Saturday, August 6, 2022

Scared to Eat More Than 1400cal

23/F, 5’6”, SW: 225ish CW:156lbs GW:145lbs

I’ve been on a weight loss journey for the past 9 months and have managed to lose about 60 lbs with another 10 to go. For the first couple months I only focused on diet as I was too scared to go to the gym. For the past month or so, however, I’ve been consistently going to the gym 5-6 times a week. I’ll do 30 mins of cardio and then 45-60 mins of weight lifting. I still track my calories and have found myself having a really hard time eating more than 1400 calories (I’ve had 1,040 today). I know based on BMR calculations I should probably be eating more, but anytime I go above 1400 I start feeling guilty and will restrict myself to about 1000 the next day. I know this is not good in the long term, but it’s hard to get out of this mindset.

Has anyone gone through something similar? How did you get out of it?

submitted by /u/Aggravating-Net-7801
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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