Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Never felt worse in my life.

Hi there. I’ve been a long time lurker of this sub and I truly enjoy seeing peoples progress. I’ve gained about 45 lbs over the last couple of years. I’m 5’3 and my usual weight is around 120. I’m now 165. At 26, I’ve never felt worse about myself. I’ve tried to go into a calorie deficit and exercise but I’ve always fallen off the wagon. I’ve definitely hit rock bottom and my mental health is at its lowest. I could use words of encouragement from people who are experienced with weight loss. How did you guys start and go about your journey? What is the mindset you have on a daily basis? I’m so tired of crying and feeling like this. I wanna look happy and confident and stop being celibate because I’m so embarrassed of my body.

submitted by /u/Sea-Yogurt8136
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Diet soda

What is you opinion on / experience with diet soda? Some studies say it could actually lead to weight loss, others suggest it might cause weight gain… I’m confused and really want to know, because it’s too hard for me to cut out soda entirely. But if it turns out diet soda does lead to weight gain, I might have to cut it out immediately.

Have you noticed anything when you stopped / started consuming diet soda?

Thanks for the help ;)

submitted by /u/wabejmdm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/xEOwRHU

Motivation Check: Life Bigger vs. Life Smaller

Hey Guys,

From time to time, with anything I do, I tend to take a bit of time to reflect on why I do stuff. And in my last post here, I pretty much made clear that I was really wanting to improve my bed game. As a person who loves to thrill, you realize that your abilities are pretty hampered when you have a spare tire and your body makes unnecessary flapping noises. In a dark room where the only source of light is whatever started autoplaying on your favorite streaming service, there isn't enough loud explosions and fast paced dialogue to cover up the double slap that has a seemingly unnatural echo meant to mock. (Double slap: your body on theirs, and then your body on itself). And I frankly am tired of that situation, hence me making weight loss top priority.

However, during my reflection point recently, I also remembered how different life seemed when I was substantially smaller. It's then's day to today's night.

- Day to day life was completely different. I remember losing weight and being annoyed by how everyone was wanting to start a conversation with me. It was a thing where no matter where I went, people all of a sudden just try to start small talk with you. Once I got bigger, I was left alone pretty often unless it was warranted for a conversation to start (e.g.- asking "Is that your uber? Funny both of ours look the same! Wanna pay my fare? Haha!"). This is especially weird since while I'm a people person, I unintentionally have a very neutral and disinterested look on my face most of the time. Which brings me to my next point....

-Bad moods hit different with everyone. If you're in a bad mood (or appear to be) as a person who is in relatively good shape, people take notice and actually seem concerned. (e.g.- "Is he okay?" I personally remember being annoyed when people would ask "Are you good?" or "Is everything ok?" being questions that would not only get under my skin, but lay eggs and cause massive irritation. After I gained the weight, it definitely became a bit more noticeable that not as many people really give a shit about how a cranky fat guy feels. He's probably cranky because he's fat, right?

- Shopping. Of course it's everyone's motivation to get better fitting clothes that show off their bodies. However, the level of carelessness one can have in a department store in terms of picking up clothes is not something to be underestimated. It's a level of freedom often taken for granted. You effectively only have to worry about the color. When you're bigger, you find that not only is the proper size important, but also the length. You also realize once you try it on that your love handles are REALLY sticking out and your back fat is snarling at small children.

-Comfort. I remember the first time I realized that I have to pay attention to the weight limits on a plastic lawn chair.... It was after it broke and my beer spilled on my face. Not having to worry about those kinds of things is pretty dope, actually.

-Random shit that you never thought about doing until now. Climbing things, riding a roller coaster (it turns out you CAN be too big to fit in the harness.), leaning on stuff, sleeping without a knee pillow, just about any physical activity that requires upper body strength.

It's not a complete list, but just some thoughts of stuff that I really look at as motivations. Will I all of a sudden be more receptive to people asking how my day is or if I'm ok? Probably not, but it's still something that kind of sticks you when you realize that it was a feature and not necessarily a perk of being more in shape.

Anyone else have some otherwise trivial shit they never thought they would kind of miss?

submitted by /u/lastofthe1st
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/8hwNpec

Diaries Of A Weight Loss Physician # 2

A Rebel Without A Cause.

‘Don’t tell me what to do. Otherwise I won’t do it’ - weight loss patient.

We humans are wonderful. We’re also weird and wacky.

There is a small percentage of weight loss patients that have a rebellious streak.

Let me illustrate w two examples:

One patient wanted nothing more than to look good for the opposite sex. They would earnestly hit the gym and manage their diet and the pounds would shed quite easily.

As they had hoped, the opposite sex would start to ‘notice’ them and the attention was welcomed.


‘They don’t like me for me’ they explained.

‘They didn’t pay attention before. All the compliments make me so mad!’

As a result, the patient stopped their weight loss journey.

It was a giant ‘F@$# You!’ to all those appreciating their new look.

The pounds slowly returned and so did the yearning to be desired.

The second patient absolutely hates calorie counting.

‘I won’t do it! they told me, defiantly.

‘I don’t care how important it is. I don’t like to be monitored!’

‘No problem. Let’s pursue another strategy!’ I reply, unattached to any plan.

‘But can you promise me one thing? Can we revisit this in a few weeks? With an open heart and mind?

So how does a well meaning physician help their freedom-fighting patient?

In my experience, shining light on the problem is powerful.

Especially if looking for a durable solution.

Patiently peeling back the layers with compassion and support, until the patient themselves exposes the hilarious predicament.

Illuminating the conflicting internal forces and building self-awareness is all one can do.

How does the ol' saying go? "You can lead a horse to water...."

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/No-Profit8657
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/TbJrRIF

Slowly but surely I am seeing progress

I just wanted to post my current journey to encourage anybody who may be currently struggling. Also, selfishly, I want to tell somebody about my progress and it can’t be my family because they are very negative about weight related issues.

So, Jan 2021, I was weighing in at 250lbs. The highest I have ever been. I was super unhealthy, stressed, and pre-diabetic. My doctors constantly warned me if I continued on my path, I would most likely develop diabetes. Additionally, I am a teacher so I was constantly busy, grabbing whatever I could find to eat, and not really paying attention to if it was healthy or not. Also, I was battling extreme depression and anxiety.

Fast forward to May 2022, and I currently weigh 219lbs! My goal weight for myself is 180lbs. I am so proud of myself. So very very proud. I went to my doctor today and they were very impressed with my progress. Friends and coworkers have started commenting on my weight (I really wish they wouldn’t because we are more than our weight). It’s not been easy. When coworkers ask me what I am doing, I say eating better and working out. They don’t like that answer.

I’ve been overweight all of my life and my family has constantly told me I will never lose weight because of our genetics( they are all overweight).

So what did I do? I started with Noom because I had no idea on how to do this.

I completely overhauled and changed my eating behavior thanks to Noom. I learned why some foods keep you fuller than other foods so I stocked my house with healthy food that would keep me fuller.

I do count calories in my fitness pal. I try to work out 30 minutes 4 times a week. I do Zumba, bike riding, and elliptical. I want to add in weights but I get bored doing that.

I have since quit Noom because it’s costly and once you do all the course stuff it’s a calorie tracker with a coach and group support system. However, halfway though my Noom courses, I lost my group for some reason and never got added to another one.

So yeah that’s my journal. I set my weight loss goals in like intervals. So long term goal is 180. Current short term goal is 210 then 200, then 190, then 180.

Will I make it? I hope so. I’m going to keep working. This sub has been a huge help to my current success so thanks ya’ll.

submitted by /u/mswoozel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/juetVyQ

Monday, May 9, 2022

Officially down 100 lbs

It's been a long and hard journey to get to this point. I weighed in about 2 years ago at my heaviest ever, 366 lbs. I started my medical transition as a trans woman and weight loss journey not long after that. I started off with small changes, eliminating sodas and trying to limit my portion sizes when I would eat, but wasn't seeing all that much success, hindsight, I wasn't in much of a calorie deficit. I joined Noom in the middle of 2020, and was pretty heavily into it. Counting every calorie, and going for more walks, and after a while I was going on 5-6 mile walks around my neighborhood regularly. Eventually I was able to get down to right around 300 lbs at the beginning of 2021.
Unfortunately my ex and I decided to start our divorce stuff right around then and I fell off the bandwagon hard and gained back 35 lbs. in the following few months and stopped participating in Noom. (yay depression /s) After seeing the scale slowly start climbing back upwards I made another commitment to myself to not let my weight keep going up and I got a gym membership and started working with a personal trainer 1 or 2 times a week. Doing a mix of cardio, weight training, and occasional HIIT workout, in combination with guided dieting has made more of the weight come off and I got under the 300 lb. mark in November of 2021.
I struggled with some personal health issues and plateaued for a bit when I got into the 270s and stayed there for a few months. In recent weeks I've switched from more strict calorie counting regimen to doing 18-6 intermittent fasting and have busted through that plateau and today when I stepped on the scale it read 266 lbs.
I still can't believe that I've made it this far in both my medical transition and my weight loss journey (2 years HRT on 5/19!!), and my life has improved immeasurably because of both. I've done a weight loss visualization and found 100 lbs of things around my house and tried to pick them up and really struggled with it, and I can't believe I used to carry that around all the time. It's been a lot of hard work, and I still have a ways to go, but I still can't believe how far I've already come.

submitted by /u/Typhlobreon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/01mvoAg

I found the solution!!

I’ve struggled with bingeing on unhealthy food at the end of the day for YEARS, continually sabotaging my weight loss, especially when I sustained a low back injury at the gym. It got really bad when I went vegan/vegetarian because I never really felt satisfied eating “healthy” vegan food. But my partner and I started eating meat again last week after 5 years and this morning I made a crockpot with chicken, bell peppers, onions, diced tomatoes, green chili, bone broth and some seasoning with the idea that it would make an easy meal. I had a really crap day and wholly planned on eating hazelnut sandwich cookies and drinking wine when I got home, but I walked in the door and the house smelled so good so I shredded the chicken and made tacos with just onions, cilantro, cotija and lime juice and I literally don’t want sugar now!!! I’m so excited about this development and I am now a crockpot stan and the whole world better watch out as I get hot again 😎😎😎😎😎

TL;DR use a crock pot to make dinner if u skip dinner a lot in place of junk food due to convenience

submitted by /u/harperthegoodwitch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/0YH3icE