Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Does being in a relationship affect your weight loss?

I’ve often noticed that people are more conscious of their weight while looking to meet people and date. They also tend to put in the effort required to stay in shape for the same reason. However, once they find a partner, they tend to ease into a comfort zone and slowly start caring less about their appearance.

My question is, how do you continue to put in the same effort and invest in yourself when you have a loving partner who doesn’t care about your appearance? I’ve heard many say “do it for yourself and not for someone else”, but that’s easier said than done. Because the need for garnering attraction can be a huge motivator, so what keeps you going?

submitted by /u/Federal_Structure_74
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

May the fourth is definitely with me today

Onderland achieved!

I have to admit I'm a bit overwhelmed that I'm actually here. The last month my weight loss *really* slowed down and it was frustrating and emotionally taxing . . . but I kept going and now here I am, somewhere I haven't been in decades. I may write more later but now I'm just trying to absorb this.

(hmmm can't figure out how to post a pic of the scale - 199.2 in nice big red digital numbers)

submitted by /u/birchbark81
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss progress and questions

Hello, first I’ll give my age and where I started, I’m 25M 6’3, and I started at 376-378lbs. In the past I had been able to lose 30lbs over about 6 months through intense diet but it was extremely difficult on its own.

I started on ozempic and then moved to wegovy for weight loss, I am currently at about 297lbs! I finally made it under 300, and it’s been about 5 months, maybe 6.

I’m wondering what a good goal weight for me would be, I’m thinking 200lbs and then try to put on 20 lbs of muscle or so, but I’m not too sure on all of that. I’m afraid that as I get closer to my goal weight I won’t be able to do it/reach it.

The wegovy has seriously helped with appetite and just generally helped. I don’t think I could have done it without it.

I’m currently eating probably about 1200-1500 calories per day, probably closer to 1200.

Is there anything I should improve on or change? I have been trying to walk everyday, and am almost at 2 miles weather and time permitting.

When I look in the mirror I don’t really see any difference/think I look much different, but the 79lbs has had to go somewhere right?

Thank you for your time

submitted by /u/Core1589
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss Stagger (CICO)

I (M, 26, 5ft11in) have been on a calorie deficit since August, 2021. I started at 383 lbs and am now as of this week weighing in at 286 lbs. I have been stuck fluctuating between 288lbs and 285lbs since the beginning of April and am not sure why. My deficit plan since August has been no more than 1800 calories/day (little to no exercise). I usually average out the week at about 1600 calories/day. According to the 3 BMR calculators I have used, someone of my criteria should be eating about 2000 kcal/day for "extreme weight loss". Can anyone explain why I might be staggering out at this weight?

Any tips/advice is much appreciated!

submitted by /u/SirGroovitude
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to deal with feelings of frustration and impatience?

I’ve only lost 10 pounds since I had my baby almost a year ago. (SW: 222lbs, CW: 212lbs). Even though I am proud of myself for having two beautiful babies since 2019, I often still look in the mirror with disgust. I have keratosis pilaris and my arms looks so red, bumpy and flabby. I feel so self conscious about every little thing. I so desperately just want to lose weight, because I know I’ll feel and look better and it’s something I CAN change unlike my KP on my arms.. it’s just proving to be very very hard. I’ve calculated my TDEE and it’s about 2000-2100. So I’ve been eating about 1500-1900 a day. The weight loss is extremely slow… I so badly wish I could just speed up the process. With summer coming, that means my arms and tummy will show more. My doctor is putting me on metformin, which I hope will help with my insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances. Is there anything else I can do to speed up weight loss? I just feel so defeated. Frustrated. Impatient.

submitted by /u/Maybe_Tough
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not feeling hungry? But I think I need to?

Hey all

I have been back on my weight loss horse. I let myself gain a lot more than I should. Starting weight this time was almost 5 weeks ago. I was 242 lbs, I am 6'3.

I have lost 17 lbs over the last 4 weeks and I am happy with my progress.

My problem now is, I don't feel very hungry anymore. I am logging calories religiously on MFP. For the last few weeks I felt hungry a lot and that to me seems like I know I am doing it right. Now I don't seem to feel hungry, and I am worried I am hitting a plateau. When I have dropped weight before I have hit plateaus and they have stalled my progress. Do you think I am still logging the same way I did in the beginning? I try to be honest, but finding straight forward calorie counts in a hurry is hard. Is there a better source for calorie counts? Does Loseit have some tricks for getting past a plateau?

submitted by /u/FUCKPutinINtheASS
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

A Weight Loss Physician - Just Sharing Some Thoughts :)

‘It’s Okay To Lie’.

Reverse Psychology To Build Trust.

A strange dynamic often develops with my weight loss patients.

Regardless of where you stand on the ‘calorie in < calorie out’ debate, documenting what you eat is critical to weight loss.

Surprisingly often, patients lie about what they eat.

There are several reasons, but here are a few common themes.

“I don’t want to disappoint you”.
“I don’t want to be judged.”

Despite advances in the patient-doctor relationship, patients feel deeply accountable to their physician.

Especially in journeys as collaborative as weight loss.

Often, the lying/hiding/fudging of the truth is uncovered when a patient hits a plateau.

We review their diet and exercise…and the numbers don’t seem to add up.

At this time I have to ask probing questions to diagnose the cause of the plateau.

Eventually, more often than not, it’s withholding the truth re: how much they eat or how much they exercise.

‘You know, it’s okay to lie’.

“It is?”

“Of course, I get it. It must be stressful trying to be perfect. I know, I’ve been there”

“You have?”

“Of course! Eating right? Staying away from your favorites? Exercising everyday? It’s tough! Sometimes, the only thing that motivates me is you guys!”

Hopefully we share a wonderful laugh.

“I just want you to know, that I’m not a corrections officer. I’m your guide through this journey. Only problem is my guidance is limited by the accuracy of the information you give me.”

“Regardless, until you trust me to help, you can keep lying” - making it clear I’m joking!

More often than not, the pressure to be perfect is diffused.

They know that I know.

They know that I am their guide, not an authority figure.

And what do you know, the missing calories magically appear 😀😀

#weightloss #behaviorchange #trust #psychology

submitted by /u/No-Profit8657
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from loseit - Lose the Fat