Sunday, April 10, 2022

Anyone else get really rough cramps after unhealthy eating days after you’ve lost weight?

I started my weight loss journey almost two years ago now and since then I’ve went from 323 lbs to 220 lbs. My progress slowed greatly once I hit the 230s but I’m still losing. I didn’t backslide into old habits (fast food addiction was my thing back then, I think most of its gross now and have zero interest) but I picked up new habits (dessert/chips, never cared for that garbage in my obese days surprisingly but now realize how addicting it can be). Thankfully didn’t gain any back but I went from losing 2+ lbs a week to maybe .5-2 lb a month if I was lucky. I’m a 6’1” man for reference.

Lately I’ve been getting back on it until I hit 195-200 so over the past month I’ve been consuming roughly 1000-1500 calories per day like I was doing from 323 lbs until probably in the 250s and started messing up. Just trying to lose 2+ lbs per week again. Mon-fri and Sunday it’s nothing but mostly vegetables and lean meat with a bit of fruit. I work from home and don’t work out too often (will get back into that sometime) so I feel fine in terms of energy.

However, last night and a few Saturdays ago I had brutal cramps. It felt like my intestines were going to explode. I just sat on the toilet constipated while the cramps were so bad I started getting the urge to throw up but thankfully didnt.

Both of these Saturdays were days that I decided to splurge. Greasy sandwiches, fries, ice cream and cupcakes. Stuff like that. I believe yesterday I was around 3000 calories, so not too horrible considering my maintenance is 2,400 and I do great during the week + Sunday. I’ll eat less today to make up for it.

Does anyone else have this issue after weight loss? If you told me two years ago I’d struggle to eat 3,000 calories worth of good food then I’d call you crazy.

Edit - flair is outdated, in case anyones wondering why my numbers in this post don’t match that.

submitted by /u/-----Nice-----
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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