Monday, January 10, 2022

Are soups effective for weight loss?

I am using chicken broth and vegetable based soups to stave off hunger. Basically, a cup of rice, a piece of chicken leg or vegetables, and then lots of soup. Is it effective for me for staving hunger, but I have no idea if it works or not.

If soups doesn't work, is there anyway to stave off hunger or cravings? Trying to eat a lot loss is really disturbing my concentration at work. I work at home, so it's so easy to grab a bite.

Don't get me wrong, I am consistently doing excercise such as running or gym, but another lockdown hit again. I hope I can go back to running and gym soon, I can't concentrate working out at home.

Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/KazeArqaz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Losing weight while starting/on antidepressants

I have basically always been significantly overweight. A few years ago I managed to get close to a healthy weight, but then I ruptured a disc, had a botched surgery, and gained it all back.

Jump forward a few years. I’m now 37m, 280, 6’3”, with a permanently bad back that doesn’t completely prevent physical activity but definitely inhibits rigorous exercise and weight lifting.

I have a bunch of problems in addition to the weight, in that I am dealing with trying to slow or stop drinking and, after many years of significant depression that has gotten materially worse in the last 6 months or so, I am starting an antidepressant regime (Zoloft and Welbutrin). Obviously a lot of stuff out there says Zoloft leads to weight gain, though my psychiatrist has said that in the case of Zoloft it seems to be more attributable to increased appetite/tiredness, as opposed to physiological changes like a hit to metabolism.

Anyone have any suggestions for how to manage weight loss when trying to do so many things at once? I appreciate that overloading is a cause of failure but all of these things are inter-related for me so I can’t really try to hit one at a time.

submitted by /u/StartOverForSomeHope
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Confusing weight loss

Female 5'7 SW 184 CW 148 So I went on a break for Christmas and lost a kg in December without really trying which is good however I have found that now I am back calorie counting (got back on track 26th) that on 1300 calories there is like no difference I was maintaining however when I drop down to 1200 calories I am losing 1-2 pounds and I was just wondering has anyone got experience with this or not I'm not complaining 1200 isn't that bad I just don't get a snack but I know it's for the most tiny sedentary woman but like I'm tall and I work a pretty heft job so I don't know what's going on.

(And I have a feeling everyone is going to blame my calorie counting but I have been doing this for months I started losing 1-2 pounds on 1500 in the beginning and I am pretty confident that I count calories as accurately as possible I measure everything and input anything that passes my lips in to mfp)

submitted by /u/poppyponds
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Came back home to the US after being in the UK for months, I feel terrible.

I (F23) started my weight loss from last years New Years resolution. I’m in the UK for grad school, and when I arrived there in September I almost immediately had a WHOOSH of 20 lbs gone. The food is fresh with little preservatives, you have to walk everywhere, my gym is right beside my flat. It’s great.

Before I came home to the US for Christmas, I weighed myself and I had lost 52 lbs. I was so proud of myself and decided that I’m going to let loose when I come home, I missed shitty US food so much. As soon as I landed I went to a local diner and got my favorite Buffalo chicken wrap with a side of ranch.

I’m going back to the UK tomorrow. I’ve literally felt like an overfilled balloon since the day I got here a month ago. My jeans that fit perfect before I came back are just a taaaad too small now and I wanted to cry. I haven’t weighed myself because I’m afraid, but I never realized how bad the food here is for you. I let loose but I didn’t binge or anything besides maybe Christmas — I just didn’t log and didn’t hold back when ordering at restaurants or anything. I got the burger, I got the wings, I ate the chocolate, I ate the Christmas cookies.

Not to be TMI but my BMs have been terrible too…it’s like I have IBS or something. I’m not sure if my gut is just used to English food now or what but I just can’t wait to go back to the gym and start eating fresh food again.

TLDR american food is fucking awful for you.

submitted by /u/nadehlaaay
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone else reward themselves with food?

I know it’s an unhealthy pattern but I’ve done it throughout my entire weight loss journey. I was much stricter during the originally drop (170 to 140) but when I got to 140 I think I bought a pizza and some brownies. Then when I got to 130 I did it again. I’m about to get to 127 and I planned on buying myself a sandwich and a fudge brownie from my local bakery. Is this so bad? Am I nuts? Does anyone else do this?

submitted by /u/MakenzieSky3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lose skin if I loose 70 lbs??

I am 25 f, 5'6 ft tall. Have struggled with weight gain and a lil bit of weight loss since I was 18. I had gained 30 lbs then lost about 15 lbs then gained about 50 to where I was 200 lbs at my heaviest. I am now about 190 lbs. I know I want to be around 130 although number isn't strict, if I look amazing at 140 then I'll stop there. But that's atleast a 60 lb weight loss. I know my tits are going to lose some of their oomph and get a bit saggy, but I'm not mentally prepared for my stomach to be saggy (which is where I carry most of my weight and it hangs down a lil bit now) Ive read and watched alot of videos of people's stories. Some people have lost more weight then that and have no loose skin, some people have lost that and do. Anybody's experiences or stories?? Tips to try and avoid as much loose skin as possible!!

submitted by /u/KaylinJade
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

24.2 loss.

wanted to post before after but looks like it’s not allowed?

5’4” f34. HW197(Jan2020), SW187(Dec2021), CW162.8. Starting BMI 33.

Disease/disorders: PCOS, Stage 4 Endometriosis/Adenomyosis as well some unhealthy eating habits which I am working through and recognizing.

Surgery VSG on Dec 6 2021.

Current BMI 27.8 and now overweight rather than obese. Goal is to help my symptoms of pcos, endo/adeno and get off medication. No goal weight but hoping for a healthy bmi.

Have been weighing and measuring all food and tracking protein, carb and calorie intake as well drinking as much water as possible (roughly 70-80oz/day).

I have been weighing in every day, as I am tracking my symptoms for endo/adeno along with my weight loss to give me an idea of how it plays a part during my cycle and flare ups. Have noticed stalls going hand in hand with my cycle so far.

No exercise as of yet besides walking. Will begin weights/cardio once able to.

submitted by /u/hasha28
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from loseit - Lose the Fat