Friday, November 11, 2022

How many lbs/week should I aim to lose without being unsafe

I'm a 29 year old transgender man, 5'10", 261 lbs, 37.9 BMI, 51% muscle mass. I was recently encouraged by my cardiologist and PCP to lose weight, and I've decided I'd like to lose 40 lbs. Because of unsafe weight loss that I did to myself when I was a teen, I'm sensitive to counting calories. That said, I know I need this weight loss to remain healthy and live a long, good life.

I'm curious - how much weight do you think I should aim to lose per week (or if there's a better measurement, I don't know) without doing damage to my body? I weight lift 1x/week and am walking on a treadmill for 60 min 4x/week, and have been doing this for 2 weeks. So far, I've lost 11 lbs. I want to keep it up but I also want to be realistic about my weight loss so I don't burn out too quickly.

TLDR; how much weight should I aim to lose per week to quickly but safely lose 40 lbs?

submitted by /u/stevienicksisagemini
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, November 10, 2022

What made you finally stick your weight loss?

I’ve struggled for so long with my weight, going on crazy diets, exercising everyday only to gain it all back again. I once lost 50 pounds in two months only to gain it all back again. I cannot for the life of my find the motivation to keep on it even after a 3 months streek.

I am really curious to hear some of your struggles with on and off weight loss, and how you finally stuck to it. I am currently having a really hard time getting back into it. For me it is very necessary healthwise I currently walk full-time and I’m finishing my masters degree and the unhealthy foods that I’m eating in. The lack of exercise is really taking a toll on me and making it extremely hard to for fill my obligations.

How’s the journey been for you?

submitted by /u/-iwonttellifyoudont-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need some support today

Hi all, I could use some support today. I’m a month into my weight loss journey. Here are my stats:

5’2” 30 years old SW: 165 CW: 160 GW: 145

I’ve made great progress in the past month so I’m proud of myself. It hasn’t been super hard. Yesterday and today I’m struggling. I’m ridiculously fatigued. I’ve had my usual dose of caffeine. I’ve tried napping it off. I feel heavy and sore and exhausted. Don’t think I’m getting sick - already got over a cold from last week.

My current plan is 1500 calories a day, and I work out 4x a week.

I’m really tempted to binge today. Something in me feels like I might be burning out after a month of sticking really hard to my goals and perhaps maybe going too far a couple times (some long cardio sessions and extra restrictive days). That emotional temptation to just indulge is really strong today.

I feel my resolve getting a little weak and I don’t want to derail over a rough couple of days. If I do that it won’t just be the weight loss process I feel like I’ll be sabotaging but it’ll put me in an emotional spiral. If anyone could offer words of guidance, encouragement, advice, I’d really appreciate it.

submitted by /u/Possible-Grape4563
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to focus on losing the weight… AGAIN.

My original starting weight was 181 lbs (5’1’’). I was not in a happy or healthy place so in 2011-2013, I was able to get down to about 130 lbs. I gained a couple pounds when I met my (now) husband in 2013, but overall… not much fluctuation for 5+ years.

In 2019 we went through some personal changes: got engaged, planned a wedding, planned a move to a new city, etc and my heathy lifestyle was altered a bit and I gained some more weight.

Then in 2020 I was in a new city, in a new job with a long commute, dealing with a stressful work environment… with no cooking routine, ordering more delivery, etc etc and I had completely lost touch with the side of myself that was interested in weight loss or maintenance.

I keep trying to grab onto the enthusiasm I had for fitness and heathy living that I had years ago but I just default to this new me that would rather sit in autopilot. I also just keep dwelling on the fact that I will have to start this journey over and lose the weight AGAIN. It just seems exhausting.

My husband is always supportive when I want to focus on eating healthy and exercising, but I lose interest after a short period of time and I’m back to not caring about it.

I’m now at 165 lbs and I know I need to take action before I’m back to my original weight, but I feel uninspired!

I would love some advice especially if you have been through something similar.

TLDR: how do I start over and lose the weight, again?

submitted by /u/I_am_a_kitty_cat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For those who reached their goal weight, what does maintenance look like for you?

I've lost over 125lbs and am more or less at my goal weight, but every day is still a struggle. I feel like a drug addict taking it one day at a time.

For those who are currently at their goal weight, how are you handling maintenance? How does it feel emotionally? Are you still struggling? Is there any advice you'd like to give?

For those who have hit their goal weight and regained, is there any insight you'd like to share?

The way I ate during my weight loss is the same as I'm eating now, I just get to have a little more. I enjoy the food and it's not a pain to prepare. I'm just struggling with the emotional side of it all.

My thoughts (not necessarily actions) go like this:

Can't sleep? I bet a couple bowls of cereal would make me groggy.

Received bad news and can't stop thinking about it? Baking would give me something to concentrate on, and I'd get the dopamine hit from eating the cookies, brownies, whatever.

Having a good day? Baking some chocolate chip cookies would be a nice hit of some happy nostalgia. Maybe some hot chocolate too. Oh, and stores have pies out now.

I usually don't give into these thoughts. But I don't like how intrusive they are, all the time.

submitted by /u/YuleWitch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss motivation

For context I'm a female in her 20s and have really been struggling with weight loss. I used to be very very athletic and quite muscular. I went through a period of depression and put on a bunch of weight. I am in no means obese and I don't look fat when you look at me but I know I am not a healthy weight. My clothes aren't fitting I can't do up my jeans hate looking at myself in the mirror and have become so upset with myself. I just can't find the motivation to do anything about it. Any tips?

submitted by /u/flipfloppoohbear
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Favorite Weight Loss YouTubers?

I like to watch YouTube while I am getting ready for the day, or cooking, or folding laundry, but I have really gotten in a rut with the handful of weight loss YouTubers I follow. I would love to find some new channels for motivation!

Currently I follow:

Abbey Sharp - does intuitive eating content, but I really like when she reviews celebrity diets for practicality and suggests healthy improvements

Angelica Glows Up - used to do WW, now doing CICO, unfortunately doesn't upload super often

Kiana Docherty - most recent content is more like a critique of anti-diet culture, I guess you'd call it? And cultural influences on weight

LukeNarwhal - literally reads posts from Reddit, lol

Obese to Beast - mostly does reaction videos to other people's weight loss related content these days, he lost a ton of weight several years ago. I appreciate his perspective on loose skin, etc.

That's all I've got! You can see why I need ideas. Who do y'all like?

submitted by /u/Layni1006
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from loseit - Lose the Fat