Tuesday, January 18, 2022


Hello. I am 5’2 180lb female. I gained 30lbs since March 2020 due to starting nursing school and having no time and energy to go to the gym. I graduated in December 2021 (yay) and since December 20, 2021 I have been going to the gym 4x a week, lifting HEAVY, compound lifts, progressive overload, and doing HIIT 1-2x a week. I have stopped eating out (mostly) and for the last 2 weeks I’ve been cooking my meals. I’ve been eating high protein foods. I started using MyFitnessPal last week so that I could track more strictly. I definitely have gotten stronger, but the scale has NOT budged. At all.

This isn’t my first rodeo with getting fit. A few years ago, I strictly lifted weights while continuing to eat fast food and junk, and still lost weight and looked great. I’m not understanding why it’s been a month and the scale hasn’t moved at all. I wish I had’ve taken my measurements in the beginning but I didn’t. I did measure myself a few days ago and I will start using that as well moving forward. I understand that you must be in a caloric deficit to lose weight, but I’ve been maintaining my weight for the last several months (I know this because I kept weighing myself) even though I wasn’t working out. That means that I was burning the same amount that I was eating. So considering that I am 10x more active now, I would have expected SOME scale changes.

Please help, feeling discouraged

submitted by /u/One_Animator_5004
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3tAmBZz

Am I doing something wrong or is this just the process

Hi everyone!!

30/F SW: 218 CW: 212

I started on Jan 1st. I'm eating clean, no processed foods, no alcohol. Trying to be low carb but not keto (generally stay under 40 carbs per day but not stressing that too much). I track and weigh every bite I put in my mouth and I range from 1300-1600 calories a day. I also stop eating after dinner (which i feel is a huge change for me) I do the Peloton around 5 days a week? I have done 13 classes so far this year (today is the 18th)

On jan 7th I weighed myself and I lost 6 pounds (water weight I know!). but I haven't lost a pound since. I am very proud that I have stayed on track and I'm not letting it get me down. i just have to keep focused! I haven't been sleeping well due to a personal issue and I have my period which i know both could be factors in why i haven't lost.

in my heart, i feel like i have to just keep on keeping on and the weight loss will come with being healthy. But i don't want to not lose due to some stupid mistake. Do i need to re-evaluate or should i just stay the course and the numbers will come?

submitted by /u/jennafofenna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3rw6kSM

Continuing Weight Loss

I’m a 5’7 Male and I currently weigh around 13.5 stone.

2021 was a good year for weight loss. I went from weighing over 18 stone at the end of 2020 to weighing just above 12 stone in September of 2021. Weighing over 18 stone was obviously very unhealthy.

I took a break for around 4 months so I gained like over a stone, but that was probably also because of Christmas.

My target weight is 10 stone. I’ve never been a proper healthy weight for basically my entire life.

Currently, I know I have quite a lot of excess body fat to lose.

I’m going to go running early and naturally reduce what I eat to get to my target.

It’s sad that people nowadays seem to think that just because someone may look ‘thin’, actually means that they’re thin. Some people have quite a lot of body fat on them and are still like 3 stone overweight but you just don’t see it. Looks from someone else’s perspective aren’t everything, and just because someone may ‘look ok’ doesn’t necessarily mean their weight is at a healthy point for them.

submitted by /u/enchanted5033
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3tELYtg

Stop lifting to lose weight?

I’ve had a few people so far in the last month tell me to stop lifting heavy and just do cardio in order to lose weight, one of them was a nurse who is on her own weight loss journey. I’m 38/f/68”/170lb and have some fluff (my scale says 28% body fat) I’m hoping to get rid of before the end of April for my Air Force physical fitness test. Running is easier on my joints when I weigh less, only I’ve been stuck at 165-170 since 2015 after a knee injury put me down. I started lifting heavy in 2017 and love it. I have a lot more muscle mass than I used to have, my joints (specifically my knees) feel more stable, but my weight hasn’t changed. Since COVID I’ve added more intentional cardio and yoga to my regime. I’m not so worried about my weight as I am the extra body fat because I’ve been chalking that up to my age/genetics. So technically yes: stopping lifting and upping cardio would cause me to lose weight presumably because I’d lose the hard earned muscle. My question here is: why would multiple people be telling me to stop lifting in order to lose weight? I don’t understand. Thanks!

submitted by /u/mshep002
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3tI2xEu

Monday, January 17, 2022

Starting this weight loss journey after a friend commented on my “swollen” arm.

My friend, who in no way meant this to be rude, asked why my arm was swollen. I was really confused and inspected my arm, and that’s when we both realized her mistake. My arm was the exact size as my other arm and they weren’t “swollen” from injury… just fat. She apologized and of course I said it wasn’t a big deal. In my adult life I have only been “fit” when I’m depressed. I don’t eat as many calories and often workout to occupy my mind… then when things are going good I eat more and go to the gym less. I’m in a good place in my life and I’m trying to re-wire my brain to be happy while also working out and eating better foods and portions. I downloaded MFP, calculated my TDEE, and made this account to join all you wonderful people. Everyone seems very motivating and helpful here!

Hi :)

F/32 5’4” SW:215 GW:160

submitted by /u/Artichoke_engine
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3FyMRpn

NSV- friend complimented my weight loss!

I was so happy today when my friend told me I look AMAZING and then called me skinny Minnie lol.

She knows that I have been working on weight loss for the last 7 months, and it was so nice to hear that from her. I find I don't get a lot or many people commenting on my loss l, which I'm ok with because I don't feel like people should comment on people's bodies unless they know for sure that they've been trying to lose weight. But man does it ever feel good once in a while to hear that all your efforts have paid off! I'm now into maintenance mode as I've lost all that I feel I need to for health and esthetics, so it just felt great to hear that. Kind of validation that I'm now done losing.

Just wanted to share my non scale victory!

submitted by /u/beegirl_beagirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3qBIhCy

tip to turn off certain types of ads on popular apps

Recently my wife and I were comparing the ads we receive on our phones. We realized all of my ads are for food and alcohol. I became acutely aware that when I see an ad for lets say, pizza, a part of my brain, without hesitation, goes "yea that sounds good". I figured this can't be good for my weight loss goals. I haven't check other apps, but for instagram I found the option to turn off alcohol related ads. Just wish there was a way to turn off food related ones as well.

submitted by /u/MGUESTOFHONOR
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3IgySpQ