Sunday, October 23, 2022

Scales, eating disorders, running and understanding how to do this healthy?

This is a bit of a mess of a post. I have questions at the bottom haha.

For context, I have a history of eating disorders. For the first time in my adult life, I have worked to a point where I am comfortable and not too sick to exercise! So, I bought a scale as a way to track weight loss and to not always chase after a moving target. I also started exercising 5x a week last week and it was been a LOT of fun. For the first time, weight is just a measurement instead of a judgment of too much or too little. It is a way for me to see and track progress instead of something to obsess over.

Later last week, I was looking good. I had dropped a bit - I could tell. Not a ton but enough that I looked nicer in a pantsuit I was wearing. I also was feeling more confident and better about myself. I have been working HARD to keep my mindset a "This is just for me just for fun! I love how this makes me feel. I have more energy and feel more productive. Plus, I don't feel guilty when I want the occasional piece of candy!" I also am working towards losing weight at the same time because I am on the heavier side (prior to working out, I was hanging around 201lbs for a 5'10" woman). So, I run for 30 minutes per day. My scale just came in today and I weighed myself - about 196lbs. So, I think an improvement of a few pounds which is kinda cool!

My questions are - how do you do this healthily? How do you keep from obsessing over your weight if you have a history of ED? Also, how do you run consistently? I tend to do .10 mile and then pause and die for a moment haha.

submitted by /u/Sweetly_Signing26
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stop strength training and swap to walking?

F18, 5”5 and 136lbs Gw:124lbs i have been eating 1400 cals and strength train around 3/4 times a week w around 8-13k steps daily. i have been doing this for a month and havent seen any scale changes but i do feel (slightly) less leaner. Last year I did Hiit 5x a week but stopped it completely and relied solely on walking and lost ~ 9 kg. Should i stop strength training for the period of my weight loss and solely rely on walks/runs whilst still in a deficit?

submitted by /u/New_Afternoon7904
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I feel like i’m in a rush with my life and weight loss

so when it comes to me losing weight I feel I need it done SOON as possible, why? Because I just turned 22 and I’m also a mom. I WANT to be the hottest and healthiest I can be during my youth. I miss my old confidence and self so so much, My goals are to lose enough or even get to my desired goal weight by next summer. (186 to 130) But I keep having these thoughts in the back of my mind let’s say if i fail, like “oh another year of losing weight you’ll never get to truly enjoy your life” or “wow, you’ll be 23 and still not there yet” I feel like there’s a rush and so much weight on my shoulders, Should I just slow down and take it day by day? Maybe my anxiety is getting to the best of me right now haha, I’ve been thinking about this so much it’s unreal.

submitted by /u/sweatyjuggz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, October 22, 2022

3 years of dieting for nothing

GW:130 lbs CW: 160lbs height 5'4 3 years of yoyo diets, 3 years of starving myself then binging. I have lost 25 lbs and I have gained back 15. I am so sick of this. I think about losing weight over 100 times a day. But I can’t find anything else to replace the comfort food brings me. I am under a lot of stress and the only thing that helps is eating. Working out feels like hell, its not an instant gratification. All I have to lose now is 30 lbs, which in theory isn’t a lot. But why does it feel like the weight of the world?

I am a nursing student and I am studying probably 75% of the hours that I am awake. The other, I am cleaning and cooking and spending time with my husband. When do I workout or go for walks? I also can’t be convinced that the dopamine release I get from working out is better than during eating food. when I workout I feel pain everywhere. Food is quicker and readily available. I also love to cook which makes the idea even worse of chosing exercise for stress relief.

Yet, I can’t bear the thought of ruining my 20’s any longer being fat, self concious and miserable. Did anyone find anything that brought them comfort during weight loss the way that food did? Like an activity or a hobby? Please share. I’m completely out of ideas and motivation. In the last year I have dieted over 250 times (I kept track in my phone). I managed to lose 25 lbs on keto but as soon as something stressful happens, I gain some of it back. I feel like a crack addict but with food, is this what being a drug addict feels like?

What is gonna make the 251 diet work? I need help but where do I get it?

submitted by /u/Moogirl1590
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Make sure you track your BLTs

First of all I know CICO is valid. Obviously the science is there. However, I also don’t believe it’s always that simple because we’re all very different and have different TDEE and ways our bodies respond to calorie restriction even with same height and weight. (This is mostly applicable to rate of weight loss)

What I will say is people do CICO and forgot to track their BLTs ie Bite Licks and Tastes. Even I have been guilty of this in the past.

Every time you go into the kitchen you take a lick of that ice cream. You don’t track it because you figure one lick is harmless right. 6 licks becomes 1 whole scoop which you didn’t track which quickly becomes 200 calories. Similarly ‘tasting’ when you’re cooking can add lots of calories without realizing.

So if you have a “standard metabolism” and CICO isn’t working for you make sure you’re tracking absolutely everything unless it’s like cucumbers or actually 0 calories. Might make all the difference.

What I like to do is add 100 calories at the end of each day to account for any thing I might have missed.

submitted by /u/Bigtidsnass
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just a tip for anyone get a rash under armpits or other areas where skin sag occurs. (Hope this is allowed).

Hi, I’ve had multiple attempts at weight loss over the last decade, and I always end up with an itchy and ugly armpit rash. The only thing that ever stops it has been a 10% benzoyl peroxide facial wash called PanOxyl. (I’ve tried anti fungals, hydrocortisone etc).

You do need to wash the areas first (like to remove antiperspirants or sweat). If using on armpits, do not shave for at least 48 hours ahead. Apply a dime sized amount or so on the end of a wet q tip or on wet paper towel to rashly area. Rub in thoroughly and let sit for a few minutes then wash off, and gently dry. Put on a shirt you don’t mind ruining after; benzoyl peroxide does discolor fabric. Do not shave if under armpit and no aluminum based deodorants until you’re clear (and dispose of old razors!). (I use Lume). Repeat the next day. I do this before bed, or after work. You should see a massive reduction in itching within a day. There will be skin folds that darken and peel; this is normal. Once you see this, only use the PanOxyl 3-4 times a week. Once cleared up, use once a week or so to keep the rash away.

I’ve gone from dark purple, angry rash under both armpits to clear within a month. I never go without this stuff now and during hot months will occasionally add it to my liquid body wash as a little extra protection for under boobs etc.

submitted by /u/anonymiz123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else noticing massive boosts in their sleep schedule?

Just wondering if this is a common occurrence. I've been eating at a reasonable caloric deficit for about a month and a half, about 1700 a day as a 6'0 man. Around the one month mark, I noticed I began getting drowsy a lot earlier than I usually do.

Sleep has been a struggle for me my entire life. No matter what I tried, I'd often still be up at 4 AM trying desperately to fall asleep. Working night shifts in the past hasn't helped my case. However, I've recently found myself getting tired around 9-10 PM, and I'm usually out by midnight. I've been out of bed around 8-9 AM consistently, which feels straight up surreal to me.

I guess what I'm asking is: is it normal for CICO to improve one's sleep schedule so dramatically? I suppose it makes sense given that I'm taking in less food energy, but I'm so relieved about it that I can hardly believe it. Between this and the weight loss, tackling two lifelong issues with one stone feels too good to be true.

submitted by /u/CatalystSSB
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from loseit - Lose the Fat