Sunday, February 20, 2022

Repost from r/Fitness. Need help with weight loss.

The mods at r/Fitness redirected me here.

So it's finally happened. The thing I never wanted. I've hit 300lbs. I won't bore you with the details, but a series of medical issues have kept me sedentary for the better part of 3 years. I'm physically able to do things now with no issue. In fact, I went on a fairly long hike through roughish terrain the other day and was very happy that by the end of it, I felt fine. I never felt like stopping or got out of breath (except when you'd expect to, like going up steep inclines, and even then it wasn't "out of breath" and more like "started breathing harder".)

I have also now gotten a driving job that has me spend most of my time, well, driving. So I'm on my ass for most of the time and am working 10-12 hours a day, 6 days a week. My driving takes me far from home for up to 2 weeks at a time. As a consequence, I eat a lot of drive through/fast casual.

So I'm looking for some help in what I can do to reverse this. I know I'm looking at a year+ of consistency, but I just don't know where to start. Any help or insight would be appreciated. I did look at the wiki, but I think I need some more specific recommendations to help me with my weight loss.

Here's a brief overview of my past habits.

  • I've always been overweight, but this is the worst it's been. I've been consistently between 250-260lbs. A healthy weight would be around 230lbs.

  • I did work out regular in the past. I lifted weights and was pretty good at it. Not strongman stuff, but moving heavy things has never been a problem for me. This might have contributed somewhat to my weight gain. A friend of my once politely said "I wear my weight well." I still have a lot of muscle on me, but I'm probably at the tipping point of "wearing my weight well".

  • I really do hate aerobic exercises. At my best I could jog 3/4-1mile (I was basing it off Google maps, so I never got an exact length) without stopping. But that was a trial.

  • I have standard American eating preferences, with the exception that I don't eat seafood and usually prefer raw vegetables.

A big thing that I could use help with is what I could eat on the road? Are there places I could go that offer healthy food? I can't really make prepared meals since I won't have a refrigerator, nor consistent access to an oven/stove. I don't always get a microwave at the places I stay. Stoping and getting food from grocery stores would be fine, but what could I eat that doesn't need cooking? Is the deli baked chicken a good option? I've had it, and it all seems pretty greasy to me.

Any workouts that I could do? I've been thinking about taking a sledgehammer with me and restarting doing Indian Mace exercises.

Any help would be thoroughly appreciated. I really am at a loss on what to do.

submitted by /u/texasscotsman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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