Saturday, August 6, 2022

How do you deal with the « you lost so much, wow » comments?

I changed my lifestyle in the last year and lost 75 pounds (34kg) since then. Of course, it’s a visible change (woman, 5.7 inches) and even if I still have a way to go to be at my gw, I’m proud of the work I have done to change my mindset about my body and relationship with food. That being said, when people see me after a while I get « impressed » comments and always feel happy yet sad. Today someone (a friend that a friend brought over) heard the friend talk about the big weight loss and the other person was all « whaaaattt this is so huge, congrats for this, this is impressive! Hey do you have a picture of you last year? » and I was like, seriously why would I want to show a person my body so you can say how bad it was and how it’s great that it changed?? I still met my awesome SO at this weight, made my way in grad school (still a phd student) and Im proud of all I did, that body even served me well. I’m glad of the work but also feel weird about the comments. How do you deal with those?

submitted by /u/579red
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Scared to Eat More Than 1400cal

23/F, 5’6”, SW: 225ish CW:156lbs GW:145lbs

I’ve been on a weight loss journey for the past 9 months and have managed to lose about 60 lbs with another 10 to go. For the first couple months I only focused on diet as I was too scared to go to the gym. For the past month or so, however, I’ve been consistently going to the gym 5-6 times a week. I’ll do 30 mins of cardio and then 45-60 mins of weight lifting. I still track my calories and have found myself having a really hard time eating more than 1400 calories (I’ve had 1,040 today). I know based on BMR calculations I should probably be eating more, but anytime I go above 1400 I start feeling guilty and will restrict myself to about 1000 the next day. I know this is not good in the long term, but it’s hard to get out of this mindset.

Has anyone gone through something similar? How did you get out of it?

submitted by /u/Aggravating-Net-7801
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has the result of your weight loss affected your mental health negatively?

Like does anybody feel resentful when you're treated better by your family members/friends? Functionally, nothing has changed. I still like the same things, listen to the same music, have the same hobbies and pig out if we're eating out on the weekends. Nothing has changed but my body; tall, broad, imposing with resting bitch face was always there. It just feels bad because you're still the same person at the end of your weight loss journey but you end up new to the people who have always been there. Has me all angsty, like I wasn't good enough before

submitted by /u/BritishBukkake
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I feel disappointed with my weight loss.

EDIT:I also talked with some gym trainers and they said that losing the remaining fat i have around the waist is pretty much impossible without operation.

So around two years ago,i started to like doing exercise,mostly running around the neighbourhood.

After a few good months neighbours started talking to me saying that i am losing weight and looking good,i still talk with most of them and i really enjoy it.

I also started lifting weights and doing some abs exercises,nothing too crazy.

When i started i had around 220 pounds(100 kgs) and lost 88 pounds,i still maintain that weight.

I cut all fast food and sugar drinks.

The problem is i feel like everything i did was in vain,i see so many people going from obese to absolutely shredded in less time then what i did,and it makes me question what i am doing wrong.

Could i get some advice?I’m really starting to lose it here.

Left picture is from two years ago,right one is from a few months ago

submitted by /u/lampla
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Unsure of how to get dopamine/ stress release outside of food

I’m doing the weight loss made real brain retraining which basically is supposed to stop the habit of eating to compensate with negative feelings/ discomfort and instead only eat when hungry. But let me tell you it’s freaking hard. I have no joy outside of eating. It’s my drug. I believe in what she is saying and the science behind it but holy crap does it seem impossible. Food has been my drug since a child.

What in the Sam heck can I replace it with? I do get a bit of dopamine from piano and exercise but nothing like the joy of cookies

submitted by /u/anononononn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Loose saggy fat vs hard fat

Why is some fat on people loose and saggy looking and on other people it’s hard to the touch?

I lost about 70lbs and still have about 40lbs to go. I now have the loose saggy kind of fat. I do also have loose skin that doesn’t bother me, but the loose hanging fat does. It also seems like it’s more difficult to get rid of. I can grab all the fat in my stomach and pull it forward like it could just be cut off (wouldn’t that be great?).

I’m doing all the stuff I’m supposed to and making progress, it’s just slow and I’m impatient. I do fear that this loose fat will stick around though even if it gets smaller.

For example, I see it on people who have had 100+ lbs weight loss. Yes there is loose skin, but there’s also almost always a bunch of loose fat, too.

submitted by /u/avid_life
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A mate didn’t recognise me after bumping into him at the pub.

Kind of felt good when he said he was impressed with how much weight I’ve lost. I’ve probably not seen him in 3 if not more months. I’m currently at about the halfway point of my weight loss journey, down three stone/19.7kg with another 20.5 to go.

When I look at myself in the mirror I don’t see any progress, even though I know the numbers have been consistently dropping since I started tracking my calories towards the end of March. I’ve been taking photos at certain intervals but even that doesn’t seem to show any difference (to me at least).

So it’s somewhat reassuring to hear people tell you you’ve lost weight. Happened over a month ago as well when my coworkers told me my face was looking slimmer.

So I guess for anyone reading this who also struggles with how they perceive themselves, I guess people around us do take notice. Hang in there.

submitted by /u/alions123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat