Monday, April 11, 2022

Weight loss slowed down substantially?

Hi everyone, I’m 20, male, 6’3”, and 287 pounds at the moment. The concern I’m having right now is that two weeks ago, I was 288 pounds, and I measure at the same time and same day of the week. In two weeks, I lost only one pound, but on average I’ve been eating 1500 calories per day in the past week and doing pretty vigorous exercise every day, 30-40 minutes of strength training followed by 30-40 minutes of cardio. I have been gaining muscle, visibly, and I have definitely gotten stronger, as well as my cardio health improving, being able to do higher intensity exercise with a much faster heart rate recovery. So I know I’ve gained muscle, but I just don’t think I’ve gained so much that it would basically conceal fat loss on the scale. I know it’s inaccurate, but according to my Apple Watch, I actively burn more calories that I consume daily, and my total calories are more than double what I consume. I started last week at 288 pounds, and consumed 10,476 calories in the entire week, yet when I measured this morning it was 287.4. I have noticed some visible fat loss, but I have no idea how much in terms of weight because I’m also building muscle. 3 weeks ago I went from 297 to 288 and it’s basically been stuck there. What can I do? Is there any way to measure fat loss vs overall muscle loss?

submitted by /u/ViktorNovikov
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What weight management bad takes have you been given in your life?

For example, I casually mentioned to a friend that I don't eat breakfast, and she told me that I wouldn't be able to lose weight because without breakfast, my metabolism wouldn't start that day. I tried telling her otherwise and she said I sounded like a conspiracy theorist. She still won't change her view despite me losing nearly 60 lbs.

I've heard many other weight loss/ weight management bad takes in my life, what are some that you've been told?

submitted by /u/Armadillidiidae
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Going to lose it for good this time!


39 y/o M. My journey with weight stems far back. I was always the active large kid playing football and baseball. My mother passed when I was 12 and my father was, to be nice, not the best and ensuring we ate the best foods. Mcdonalds for breakfast most days on the way to school. Junk food for lunch (because you know school lunches suck.) Then to sit at his office and typically eat a snack from a convince store then have an abnormally large dinner. This method set me up for disaster. I weighed 305 at 6' playing defensive tackle my senior year of HS. After I chose not to pursue football after HS my eating tendencies never stopped. I gained to 330 by the time I was 25 then pushed over 400 in June of 2020. I would get on kicks for a few months and give up then to only be worse off than I was before. I can count at least 3 times before now of cutting weight of over 50lbs. The #1 thing, in my not so YouTube professional opinion, is the food you consume! I truly believe its 80% diet and 20% exercise to be where you want to be. I am on my last journey to say for weight loss.... I am done... I am over being obese. I started again on December 1,2021 and am not down from 385 at that time to just under 287. Cut calories 12-1500 a day and mainly 35-40%+ of Protein in my diet and no added sugar. (Thankfully I have never been a big sugar soda kind of person!) I find it easier to continue the fight to just say I don't eat that, or I won't eat that food. I have found If our family is going to a restaurant that serves foods outside of what I typically consume I.E burgers and fries. I will order the burger w/o a bun or heavy condiments and have a salad with it instead. This does not mean I do not indulge from time to time it's just not a daily occurrence. I have a love for Mexican food. I do eat a lot of grilled chicken taco salads with lots of hot/spicy items. Aside from food I do exercise 3-4 days a week walking 2-5 miles when I get the chance. I have not done much weight training but currently on the weekends I am working on building some bathroom cabinets and moving heavy objects in my shop. I do intend to level off at some point with my calories/intake and will bring them back to where I should stay at a normal weight. I am tracking my progression and may release the before/after pics when I am comfortable enough to. So far, I am down just over 100lbs... If you are in the same boat keep up the fight. Food is an addiction just the same as drugs are for many.

PS. One of the major reasons to kick this journey off and be successful at it is I have 3 kids. Last August I outlived my mother and I really had a rough time of this. Thanksgiving rolled around and I was hurting mentally and bodily. I said fuck this and set a goal. Goal to start 220.. then on to see where I need to be.

submitted by /u/ContributionUnhappy2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss Journal Entry #1

I started my weight loss program with something called the 13 day diet which is a metabolic confusion diet. Worked well for me. I came down from 127 kg to 118 kg in a span of 2 weeks. However, due to responsibilities the 13 day diet was unsustainable as every time I needed to travel for more than one day I had to cancel my diet plan for the day.

So then I switched over to intermittent fasting. I saw meager losses. Lost 0.3 kg per day. My longest fast was for 30 hours. I noticed myself gaining the weight back. I panicked so in the heat of the moment I decided to combine intermittent fasting with the 13 day diet.

It is really tough but I am now down to 115kg. I have been following this custom diet of mine for 4 days now. It is tough due to the hunger pangs but I can deal with it.

Additionally, one thing a lot of fat men do not talk about is how difficult life becomes when you are fat/overweight/obese. I couldn't even perform basic hygiene functions such as shaving my pubic hair in my crotch area. I had to bend my foot every time I wanted to tie my shoe laces and I would work up a sweat just by doing that. Horrible! And lastly, I am a well endowed man, my weight gain fucked with me mentally as I could no longer become fully erect. However, after my weight loss, although still a long way to go, the erection issue is starting to go away. Also my libido is getting higher as well which had become very low when I was gaining weight.

