Thursday, November 10, 2022

For those who reached their goal weight, what does maintenance look like for you?

I've lost over 125lbs and am more or less at my goal weight, but every day is still a struggle. I feel like a drug addict taking it one day at a time.

For those who are currently at their goal weight, how are you handling maintenance? How does it feel emotionally? Are you still struggling? Is there any advice you'd like to give?

For those who have hit their goal weight and regained, is there any insight you'd like to share?

The way I ate during my weight loss is the same as I'm eating now, I just get to have a little more. I enjoy the food and it's not a pain to prepare. I'm just struggling with the emotional side of it all.

My thoughts (not necessarily actions) go like this:

Can't sleep? I bet a couple bowls of cereal would make me groggy.

Received bad news and can't stop thinking about it? Baking would give me something to concentrate on, and I'd get the dopamine hit from eating the cookies, brownies, whatever.

Having a good day? Baking some chocolate chip cookies would be a nice hit of some happy nostalgia. Maybe some hot chocolate too. Oh, and stores have pies out now.

I usually don't give into these thoughts. But I don't like how intrusive they are, all the time.

submitted by /u/YuleWitch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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