Monday, April 18, 2022

Starting my Journey

Hi everyone, not really sure how to make a post for here but ive been lurking for awhile now. I recently decided that after so many times of trying and failing, that im really gonna commit to loosing weight this time and this time i think it will work. I never had a place like r/loseit before and i grew up pretty poor surrounded by other obese/big people due to poverty. Im about 5’7 and weight about 245lbs give or take (been a few days since i weighed myself). My goal is to start trying the CICO thing and learning more about losing weight and maintaining weight loss. I also intended to go to the gym now that i have gym shoes; my plan is to start with 15minutes for 5 days and then take the weekend off. Then increase it to 20minutes the next week and continually add five minutes every week so that im slowly increasing the amount of time. My plan is also to do aloooot more weight lifting than cardio cause i used to do cardio and never made much progress. Any tips, advice, resources that you folks could offer would be appreciated! Or words of encouragement too lol. I dont have any family anymore and only have 2 friends that i dont really see much anymore so this is gonna be a journey i try to make on my own with my own support to lift me up. I think i got this!!!

submitted by /u/LichtTheLost
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, April 17, 2022

I’m having a hell of a lot more success after easing up my weekly weight loss goal. Losing 2LBs a week flat sucked. Losing 1-1.5 is substantially more manageable. I can actually enjoy alcohol on the weekends

A year ago I wanted to drop from 220 to 195.

I made it to around 200 and had a vacation.. then just kind of stopped. I was losing 2 LBs a week and it was fucking hard. 1700 calories is just not alot for somebody my size and I had to be extremely careful with everything I ate. All meals needed to have a purpose and there was little to no wiggle room for anything else.

This time around I started at around 210 and I eased up on it. 1-1.5 LBs

I can eat the occasional random ass meal and still keep it under 2k calories a day. I can have maintenance days on Saturday and enjoy some Miller light and good food.

This is just a lifestyle change now - rather than some fad push yourself to an impossible limit thing.

Advice for anyone starting out.. maybe start a little slower than I did last year.

I absolutely see a path to success and I only need to lose 10 LBs now (realistically 7-10 weeks).

God I love beer….

submitted by /u/CPABossAssHoe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Had a bad night last night

Last night I felt shit for some reason, felt bloated, gassy and ick and I ended up overeating and ate bad stuff. Now I feel worse today, feeling puffy and even more bloated. I’ve lost 5.3kg since I’ve started but I felt like my weight loss plateaued and I gave in last night. I know today is a new day but can’t shake this feeling of disappointment in myself. I needed to write this up as I’m sure a lot of you on here have been in the same boat

submitted by /u/p_e_a_c_h_p_i_e23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tastebud change throughout weight loss journey

Does anybody else feel a slight change in tastebuds since starting weight loss? For context, I am a 20y/o Female and have been CICO counting for a 4 months now. Since making changes to my diet I have noticed less of a craving for sugary foods that I would normally have. For example, I have slowly been eating dark chocolate more and I now prefer the taste to any other chocolate. My favourite dessert now is a square of dark chocolate and a handful of raspberries.

Just wondering if anyone else noticed these changes.

submitted by /u/beccagrants
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Are My Parents Gaslighting Me?

Hi All! I'm a 19 yr old male.I'm 181cm tall and started out with 87kg, I decided that I would commit to the journey by counting my calories and after using MyFitnessPal to calculate it all it came out to 1900 calories per day to lose half a kilogram per week. About 2 months later I've lost about 7.5 kilograms, and that's great but i've also started to get a lot of worrysome comments and even had outright arguments with my mother who believes i'm on track for an eating disorder and is constantly asking when i'm planning on stopping this weight loss journey. Since that argument i've looked into it a bit and there seems to be at least some correlation between calorie counting and psychopathology, though a conclusive study linking the two eludes me. Yet I personally feel like i've become less obsessive with my tracking after the first month. Its important to note that i haven't experienced any anxiety because of tracking,just occasional comments that might be weird like:"damn i shouldn't have had that orange juice,the 200 cals weren't worth it".

P.S. i feel like a lot of old school Eastern European families hold the notion that "skiny is bad" and that may be the root of my parent's concern(even if they are educated people)

My questions are:

-Are my mother's observations valid?

-Should I consider easing off of calorie counting despite the obvious success for fear of developing a disorder even if I feel like I love food to much for that to happen?

-At what point could I reasonably stop being in a caloric deficit and shift towards a caloric surplus in order to bulk up(specific weight or something notable like a "six pack"

Thank you all for hearing me out.

submitted by /u/ringerapologist28
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is weight loss different when you’re bottom heavy?

I’m 5’6” and 160 and my weight loss has stalled so much since my body composition changed. When I was much bigger I held weight pretty evenly, I was bottom heavy then too but overall more even.

Since losing weight I carry everything in my butt, legs, lower belly, and thighs. I have completely flat breasts to the point where I can’t even wear a dress without straps. I feel like my body is holding onto the weight so much harder now. Even if I keep a deficit for a week, by the end of the week my binge urge is super strong and I blow it.

I used to run and weight lift but I stopped bc I noticed that I would be much hungrier after but it’s been a month since stopping and I’m still the EXACT same weight. I’m starting back because it was good for my mental/physical health even if it wasn’t helping with my weight loss.

Is there a different eating protocol (like low carb or something) that is better when you carry your weight in a certain area? I really do need help. I even stopped following one of my passions in order to lose weight. I’m starting to get a lot older and I know I’ll die being very angry with myself if I wasted my most beautiful years being overweight/high weight.

submitted by /u/Sillkentofu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, April 16, 2022

I’ve been trying for almost 5 months and have only gained weight

I’m getting really exhausted and becoming very discouraged. It all started when my partner not so gently told me that I put on quite a bit of weight since the pandemic started. For starters, I used to weight 246 lbs when I was younger then dropped to 128 due to chronic illness and not being able to eat. I am 5’7 so 128 was not the healthiest weight for me to be at. I got an iud shortly after reaching my lowest weight, then the weight started coming back. The first year I only gained about 15 lbs which I was totally fine with because I was so small. But 3 years have gone by and I’m now 186 lbs. I started calorie counting eating approx 1400 cal a day starting in January. I also cut out all sugar that wasn’t fruit. On top of that, I started going to the gym 3-4 times a week. That didn’t do anything so now I’m on a very restrictive Standard Process diet and that’s not doing anything either. I feel like I’m doing everything right but I’ve gained about 15 lbs since stating my “weight loss” journey. I really don’t know what to do anymore. I just wanna curl up in bed with a cheeseburger and give up.

submitted by /u/Timely_Gear248
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from loseit - Lose the Fat