Wednesday, February 16, 2022

My mom body shames me

Not sure if this is the right subreddit for this but it relates to weight, fitness, and body positivity issues.

I (32F) am currently at my heaviest weight (240 lb). No excuses, I just haven’t been prioritizing my health and it caught up to me. I am confident that I can lose the excess weight as I have done it before. But to be honest, at this particular time, I am more concerned with focusing on my mental health (I have been struggling with depression and ptsd and some days struggle even get out of bed) than the weight loss.

That is all background info: the issue is that my mom, who is extremely fit, tends to body shame me. She bullies me into doing physical activities (hiking, biking, etc) with her and then gets irritated with me when I can’t keep up with her. Even besides the difference in fitness, she’s about a foot taller than me so even at my fittest, I could never keep up with her. The last time I went hiking with her, she literally abandoned me on the side of a mountain and just took off. Afterwards, she is always self righteous about it—‘if I don’t like being left behind I should be fitter and so I don’t have a right to be upset about it.’

To be clear, when I am on my own or with other people who go my speed, I genuinely like hiking/biking/etc. I just don’t enjoy the side of humiliation.

Now, we are planning an upcoming trip to visit with my sister. I requested that instead of the suggested bike ride, we go to a museum or stroll around a botanical garden etc—I offered several such activities and my sister and I were able to come up with a variety of fun things that we could all do. My mom was pissed that I nixed the bike ride plan. She tried to guilt me into going saying that my sister and brother in law really wanted to go and would be disappointed (I don’t think they were). She accused me of thinking the world revolves around me. I explained that it’s frustrating for both of us when we go at different speeds so let’s just do something else. Then she started with the “just because you aren’t fit enough to do—“ and I hung up on her.

I am not really looking for advice tbh, especially not of the “throw the whole mother out” variety. I just wanted a place to vent hopefully to some sympathetic ears.

TLDR—my fit mom shames me when I can’t keep up and shames me when I try to avoid the situation

submitted by /u/Secret_Dragonfly9588
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need help. My ADHD is impossible

I can’t even count how many times I’ve been on the weight loss train at this point. I have severe ADHD for which I am medicated for with Aderall XR. My nonexistent executive function makes it difficult to meal plan and prep. Now my meds help during the day and I am able to control myself and eat in a calorie deficit but when I get home and my meds wear off it usually turns into a full on binge usually on sugary snacks. Food gives me that dopamine hit and all in all calms me after the stress of the day. And the cycle continues. I’m so over this it’s been years of this cycle and then looking in mirror and hating myself. I don’t know what to do. I still live at home so simply not buying “binge/junk” food is not an option as I’m not the one buying it.

If anyone on here has ADHD and has had successful weight loss please share your tips.

submitted by /u/Ok-Caramel-1989
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV I realized today that I can’t consume sugar like I used to

This is incredibly minor but I’m 3 1/2 months into my weight loss journey (using Intermittent Fasting) where I have rarely consumed added sugar this entire time. Today as a birthday celebration I had a slice of birthday cake from a highly rated bakery. I hated it. The frosting seemed like straight sugar and the cake itself all was just too sweet so instead I munched on some jerky. It’s being enjoyed but not by me.

Odd NSV but one I didn’t expect to experience and am delightfully surprised about.

submitted by /u/pasta-hating-goat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Was recommended to eat 1,200 by my doctor, but I just binged/overate yesterday and I'm trying to understand why.

Community, I hope you are all doing well and prospering.

I have been a silent reader on this sub for some time, and any time I had a question or was struggling was something, the search bar has helped me tremulously. Thank you all because I have learned so much in the past few months simply by reading about your individual journey's.

I just created an account because, after two months of dieting and exercise, I have hit a hurdle and wanted to see if anyone had any comments/feedback.


I am 37 F and (edit: to include height, 5 ft 5) 40lbs overweight. I have lost a good amount of weight so far by eating my doctor's recommended 1,200kcal a day. I have incorporated exercise 5 days a week. A mix of cardio and light strength workouts.