I am 6 feet. My goal is to reach 75-76 kg. Getting there. I just wanted to share my experience with all of you maybe it helps someone else.

Stay Strong!

submitted by /u/BiggieSmalls-95
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Sunday, April 10, 2022

Starting gym after going from a BMI of 36 to 25, looking for advice

Hello everyone!

I'm 27F, 5'1 and in the last year, I managed to go from a weight of 87 kg (191lbs) to 62 (136) by restricting calories and eating well.

TL;DR in the past year I basically became a weight-loss scientist (only for myself) and mastered the art of losing weight with OMAD and CICO, but now I lost all my muscle strength and need to go to the gym, will have to abandon the safety of my routine, and I'm at loss about what to do with my calories/IF routine and scared about becoming really hungry.

I'm starting to appreciate my body again but I've had a really noticeable reduction in muscle strength. I think it's time to start going to the gym and I will probably sign up this month.

My three goals are gaining strength, having a rounder behind, and gaining some abs. I don't have a specific weight goal but I definitely want to lose some more fat, ideally around 50kg - 110lbs without considering muscle gains.

I wrote this post in search of encouragement and advice - I don't know what to expect, and I'm scared of some stuff, mainly not being able to track fat loss through the scale, and especially being more hungry.

Most of my progress till now has been thanks to a mix of OMAD and being very sedentary, which successfully reduced my hunger. I frequently switch between maintenance and deficit and got used to my weight dropping fast and easily, but this strategy won't probably work as well anymore. At this point, despite a huge boost in health (blood tests/hair/nails/menstrual cycle all checking in), my muscles are the consistency of overcooked spaghetti. I have super weak limbs and am flabby. I don't regret my choices at all, but after a year I can see why it's not recommended to skip the gym when losing weight.

How do I intermittent fast if I work out ideally 3 days a week? Will OMAD be sustainable? Should I only IF on the days off from the gym? Can I still avoid white flour and empty carbs and eat protein-based? If I do my best, will I look better and feel stronger in a couple of months? How many calories will I have to add to my usual deficit count when working out? What is the exact science behind a big and round butt? I'm definitely at loss and unprepared for this!

I'd be especially very happy to know about your past experiences if someone went through a similar phase. Thank you so much for reading and sorry for the long post!!!

P.S. I also want to thank you guys in this sub as well, because I've been reading and sharing stuff on here since May 2021 and you folks played a big part in my weight loss achievements. When I started my diet I posted here and got a lot of support regarding my diet choices and resolutions. :) This is a great place!!

submitted by /u/Objective_Usual_1789
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else get really rough cramps after unhealthy eating days after you’ve lost weight?

I started my weight loss journey almost two years ago now and since then I’ve went from 323 lbs to 220 lbs. My progress slowed greatly once I hit the 230s but I’m still losing. I didn’t backslide into old habits (fast food addiction was my thing back then, I think most of its gross now and have zero interest) but I picked up new habits (dessert/chips, never cared for that garbage in my obese days surprisingly but now realize how addicting it can be). Thankfully didn’t gain any back but I went from losing 2+ lbs a week to maybe .5-2 lb a month if I was lucky. I’m a 6’1” man for reference.

Lately I’ve been getting back on it until I hit 195-200 so over the past month I’ve been consuming roughly 1000-1500 calories per day like I was doing from 323 lbs until probably in the 250s and started messing up. Just trying to lose 2+ lbs per week again. Mon-fri and Sunday it’s nothing but mostly vegetables and lean meat with a bit of fruit. I work from home and don’t work out too often (will get back into that sometime) so I feel fine in terms of energy.

However, last night and a few Saturdays ago I had brutal cramps. It felt like my intestines were going to explode. I just sat on the toilet constipated while the cramps were so bad I started getting the urge to throw up but thankfully didnt.

Both of these Saturdays were days that I decided to splurge. Greasy sandwiches, fries, ice cream and cupcakes. Stuff like that. I believe yesterday I was around 3000 calories, so not too horrible considering my maintenance is 2,400 and I do great during the week + Sunday. I’ll eat less today to make up for it.

Does anyone else have this issue after weight loss? If you told me two years ago I’d struggle to eat 3,000 calories worth of good food then I’d call you crazy.

Edit - flair is outdated, in case anyones wondering why my numbers in this post don’t match that.

submitted by /u/-----Nice-----
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Deciding against weight loss surgery

I am scheduled for sleeve gastrectomy surgery in June. I feel like I have done my due diligence and researched the pros and cons of the surgery, and I still continue to have concerns. Besides my weight, I am a generally "healthy" person. I do have PCOS. I think my biggest hold up is the fact that I could be causing myself permanent medical complications by moving forward with the surgery, such as GERD. Weight loss surgery is a tool, and I very much want the benefits of this tool. Some of the horror stories I've read though of people needing revision from the sleeve to gastric bypass (which I don't want at all) make me feel like I need to do everything in my power to try to lose my weight without surgical intervention. Have you considered or been scheduled for WLS and decided against moving forward?

submitted by /u/Kaz2627
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