Sunday, February 20, 2022

6 Months in, 64lbs lost so far

(36M 5’6”) SW: 258.6lbs CW: 194.9lbs GW: 150lbs

Hey all, started my weight loss journey on 16th August 2021. While I had Covid I had a stroke at 34 years old and was also diagnosed with sleep apnea. I got very depressed and hit my heaviest ever weight of 258.4lbs. I was on blood pressure meds, prediabetic, high cholesterol and liver levels were bad too. I was getting bad back pain and was struggling to do normal things without puffing.

I made a decision to start my health journey in mid August, and just hit 64lbs lost so thought I would post my 6 month progress in the hopes it will encourage people, especially if you are feeling hopeless like I was. I have looked at progress posts here and at the Intermittent Fasting subreddit everyday the previous 6 months and been so motivated by them. Thank you all for the advice and encouragement I have found here daily!

I have been losing weight through intermittent fasting combined with calorie control/eating lots of veggies.

I have a long way to go to get to my goal weight but I’m enjoying the journey!

submitted by /u/pipedreams2008
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

10 months on 10 months off: postpartum weight loss

Hello lovely losers!

Pre pregnancy weight: 195 Day I had the baby: 267 Today: 195 Goal weight: 175

5’8’’ 33(f)

I don’t believe in “snapback” culture but damn if I’m not proud of myself for losing the weight I put on during pregnancy. If you’re familiar with recommendations during pregnancy you might notice that I gained nearly triple the recommended amount of weight to gain during a pregnancy.

This was my second baby so I had a bit more of an idea of what to expect. I’m also damn lucky I have had two uncomplicated and unmedicated births with breezy recovery. This last time I didn’t even tear so I was cleared for exercise at 2 weeks postpartum

How I did the damn thing:

  • breastfeeding (doesn’t help everyone but I think I burn 300-500 calories a day making milk)

  • exercise: started with low impact rowing, biking, and walking. I started running when my son was cleared to go in the jogger at six months. I exercise every single day for at least 20 minutes. Recently started training for a half marathon so now I’m running 8+ miles at once! The baby loves the fresh air, and I feel so much better physically and mentally.

-nutrition: I have to intuitively eat/eat enough or I feel like I might risk my milk supply. I always eat if I’m hungry even if it’s more than a typical day in case the baby is just growing. I eat a 80% grain free diet due to an annoying autoimmune disease but I think I intake about 1800kcal a day based on past counting.

If you’re struggling with postpartum body image please know you aren’t alone! I could barely look at myself that first week postpartum because I was so embarrassed about gaining 70lb. Now I feel like a badass who gained AND lost 70lb.

I took ten months to put it on and ten months to take off. Oh and grew, birthed and nourished a whole new human! How was I ever disappointed in myself?

submitted by /u/200lbthighgap
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Nearing Weight Loss Target and Confused

I am 23 female 5ft6 and 137lbs.

My weight loss goal has always been 133lbs as this was my pre-pregnancy weight before my 2 children.

I am currently training 5 days a week with a combo of cardio and weight training.

Although I am nearing my weight loss target I still have more fat than I'd like on my hips and stomach area.

I was planning on moving to gaining muscle when I hit my target and hoping with some toning I will reach a happy point but wondering if I would be better continuing cutting further?


submitted by /u/brightsid320
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss in 3-4 months?

I’m getting married in late June and unfortunately I currently weigh the most I ever have in my life.

I’m 36/F and my weight has always fluctuated between about 155-185lbs depending on my eating and exercising habits, etc. I did keto for a few years and maintained the lowest weight I ever have, but I stopped eating keto right around the beginning of the pandemic and somehow made my way up to 200lbs. I have gotten into some sedentary habits and am much less active than I used to be.

My upcoming wedding is inspiring me to make some changes I’ve wanted to make for a while. I don’t want to do anything too drastic after having the terrible experience of being “successful” on keto only to end up the highest weight I’ve ever been when I stopped. Basically my plan is to eat less frequently in smaller portions and get much more exercise. This past week I’ve been going for 5 mile walks most days. I have a broken arm so I can’t really get back into the gym right now.

Do you think it’s possible to lose about 25lbs before the end of June? What’s the most someone here has lost in a few months without going on a very restrictive diet?

submitted by /u/Lazy-Lawfulness-6466
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any guidance as I’m wondering who else went through this with weight loss

So I posted once about my concerns and got good answers, I used to Weigh 114kg and went to 89kg and within 3-4 months of hard work and defacit but after I tried a new workout I decided to be stupid and work out for 5 days without a rest day and out on 5kg bringing me to 94kg and people told me it was water as my diet was the same it was just a new workout routine as obviously you can’t consume around 35k calories in that span but as it usually demotivates people as it has me, I’m wondering if anyone else has been through this and did it pass or was it a sign saying I’m doing something wrong?

submitted by /u/No_Mongoose_4148
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost almost 13 pounds and I need help!

Hey guys! How you all are doing? I am (22m) 5.9(175cm). I lost 13 pounds(6kgs) in almost a month. I was 233.69 pounds(106kgs) earlier. Now, I am 220.46 pounds(100kgs). I am walking 100kms(62miles) every week. I don't want loose skin when I will reach my goal, I.e 154 pounds(70kgs). It's almost 80 pounds(36 kgs) of weight loss. I had earlier lost the same amount of weight, but again gained that weight after a few years. First time, I had a little loose skin, which got away on its own. I had stretch marks too(which are still there). Will loosing weight again increase my stretch marks? Thanks.

submitted by /u/Deadpool-07
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Could use some encouragement on weight loss

Hello all

I just really need some encouragement on losing some weight. I've struggled with it my entire life, but the last year or so has been particularly bad.

The pandemic hasn't helped, but also my only parent had a stroke about 5 months ago and I am have been their temporary full time caretaker and moved in with them until they move to assisted living in the next week. After that, I'm going to be living alone again and changing a lot in my life.

I'm 29, m, 5'8" and just about 300lbs. I look pretty good at 220, and I'm aiming to lose 80 pounds hopefully over the next two years at most.

I'm an alcoholic, but planning on cutting that out as much as possible and have a plan for it. I'm also going to go vegetarian again, which I've done for years at a time but not within the last couple years, as my last job was a line cook at a french restaurant.

Currently I do intermittent fasting and I only consume any calories within 6 hours per day, but that apparently has not helped. I usually eat one meal of about 1000 calories, have a small meal of about 600 and then drink a case of white claw. Food total I keep to about 1600, but add on about 1200-2000 more in alcohol if I have wine as well.

I'm planning on cutting the alcohol consumption by around half at first and see where I go from there, and switching to a plant based diet. I work out about 20 minutes a day at home, mostly bodyweight exercises (60 pushups, 20 situps, 40 alternating lunges, 20 jumping jacks) but that has not seemed to help.

Mostly my plan is to start by cutting my alcohol intake and meat at first, then probably going vegan and possibly getting entirely sober.

I got very suicidal today when I realized how big I was compared to two years ago, and I just need to change something.

Tldr: I'm just looking for encouragement. I have a plan to improve things and I just want some support.

submitted by /u/spacelordmthrfkr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat