to eat, but they have seemed like unicorns to me until now. I have been using a lot of my "weight loss mental energy" learning and reminding myself of a few things; namely, hunger is not an emergency and food/mealtimes shouldn't be the things I center myself and my days around.

Seems to be working. I'm thrilled. Obviously I don't have any intentions of making this a habit, I'm just amazed/trilled that my mental game has changed so much. I have everyone here to thank for that!

submitted by /u/chels4590
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Last 7lbs to go (vent)

I gained a lot of weight last spring and for context I am 22yrs old, 5ft tall, and I was 118-119lbs after gaining.. over the summer I was able to get back home and lose like 10lbs.. I’m back at uni and I’m at ~106-107 now and I had to take a break from going to the gym during october but I’m back at it doing cardio, strength training, and pilates 5x per week. Lose it is telling me to eat ~1440 cal per day and I saw weight loss at first but last week i was 106.6 and now im back at 107… it might just be water retention but its so disheartening.,,i also murdered my metabolism in september when classes started so now i have a stressful relationship with food which makes it all the more frustrating 🥲😓😓

submitted by /u/strwbrryflan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Target Weight for Tall People

I'm 44M, 6'5" and have been very successful on weight loss to this point (425 -> 282), but I'm having difficulty figuring out what my target weight should be. If I look at the BMI charts, it would be around 200. I picked 225 because I figured 200 would be much smaller than I would actually be able to go. But then I had a doctor's appointment that has me rethinking that.

I was there discussing gallbladder issues, and I mentioned that I had lost significant weight. He looked at my chart and said "you aren't really 280 are you?" and I confirmed my weight that morning at 283. And then he said "you really don't look it."

Now, that's great, except that it makes me wonder what my final target weight really should be. I know I have more to lose, but it certainly doesn't feel like I'll be able to get another 50+ pounds off. Right now my XL shirts fit about perfectly (some are loose) and I'm in a size 38 jeans that are starting to be a bit big. I'm hoping to be down into size 36 before Thanksgiving.

Are there any other big guys here who have had issues figuring out what weight they should be targeting? Any tips/tricks/resources that might help me?

submitted by /u/Inevitable_Algae4167
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

+0.5 Kgs 1 month in, would just like some tips and motivation on where to go from here.

I want to start this off by saying I know 1 month is a very short time to start measure and feel demotivated in trying to lose weight.

I have lost weight before a few years ago (About 20kgs) but it was in high school and over the years and with the pandemic I managed to gain it all back and some more. Now when I lost weight previously it probably was an unhealthy way to do it and all which is why I probably gained it all back.

This time after getting motivated enough I thought I would try again. I started tracking calories, limiting myself to around 2100 per day but I hardly ever reached this amount by just eating 3 good and healthy meals a day. I stopped snacking in between meals. I started running 3km at least 3 times a week. I only drank water and coffee (with milk and 2 sugars) throughout the day and only ever had max 3 cups per day. I wasn't starving at any point and would only have 1 cheat day per week where I would maybe end off the day having eaten 2200, where on normal days I would have around 1200 left after tracking my exercise.I kept this up for the entire month of October and I started feeling good.

I decided I would weigh myself at the beginning/end of every month of this new journey I am taking. I weighed myself on morning the 1st of October and took my body measurements and was excited to do all of this. I then repeated this on the 1st of November at the same time of day, after having done the exact same things leading up to it all, just to make sure there was some consistency, and I had gained 0.5 Kgs according to the same scale I used initally and then confirmed on another scale in the house. I thought this isn't a big deal as long as there have been improvements to my body. Apart from getting slightly fitter and being able to run more before leg fatigue kicked in, there was almost none. I lost 1cm around my waist and every other part of my body measured exactly the same from the previous month.

After working so hard and being consistent and disciplined for the entire month, this was kind of disheartening. I made a rather drastic lifestyle change and am still trying to do my best to get healthier but not seeing any visible difference in myself kind of sucks. I just would like to know if anyone has had a similar situation with their weight loss or even if someone can give me some sort of advice for food, exercise, routines or anything. I am very happy to provide any more information.

submitted by /u/KyleIrvs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Calorie burn and weight loss question


I am on a daily calorie deficit of 500 calories in order to lose 1lbs a week, so 1500 calories max consumed each day.

I walk a lot since starting my diet, about 3 or 4 hours a day and I use Google Fit to track my steps and calories burned.

I understand apps usually overestimate the amount of calories burned. For example, one pedometer app says I burned around 1300 calories while my Google app is reading 1700. Let's say I realistically burned 1000 calories on a very early morning walk.

I stop and have a 1000 calorie breakfast. Does this mean I can eat 1500 more calories ontop that meal if I am really hungry, without gaining weight?

submitted by /u/PixelatedFoodie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat