Wednesday, May 18, 2022

First Goal Achieved ! :)

After what feels like FOREVER I have finally managed to hit my first weight loss goal!

I started at 209 on March 6th of this year. I started working out 4-5 days a week and eating 1600 calories a day - maybe a little more on Saturdays - and it felt like my weight was slowly dragging. My first goal was to get under 200!

I weigh myself everyday and for about 3-4 weeks I was hovering around 200-201 pounds and it was starting to get to me. I started to think it wasn’t working anymore and I needed to change somethingf up.

BUT TODAY 🙌🏻 I stepped on the scale ( after it was 200 yesterday ) and I weight in at 198.4 !!

submitted by /u/NaruuChan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

What is a reasonable goal for weight loss by July if I work out 5 times a week with cardio?

For a bit of backstory and my reasoning for this question/post;

I've been invited to an old friend's wedding and just want to seem like the same guy we met years ago. Since the beginning of the pandemic, I've been focusing on my education and found a remote job which resulted in little to no physical activity coupled with poor eating habits.

At the moment I weigh 174lb at 174cm (lol). I gained about 25 pounds and want to lose as much as possible before mid July. I've been eating clean and consistently while under 1500 calories a day alongside cardio 3x to 5x per week for the past four weeks and have lost roughly six pounds. I also started incorporating strength training last week too.

I'm hoping to hear from anyone who has been in a similar weight loss situation as mine and can share their experiences or just general tips and insight.

I appreciate it!

submitted by /u/Forget_Opinions
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stunned; Under 200lbs for the First Time in Many Years

(5'6 F)
I just became a member of the "One-derland" club. Went from 250lbs to 198 over the course of a year, with this year having a higher drive and commitment to myself.
It's been around 7 years since I saw my weight begin with a "1" again. I internalize a lot of emotion (thank you - abusive, toxic loved ones), but I wanted to share my success of hitting my first major milestone. It's hard to let the joy and pride ooze out, but I know it's there.

It's amazing how vastly different people will treat you depending on how much you weigh. From being screamed at and (literally) pushed to continue running and jumping - regardless of being in tears from knee pain ("you're just lazy"), being compared to other women in public, to family texts letting other people know what I decided to eat that day and let that be the round-table discussion.
It's no wonder I struggled so much with previous attempts at weight loss.
Watching your loved ones and s/o lose interest in you due to your weight is heartbreaking. Even through battling major depression, this is something I'm doing solely for me - because I want it. As much as it hurts, I removed myself from most contact with them and thankfully have 2 lifelong friends who have loved me unconditionally, no matter what the scale said. This chapter of my life is Invite Only.

Thank you for letting me share.

To anyone struggling or frustrated with losing weight - it happens on your time and your time only. There's no due date (obviously barring medical). It truly is a journey and lifestyle change, not an assignment.

submitted by /u/AOA_Nel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1500-1600 cal enough for 100lbs weight loss?

I'm a 5'1" 29F aiming to get down to 120-110lbs. I want to lose 1-2 lbs per week. I used the TDEE calculator and this guide to calculate my macros. I used to do track and swimming, so I'm still capable of doing 1-2 hr gym sessions. Are my calories high enough to combine exercise? How low should I go for off days?

1680 cal per day
Protein needs: 142.8g
Fat needs: 84g
Carbs: 88.2g

submitted by /u/Yogurtvalue5735
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting to lose weight today!!

I am started my journey today and decided the save money after the huge amount of weight loss! I am 320 lbs, 19M right now and I'm afraid of loose skin. I was here before talking about the same situation but I didn't start my journey that time because of my fears and I'm trying to stop thinking about my fears. I'm planning to be 200-220lbs according to my look and i have to lose 100lbs min. Thats a lot of weight and my skin will probably sag but thats okay cause i'm going to save money for it. If my skin won't sag im gonna spend all of my money to buy my dream clothes that i couldn't wear in the past!! Lets do this everyone and good luck with your journey too!

submitted by /u/Snoo54387
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Spouse is having a hard time with my Weight-loss

I (M 6'1" 25y) started taking my weight loss seriously 4.5 months ago, and in that time I have lost approximately 25lbs ( 285 lbs to 260 lbs). My wife started this journey with me and she is down about 10 lbs (275 to 265). In the beginning, we were both cheering each other on, every weigh-in day we would talk about how it went, what we can do better the upcoming week, and what worked in the week prior. We would celebrate our victories, and build each other up when we had a bad week.

That started to change about a month ago when we weighed in at the same weight. Now when I talk to her about my small victories, she just makes it about her and how she feels bad about herself. I always encourage her, talking about all the great changes she has made, and ask her what she thinks she could do the next week. She ends up just complaining about how men lose weight faster (which seems to be the case most of the time) and then proceeds to feel really bad about herself. In reality I am working my ass off! and while she has trimmed around the edges, for the most part she has gone back to her old food habits.

So what do I do? I miss having a cheerleader on my side that celebrates my victories, and helps support me while I am down. At the same time, I started this fitness journey mainly because she didn't want to be alone on hers. I want to be as supportive as I possibly can be, but I know that I cant want it more than her. Any advice on how to handle this?

submitted by /u/PoweredByToast
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Leg pain / leg burning on walks

Hello! I stared going on walks for my weight loss journey. For awhile I figured it was common for my legs / calves to burn when I went on walks around my neighborhood ( pretty nice inclines around too ) but I figured it would ease up after I did it for a while. My legs hurt the most when the second day in a row. And after about 25 minutes the pin goes away a bit. I am not sure if I should see a doctor but when I walk normally or walk in a treadmill I don’t have pain. I’m trying to see if anyone has the same experience and maybe it’s normal if I’m walking up an incline for a little while.

submitted by /u/NaruuChan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat