Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Never say Never!

One thing I have learnt in my continuous unsuccessful weight loss journey is that ,one day I'm eating junk food and all type of unhealthy things then I say that today is the last day I'm ever going to eat this and then from tomorrow my journey starts and then I am never going to eat it.

But that tomorrow never comes and I end up eating more than enough cuz today is the last day I'm ever going to eat that so I should eat my fill. Then that one day of eating becomes a week and somehow you have gained 3 kgs in last week but you don't know how because you were stopping and restricting everyday.

But then you realize that it's probably because of your late night junk food binges when you succeeded in stopping yourself all day but at night you couldn't control any more and ate enough calories to last days and now you look like a balloon and you can't look at your face anymore and you're sad and then you need to be happy. So, let's be happy and order more junk food! Yay!!!

Cuz that's the only thing that makes you happy other than that you are depressed because you have thousand unaccomplished goals and thousand things you don't like about yourself and the only thing that ever makes you happy is junk food and sugar but you forget that after eating it you becomes more sad and depressed than you were before because there was no need to eat that much, your body didn't even want it, you could have survived without this but now you don't know anymore because no matter what you do, you aren't losing weight and you have become insecure to the point you don't even want to get out of the house.

People are inviting you but can't give them a reason cuz saying that you can't come because you don't want to face people, you don't want to answer their questions about how did you gained that much weight?? What happened to you?? So you make excuses and their comes a time when people stop inviting you because they know that no matter what happens you aren't going to come out of your house cuz you are waiting to lose all your weight before going out.

But you don't have any friends anymore because you haven't seen them in years. You cancelled their invites. Never went to dinners and parties. so what can they do. They can't chain you and drag you out of your house so they leave you with the hope that one day you will come to them but you don't have any hope. You aren't sure if that day is ever going to come or not!!!

So, this is a vicious cycle and all this started because you said NEVER! So rather than telling yourself that you aren't never gonna eat it again tell yourself that , " Today isn't the last day I am going to eat it. "

If I am on a low carb diet I am going to eat it after I have lost a few pounds. If I am having cheat days I'm going to eat it on my cheat day. I'm going to eat it!!! If I am allowing myself to eat everything but in moderate amount then I can eat it half today and half tomorrow. I can eat it whenever I want!!

And now you have this mindset that you can eat your favourite foods. No one is stopping you. You are feeling a bit light. You have a tiniest glow on your face. You can walk without any pain. And now you are a little bit happy. You are not becoming depressed day by day anymore. You can fulfill you other tasks without thinking about your weight or food anymore.

And one day you step on a scale and What?!! You are a few pounds lighter. It's not much but you are happy nonetheless and you are happy so you decide to go out. You call your friends and make plans. You go to your wardrobe, pull out a dress that you bought a few years ago but never got to wear it but WOW!! It fits you amazingly. You go out but don't eat like crazy because you can eat it again next time.

Months pass and now you don't find it difficult to follow a routine. It has become a habit. You love it . You have forgotten about checking your everyday. You do it whenever you feel like it. Now people are paying you compliments. You thank them but you are not so sure.

You are glowing cuz you are more healthy now so you decide to step on a scale and WHAT?!!?! How did it happen? Your current weight is your goal weight??! After a few seconds you realize that yes!! You have accomplished your goal. You are happy. Life has never been so beautiful. You are finding joy in little things. But you still have to maintain it but that's okay. You can do it!! You believe in yourself!!!

And all this happened because you acted upon the words ,

 " Never say Never!!! " 
submitted by /u/PsychologicalRun289
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What’s y’all’s opinions on oat milk related to weight loss

So my addiction is iced oat lattes Since I discovered them over a year ago I have one every morning. I don’t drink dairy and the taste is unbeatable for me.

At a whopping 140 cals per cup tho I’m wondering if this is a good idea when trying to lose weight….

What’s y’all’s thoughts or experience ?

Btw…I hate almond milk, but trying to sub it here and there. Macadamia milk is also just okay. Any low-cal suggestions are appreciated

submitted by /u/hnh1993
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I previously lost 35 lbs. I've regained it (and more) but in totally different places. Is this normal?

I lost 35 lbs a few years ago through CICO. I maintained my weight loss for a few years by weighing myself every once in a while and cutting back if I had gained more than 5-10 lbs. One year ago, I stopped weighing myself and tried to go on 'knowing my body'.

Last week, I weighed myself for the first time thinking I'd maybe gained 15-20 lbs... and found out I've gained an astounding 50 lbs.

I'm shocked because my 'regained' weight is in different places. I still have my skinny face, my visible collarbones, my visible ribs. In my head, it just made no sense that I can be 50 lbs heavier!

Is it common to regain weight but in COMPLETELY different places?

I'm not too sad or anything though - I'm losing weight again (I've lost 6 pounds so far) and am actually enjoying the challenge. I've taken it as a lesson that, for me personally, weighing myself is an important tool for maintaining weight loss because I clearly don't 'know my body' at all, haha!

submitted by /u/TheCatSlut
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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

How do you deal with having no motivation to lose weight?

How do you deal with having no motivation to lose weight?

This is my fourth time on the weight loss train. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been. I’m so depressed and have no motivation to lose this weight. I hate everything about my life and food is the only thing that makes me even a bit happy. I binge eat almost every day. My anti depressants dont work anymore. I’ve had multiple therapists. I don’t know what to do.

(I apparently dont have enough words) The only thing that motivated me in my last success was looking good when I inevitably kill myself. This time I don’t even care. I need to lose this weight but I absolutely 0 driving force. I work out and then binge, I workout and then can’t even bring myself to do it two days in a row, not even a walk. I don’t even walk my dog anymore. I hope this post is appropriate.

submitted by /u/imsoaddicted
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

No progress doesn’t mean you’ve failed

Just a reminder I have had to keep giving myself the last few weeks.

My weight loss has stalled. I am so tired of thinking about it constantly that I’ve begun maintaining my weight, at least this last month, and I really feel like I’ve failed because I was so enthusiastic the first few months. However, I’m still 25 pounds lighter than I was when I started. I’m still working out daily and my blood pressure has been decreasing. I still have been trying to be mindful of the nutrition of my food. But I’ve indulged some more than I’d like, and I’ve stopped weighing daily.

I really would rather be working with what I’ve got right now and I haven’t undone the months of work that I have put in. The next step is to make a plan of how to get back on a losing track and stick to it, but in the meantime I should be happy that while I haven’t made progress recently, I didn’t actually “mess up” like it feels I did.

submitted by /u/underthewasherdryer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It's crazy how weight loss can be its own motivation.

I've flaired this as a Day 1 even though I know a long time ago I've done a day 1 post, but this is the first time in my life I've been really motivated to do it and hopefully, this will be my last Day 1 post!

So I don't really have a huge desire to lose weight outside of just wanting to be with my wife for as long as I can.

About 8 months ago I started taking meds for my ADD and one of the weird side effects was I stops feeling hungry as much, the only way I could describe it was it's like when you're hungry it's like someone screaming in your ear "HUNGRY! EAT!" but after starting the meds it suddenly dropped a bunch to were it's more like someone yelling "HUNGRY! EAT!" from the end of the block instead, so that helped me start losing a bit of weight.

At the end of last year, my wife underwent gastric sleeve surgery and suddenly there were a lot of bad foods that made her not feel well, mostly fast food and such so we cut 90% of that out of our lives. And suddenly I'm losing almost as much as she was in the first month or two.

But recently we both got covid and that tanked my hunger even further, like one day I'd eat just half a sandwich for the day. But on the upside suddenly I step on the scale and it reads 299.8, for the first time in nearly a decade I'm under 300 and suddenly I'm motivated to not just ride along with my wife's journey but start doing things myself. I've stopped snacking as much and picking healthier options and/or better portions when possible.

Now I doubt I'll be shedding pounds, and I don't know how long I'll manage to stick on this kick but it's nice to actually want to lose weight rather than letting it happen as a side product of changes made to our lifestyle.

submitted by /u/Betamaletim
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss is loss is all about adjustments

This is my sage advice for the day....

For myself, I learned a long time ago (several diets ago), that one workout per day does not do anything for me on the scale. I've been working out almost every day for many many years. And I still gained a gazillion pounds (60 or so). I had bad eating and drinking habits that ruined any progress I may have made on the scale. So when I finally set my mind to losing weight again, the first change I made was adding an additional workout to my day. And with the exception of two days, I made this a daily habit.

I started using Lumen. I liked the data it was giving me. And I like gadgets. I even learned some things from it. I used that for a little while. But I wasn't making much progress. Then I added up the calories from the macros Lumen wanted me to eat every day, and it was over 1900. Which was counteracting the two workouts a day I was doing. So I adjusted my system again. I started relying on Chronometer for my calorie plan instead. And the weight started coming off more quickly.

I've been frustrated the last week or two because I felt the work I was doing wasn't showing up on the scale. Then I took a look at what I was actually doing and realized that the Dove candies I was grazing on throughout the day wasn't being input into Chronometer, and I was probably eating way more of those than I wanted to admit to. So today, I adjusted my system again...and nothing gets eaten that isn't first logged.

I just wanted to write this long-winded, hopefully not too preachy post to say that it's extremely helpful to periodically take a look at what you're doing every day and make sure all of your choices are sending you in the direction you want to be going. If not, then adjust accordingly.

submitted by /u/Original_Moose_2490
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from loseit - Lose the Fat