Wednesday, February 23, 2022

NSV: Finally figured out how to keep hunger cravings down!

There's been so many different pieces of advice for weight loss/muscle building around here, and so many of them have been helpful. But the one thing I couldn't figure out was how to keep myself from eating a bunch around noon/lunchtime. Usually the advice was centred around not binging around nighttime/late evening, which wasn't necessarily what I was looking for. I'm not a binge eater, and I don't really have a problem regulating at night.

It was just frustrating eating a bunch right around noon and then having to budget/plan for nighttime accounting for that. I tried several things, from fasting (isn't my thing, usually exacerbates my sense of cold, plus isn't super beneficial for me) to brushing my teeth (very odd thing to do around noon, I can't lie), and more. I never felt like throwing in the towel, but damn was it annoying.

But finally, I accidentally figured it out. A family member's birthday was a few days ago, so we had dinner and some dessert pretty late in the night. I usually didn't eat meals after 6pm, so it was unusual for me. I went to bed a few hours later, still full.

When I woke up, I ate breakfast like normal, but the feeling of fullness/not hunger carried over from last night, meaning when lunch came around, I wasn't really that hungry. At a small snack and carried on. I ate dinner like normal, had some snacks here and there like usual, and I was well under my calorie goal at the end of the day!

I tried it again the next day, eating a bowl of oatmeal before bed, and it happened again! Tried again the day after that. Same story. God, it's so nice just being able to have more flexibility in what I'm eating when I'm not eating whatever's in the fridge for lunch. It's given me more ideas on maintenance in the future, given my goal to lose is very little, without stressing about fitting in dinner or snacks.

Not a scale victory, but still a great feeling!

submitted by /u/jerseygrace
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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