Thursday, October 13, 2022

Did not reach my GW, but I found out I'm pregnant!

SW:220LB, CW:160, GW:150-140LB, 5'-3", 29F.

I will have to pause my weight loss journey as I just found out I am pregnant! So I guess I will have to be on maintenance+250 cal for awhile. I don't actually know what are the recommandation for pregnant women, I'll have to look it up.

I always been in the dieting and losing mindset. I started losing when I became nice to myself and myself space to improvement. I feel like the 10 last years were focus on that. It feels weird to suddenly have to put all that aside. Now I have to focus to provide for someone else.

Also, I'll have to work on myself and try not to panick when I will start putting on weight and seeing my body change.

It's all so weird and exciting! Now that I re-read my post, it is kind of pointless, but it feels great writing it!

submitted by /u/ultramichelo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m becoming stagnant.

I’m a 5’4” female.

SW: 232.4lb CW: 201.8lb GW: 170lb

Hello everyone! When I first started losing weight the pounds seemed to fall off slow but steady. By the end of my first year of college, I lost 15lb. Over the summer I lose about 15lb more. Now, I’m almost done a semester and I’ve been stagnant since August. The same 1-2lb fluctuations since September.

I think I’m experiencing my first plateau. This is my first time taking my weight loss seriously and I don’t know how to approach this new development.

I still work out consistently for 3-4 days a week, but I know most change come in the kitchen.

I have not done CICO. When I first started on focusing on making healthier choices while eating less combined with weight lifting. I decided that route because I only ever had access to dining hall food and other unhealthy options on campus. Now, I’m unsure of how to approach CICO since I barely have the time or the budget to make home cooked meals.

But I am willing to try. How do I start? What do I need to do to break through this plateau?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/brandimav
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Finally in double digits!

As the title says, I finally broke my several month plateu and got under 100kgs! It's a modest weight loss of 14kg when compared to the other outstanding people in this group - but it's my 14kgs! I'm getting closer to buttoning up some fancy pants, and am hoping to be able to wear them during some upcoming exams! Finally breaking the 100s has made me more determined not to celebrate with food, or to get takeout on my drive interstate tmw, and I'm already planning what I'll eat when we go out for dinner this weekend and fitting it into my calories! I'm very dedicated this time and it feels amazing!

Anyways just wanted to tell you all 😂

submitted by /u/Regz94
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Unable to exercise and want to lose weight

I have a couple of chronic illnesses that prevent me from exercising at all (not looking for advice on this). I’m 5’9 and weigh 60kg. I am currently eating around 1500 calories and still have a lot of excess body fat.

I’ve read that it’s unhealthy to eat any less than this but in this circumstance, given that I am inactive, would this be a problem in order to lose weight?

Also, any tips for weight loss in my situation?

submitted by /u/soy_saucyy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is natural juice bad for weight loss?

I've been doing crossfit pretty intensely for about two years, I've lost some weight (like 5kg) I know it's not much but I'm also not on a deficit and my diet is pretty clean I avoid sugars I don't drink sodas on my daily life, but I'm a pastry chef so completely eliminating sugars for me is imposible, I have to taste test, it's just a bit, but makes it kinda difficult to really be on a deficit.

I snack when I'm hungry (working on that rn) mostly savory snacks, and I'm currently replacing my typical mid morning snack with some natural juice

I usually put a few frozen strawberries half a banana and stevia on a blender and that's it, but EVERYWHERE everyone says juice is bad for weight loss blablabla I can't stand the texture of most raw fruits that's why I blend them.

So I came here for some opinions, you think this may work to help me be on a deficit? (I don't track my cals because I have a very bad past with eating disorders, but thanks to that I can also calculate in my head more or less what amount of calories I'm eating)

submitted by /u/Educational-Tie4963
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 30kg but I'm still massively insecure

I(M25) used to be morbidly obese as recently as December of last year, weighing around 131 kg. Losing weight has been an eternity project for me since I've been obese my entire adult life. In recent years It has been more difficult due to certain medications and the setback has been significant, which lead to suicidal ideation. I've hated my body so much to the point of wanting to die.

Ever since I've lost some weight and now im at 97kg. I didn't do much but I stopped eating so much junk food, especially candy, chips and shit like that. It wasn't really a conscious effort. I just didn't feel like eating much as it's been a chore at best.

However I'm still extremely insecure about my body as I'm still fat as a son of a bitch and hideous looking. I simply don't see any difference. Yet my family members claim to have noticed my weight loss somehow.

I thought I'd stop being an abomination of nature when I become leaner but i was sorely mistaken. Idk what am I gonna do at this point.

submitted by /u/sofuckingcursed
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Scared I'm not going to be here for my son in the long run due to my weight and need to change my lrifestyle ASAP. I've reached my breaking point and I don't want to be like this anymore.

Hi r/loseit, I came across this subreddit as a recommendation for support as I try to change my lifestyle and lose weight, a lot of weight. I'm a 25 year old female and just saw the scale hit 300 lbs for the first time. I never thought I would end up like this.

A little background on how I got here: at the beginning of the pandemic, I quit my job (I was a waitress for 6 years), moved out of state, and became pregnant with my first child. My starting pregnancy weight was 225 and after I had him I weighed 275 so I gained a large amount especially for how big I was already. A few months later, I was diagnosed with postpartum anxiety and depression. I completely lost myself and any amount of care I had to make myself a better person. You would think having a child would motivate you to do better, but I can't seem to get there. I also was diagnosed with IIH, a disease where high pressure in the brain causes headaches and vision loss. This has caused my right eye to almost become blind. I'm currently taking medication for that, and weight loss is also a big treatment option. It's been almost 2 years since he has been born and I'm still trying to manage the anxiety/depression, as well as begin my self love journey. I'm now 300 lbs and it is definitely time to do something.

My biggest issue is that I lose myself in food. Eating distracts me from everything else going on. I tend to skip meals during the day, and eat a large meal for dinner and then late night snacks. I don't really exercise. I have every once in a while whether that's going to the gym or taking my dog for a walk, but it's never consistent.

I know there are so many resources, but it's almost overwhelming to me. I'm looking for a simple starting point, a group where I can check-in to keep me motivated, guides, etc. I want to involve myself in this community. No one around me is dealing with something similar so it's hard for me to find support. If you're still here, I appreciate you reading this and appreciate anything you have to offer. I find myself so worried that one day soon, my son will be without his mother due to my weight and health issues. I can't let that happen. Please help. Thank you.

submitted by /u/MastodonThin9981
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from loseit - Lose the Fat