Sunday, February 20, 2022

10 months on 10 months off: postpartum weight loss

Hello lovely losers!

Pre pregnancy weight: 195 Day I had the baby: 267 Today: 195 Goal weight: 175

5’8’’ 33(f)

I don’t believe in “snapback” culture but damn if I’m not proud of myself for losing the weight I put on during pregnancy. If you’re familiar with recommendations during pregnancy you might notice that I gained nearly triple the recommended amount of weight to gain during a pregnancy.

This was my second baby so I had a bit more of an idea of what to expect. I’m also damn lucky I have had two uncomplicated and unmedicated births with breezy recovery. This last time I didn’t even tear so I was cleared for exercise at 2 weeks postpartum

How I did the damn thing:

  • breastfeeding (doesn’t help everyone but I think I burn 300-500 calories a day making milk)

  • exercise: started with low impact rowing, biking, and walking. I started running when my son was cleared to go in the jogger at six months. I exercise every single day for at least 20 minutes. Recently started training for a half marathon so now I’m running 8+ miles at once! The baby loves the fresh air, and I feel so much better physically and mentally.

-nutrition: I have to intuitively eat/eat enough or I feel like I might risk my milk supply. I always eat if I’m hungry even if it’s more than a typical day in case the baby is just growing. I eat a 80% grain free diet due to an annoying autoimmune disease but I think I intake about 1800kcal a day based on past counting.

If you’re struggling with postpartum body image please know you aren’t alone! I could barely look at myself that first week postpartum because I was so embarrassed about gaining 70lb. Now I feel like a badass who gained AND lost 70lb.

I took ten months to put it on and ten months to take off. Oh and grew, birthed and nourished a whole new human! How was I ever disappointed in myself?

submitted by /u/200lbthighgap
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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