Sunday, April 24, 2022

weight loss takes so long!!!!

Female 5'4" 172lb starting weight: 189lb goal weight: 125lb

So I had a baby last year so I took a year to just be happy with my body and I started really trying to lose weight about 3 months ago. I've done good I think. 17lb down in 80 days isn't bad.

I've been doing cico and a lot of cardio. My fitness pal is amazing, I even got a smart watch to help track steps and sleep and heat rate. ( And I wanted one lol)

My husband and I set aside 1000 dollars for a shopping spree when I reach my goal weight as a reward and as motivation, which is really exciting I love shopping.

My only complaint is how long it takes to lose all this weight. Before I was pregnant I was about 135 and it took 9 months to gain all this weight.

I just wanted to vent.

submitted by /u/Summertheseason
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So sad, need to rant.

34F (1.65 cm/ 5'4") here. I started this whole affair of weight loss seriously last week. I started at 67.7 kg (149 lbs) and even though I began walking and biking (my back and my knees hurt a lot lately) and tracking my calories (as best I could, but try to weigh in everything whenever possible) I am currently sitting at 67.3 kg (148 lbs).

I'll be turning 35 next month, and I wanted to lose at least 2 - 3 kilos by then. But the damn scale won't move down. I know I didn't gain this in a day so it's stupid to want to lose it in a day. But 2 weeks in and just 400 grams later I feel slightly angry that for how I feel it wasn't at least a little bit more.

I feel so ugly and unattractive. I try to hide how I try to starve as much as possible so that my husband won't notice me trying and failing once again. Now he's trying to gain weight, he has the same difficulty gaining it as I have losing it. I feel so envious, but cannot and will not take it out on him. It's not his fault.

I have dealt with anxiety my whole life and I will eat when bored, sad, upset, anxious, etc... I just overall hate myself.

Sorry about the rant. It's just that I keep gaining and gaining and gaining without stopping. Slowly but surely. I just want to be okay with myself.

It's as if the only damn way for me to lose weight is to damn nearly starve myself. And I didn't want to walk that path again. I got really obsessive with that about 9 years ago and yes, I did manage to get to 56 kg, but it really was unsustainable.

submitted by /u/e_l_r
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stuck at a Plateau in Weight Loss

I (20 F) have been stuck at a weight of 67kg that will occasionally fluctuate a kilo up and down for the past year. I started at 86kg before I started my weight loss journey and lost what I have in about a year. My goal weight so far is 58kg (as that is what I was before putting the weight on mostly due to Birth Control and terrible eating) Overview of myself: I struggle with Anxiety and Depression but find that rarely gets in the way, however does contribute to me struggling to stay consistent with eating and exercising. I also find myself very low on energy most of the time, always fatigued (probably a little burnt out). I get bloated eating most foods, pretty much doesn’t matter what it is. I don’t eat much, mainly drink tea to curb hungers and help me to get rid of any ideas of snacking. Generally will only eat a mix of eggs/toast/chicken/soup/porridge/weet-bix/fruits/salads and then whatever my partner and I decide on for dinner. I visit the gym between 1-3 times a week and will do home exercises, walks and small runs in between that. (I am also anaphylactic to nuts)

I was just wondering if anyone could recommend some really useful tips on losing more weight and if anyone could recommend a cheap app that would aid in helping me to stay very consistent and to hopefully continue losing weight as I’ve just been maintaining it for now…

Thankyou! Sorry for the long post!

submitted by /u/xox-natasha-xox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Was I too Small?

Hi, all. I'm trying to assess how much weight I should lose. I've been obese most of my life, with the exception of the brief time period I was dubbed by friends and family members as "too skinny." (That was after my first weight loss attempt.)

I'm 5'1" short, female and was 125 pounds at my lowest. I have a picture, but I guess I'm not allowed to share it. I was thinking about aiming for that as my goal weight again.

But my primary care doctor wants me between 140 and 150 pounds. He says that weight would be more sustainable long term. But, for my height, that range is still considered overweight. I've had a few half-assed weight loss attempts. I want to get it off and keep it off this time. Thoughts?

Thanks everyone!

submitted by /u/ellijustice
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, April 23, 2022

I lost around 45 LBS in 8 Months

I know it’s not exactly a lot for 8 Months but I’m just posting this because I kinda want to. I’m still kinda chubby so I’m looking to get to at least 145. I’m 15 years old weighing 166 LBS(75.7 KG). I weighed about 213 before I started losing weight. I noticed that I weighed 206 in October so I just decided “Fuck it, why not.” I’ve noticed some stares at school lately and I’ve been thinking why. Is it my weight loss from last semester? Do I look slimmer? Do I seem more attractive? I’ve received compliments from friends saying I’ve been getting slim. Clothes fit me better. I’m a Size L. I have a few medium shirts and they fit great. I’d probably need to start wearing M Tbh. Please let me know your guys thoughts and please, ask me anything!!

submitted by /u/ItsKrizpy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I F22 lost 30 lbs last year and now I’m pregnant, scared I’ll have to do it all over again

So I successfully went from 172 lbs to 142 lbs (I’m 5’9) over the course of 2021 by doing CICO and I’ve been super proud of myself and I gained a lot of confidence. Me and my fiancé recently found out we’re expecting our first and I’m already gaining a few pounds. I didn’t get to the maintaining part of my weight loss journey yet, so I’m having a hard time figuring out how to eat the right amount of calories while eating healthy for me and the baby and also not to eat too much and have to lose all the weight all over again after my pregnancy.

It’s also mentally hard for me to watch myself gaining weight, I try very hard not to see it as a negative thing, even though I know that gaining weight is essential in a pregnancy. To be quite honest, I’m just scared to gain a lot of weight. Please let me know if you have any tips or experiences?

submitted by /u/Subject-Apple8350
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maybe a silly question..

I hope this question makes sense to everyone. I'm 5 feet 7 inches, 165 pounds, and 67 years old. I'm trying to get down into the 140 lb range and I'm stuck. For the first time in my life, I had gained some weight and was up close to 180 lbs. The first 10 pounds came off like a breeze. There wasn't any problem at all, but then the loss came to a screeching halt. My friend suggested doing the 600 calorie a day diet where you only eat around 600 calories two days a week and the rest of the time eat about 1200 calories. I have found that I could do that, but my weight loss has completely stopped. I walk 3-4 miles 5 times a week, have a Garmin and I'm using MyFitnessPal. My question is concerning MyFitnessPal and the calories. Let's just say I eat 1000 calories in one day, but I have exercised and so I've burned 300 to 400 calories. When I'm looking at my total calories for the day, do I look at the actual calories I've eaten or do I subtract the exercise calories to get my total calorie count? For instance, yesterday at the end of the day, I had eaten 1000 calories. I had burned 300 with exercising and so it showed my total for the day was 700 calories. Should I look at the 700 number or should I look at the 1000 number when I'm deciding if I need to eat more or less for that day? Hope this makes sense. I'm tired of being stuck in this rut and would really like to get the rest of this weight off. I'm basically eating between six and 1200 calories a day, exercising almost every day, and it's just not coming off any longer. Thanks for any suggestions.

submitted by /u/Bugga1954
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from loseit - Lose the Fat