I have a sweet tooth and previously due to not understanding how to diet properly I had a binge eating disorder, but that was resolved in a matter of months after I learned that eating one light meal a day was the cause of that.

This time around, I felt informed and happy to take things steady. The 1,200 can feel a little restrictive sometimes due to my diet not being high protein, but for the most part, weight has been coming off and I've felt fine. I gave myself one day a week where I can order a junk meal and incorporate sweets into my daily diet so I could ensure I wasn't feeling deprived or miserable.

I thought I finally figured this whole weight loss thing out and was on my way.


Yesterday happened. The day before yesterday I had my weekly junk meal but ordered milkshake this time round, which put me at around 2,500kcal. It was not maintenance, but I felt okay because that's life and I preferred doing that than restricting and later possibly bingeing,

However, yesterday reminded me of my old bingeing days. I have no idea what was causing extreme hunger but one slice of cake wasn't enough, one sweet wasn't enough, I felt a craving that wasnt normal. I almost eat up to 3,000 calories. Combine that with the day before, I couldn't help but feel, I have messed up my diet.

Today: I am back on track today. I am determined to keep going and have already got back up and continued my day and getting ready to do my exercise right now. This is huge for me. The old me would have felt so defeated.

However, I am very concerned that this might happen again. I want to try to figure out what caused this so I can minimize this going further. Does anyone know what caused this? Yesterday felt like the diet was restricting and suppressing my appetite, and my body just gave up. I still have weight to lose. I want to get to my goal in a healthy way both physically and emotionally. Things have been going so well on the 1,200 diet but I am questioning if this is a little too restrictive. It's felt a little restrictive, but nothing close to starvation or extreme diet.

submitted by /u/Independent-Milk-972
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Concerned about calorie intake

I'm still pretty new on my fitness/weight loss journey. I am a 6'2'' 300 pound man. I've been overweight since childhood. To varying degrees but always at least chubby. From what I've read online and plugged into various calculators and websites I seem to be somewhere in the realm of 100 pounds overweight. I have a fitbit and I'm tracking calories with My fitness pal. Everything is telling me I am burning huge amounts of calories a day. Like 3,000-4,000 calories a day. On most days like today I don't even eat 2,000. Today I only ate right over 1500. Is this too extreme of a deficit? I'm not starving I'm eating a lot just different food that is lower calorie. Are there risks to such a large deficit? Do you think the tdee calculators and fitbit are overcalculating calories out? I would love some feedback this is weighing on my mind.

submitted by /u/-_-NAME-_-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Micro-habits: trying to challenge myself to take up 3 for the next 30 days

Hey everyone! I am curious as to your top micro-habits. So what are minuscule changes you’ve made that have made some of the biggest impacts on your health/weight loss journey? Work has been hectic lately (borderline burned out - chemistry grad student here) so I find it hard to muster the time/energy to workout in the mornings or afternoons. I barely have the energy to cook my dinners these days. I’m interested in trying to make a few small changes that I can do until things start to calm down and I can budget more of my energy into committing to the larger habits that ultimately lead to larger weight loss. In the meantime I don’t want to do nothing at all. Give me your favorite habits for weight loss! My goal is to incorporate 1 to 3 for the next 30 days or so.

submitted by /u/crookpen8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I feel so helpless

Yes, i just feel so helpless rn. I’m on my weight loss journey since march 2021! But still all i could loose is 9kgs. From 113kg to 104kg. Thats all! I don’t actually follow a diet just do portion control but since jan 2022, I started my diet, all was well the first week and i lost 5cm off my waist, but the next week tilll now, I haven’t lost a single cm and also gained 1kg DESPITE GYMMING AND DIETING. I’m crying and feeling so helpless like what am I doing wrong here. The diet is not at all fad or fruits/water diet. A proper gym training diet! Still I’m failing. I actually planned to be skinny and lose 20kg by my birthday which is 30 April but all that hope is gone. I just will starve myse to death or just eat myself to death at this point

submitted by /u/No-Possession-6568
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from loseit - Lose the Fat