Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Worried I’m losing too fast, yet am tracking everything correctly?

Hello LoseIt, hoping you can provide me some guidance!

I started my weight loss journey on the 1st of August and have set my weight loss goal of 0.25kg/0.5lb a week and am eating approx 1350 calories a day with no exercise which is the intake my app recommended (I am 164cm/5ft4, 29 years old and female with no known health conditions)

As of today, I’ve lost 5.7kg/12.5lb which means I’m losing about 3kg/6lb a month. Is this too fast? I’ve been trying to have maintenance days here and there, but I’m concerned that I’m losing too fast. I am also trying to ensure I eat enough vitamins and a variety of foods so that I don’t cause deficiencies, and I don’t feel tired or unwell, nor do I feel overly hungry. On days when I walk over 7000 steps, I eat about 1600 calories to make up for the calories burned.

I am weighing myself daily and tracking and weighing all my food correctly (using the scan function in the Lose It app to scan every food I eat, even the labels on my fruit). I’m drinking 2L of water everyday and am sleeping normally.

Should I be worried and eat at maintenance for a while? I’m worried I’m losing way too quickly yet am doing what I’m ‘supposed to’ according to my app. Any guidance is very welcome!

Edited to add more info.

submitted by /u/sirop-de-fleurs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help losing the last few pounds

I managed to pull myself from just inside obese to the healthy side of the healthy/overweight BMI categories, but my weight loss has utterly stalled. I don't seem to be able to lose any more weight, even with calorie counting (which confuses me, I run a deficit and the fat's still not going away). Fortunately I'm not putting it back on either.

I'm just wanting help getting the last little bit of fat off. I don't need to be downright skinny, I just need that last stubborn bit of tub gone.

submitted by /u/Then_Assistant_8625
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Current Mindset

What’s up guys, I wanted to get some info on what people do/how often you have cheat days. I started taking weight loss serious about 4ish months ago. I started at 315 pounds and I’m down 45 pounds to 270. I do IF (16/8 and 20/4 depending on the day) and I workout 5-6 days a week. I count calories, you know all the good stuff. But I ask about cheat days because I’m to the point now where I feel so into it that when I have a cheat day or meal I just feel like crap afterwards. Before hand I really want that cheat meal and after I hate that I did it even though I know it’s deserved. Just wondering how some of you go about this and again how often you have a “cheat day”.

submitted by /u/SnooOpinions4436
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think I've restarted my weight loss journey dozens of times

Back in 2019, up until March 2020, I was losing weight, lifting weights at the gym and being overall healthy. Then the pandemic started and I put on all the weight I had lost... I must have gained some 10kgs.

It's almost 1am and my sister came home with burgers and I ate them. Now my body feels miserable and I'm left wondering what the hell I'm doing with my life.

I need medication for hypertension but that didn't prevent me from eating as much as I do. I must be weighting almost 100kgs now. If I don't do something, anything, I'm going to get sick and something bad is going to happen.

I'm going to get married 30 days from now and I don't want to just die or anything. I want to be healthy. So help me God to lose this weight and stick with counting calories this time.

submitted by /u/Walks-Beneath-Trees
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Would it be worth asking my doctor about weight loss medication/surgery?

So I currently weigh about 325 pounds and I'm 5'9". Being obese has created a lot of health issues for me, such as sleep apnea, fatigue, and pain from climbing stairs or extended walking. It's really frustrating to be the fattest person in every class I take and to arrive out of breath everyday. Diets are difficult for me to maintain due to being a very picky eater and obviously I can't exercise. Would it be worth asking my doctor about getting weight loss medication or surgery to help me? I do recognize that I would still need to be careful about things such as food intake.

submitted by /u/ReneePWB
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: I ate fast food for the first time since my lifestyle change and I don't feel guilty.

I started my "lifestyle change" on September 25th. I say lifestyle change because I initially started with running 3x a week and doing some strength training on the days I don't run. I had no plan of changing my diet because I just wanted to get in shape because of something I want to be able to do next year for college.

Then, I figured this would be a good opportunity for weight loss. I had tried a few times to lose weight, but I'd always fail by getting fast food when my family was and just calling everything off about a week or two in. This time, I decided this would not be the case.

I have been craving KFC for 3 days. I have given myself a budget of 1600 cal based on my TDEE (~220lbs, 5'4) and I worked it into my budget today because I knew my family usually gets take out around the middle of the week. This is the point where I usually give up, especially when I "cave" and get fast food, but I didn't! I budgeted it in and didn't splurge (a big issue with me), and I don't feel guilty because it put those cravings at ease for a while. To me, it's worth one meal of fast food that I fit into my budget vs. ignoring the cravings until I splurge and just give up. I consider this a NSV!

submitted by /u/spectorgadget
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

y'all ever feel like the only ones targeted

Title is as it says I 14m started a weight loss journey like 4 months ago and have been steadily losing weight but something I noticed is I feel like the only fat guy who gets shit like at school they're other people just as big if not bigger than me who are popular and don't get picked on any and sometimes it makes me think what the fuck because whenever I'm in a social situation someone ends up making fun of me much to the laughter of others and it seems like other fat people don't get nearly as much hate I noticed this when I was in the 1st grade and I had to leave my best friend because his dad wouldn't let me be friends with me because I was fat and sometimes it just puzzles me I'm not even mad or a body positivity person I'm just wandering if y'all ever feel the same because I'm absolutely stumped

submitted by /u/ThrowAway2736947
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from loseit - Lose the Fat