Friday, November 18, 2022

Confused about cardio

In my previous post, I talked about how I’m in a plateau despite being in a calorie deficit (yes counting everything even sauces, oils, and no bites and licks all in grams), weightlifting 4 times a week (not new so I don’t think it’s beginner gains or water retention), and doing cardio 6 days a week (20 mins on weightlifting days and an hour the other two days). Too much information but might be needed for your advice and judgement!

I know smartwatches suck with counting calories from exercise so I usually just use it as a baseline of what I at least want to burn in a day while in a calorie deficit.

My question is, am I doing too much cardio? The answers I’m getting on google aren’t clear. Some say too much cardio hinders weight loss some say it accelerates it. I’ve read that it might be counterproductive doing too much but how do I know I’m doing too much?

Generally speaking, I try to keep my heart rate around 145-160 while doing cardio (is that too much it too little?)

Eating from 1500-1750 calories a day. If I’m sedentary I should be losing at least 0.25kg in a week if all week 1750 and 0.5 if 1500.

I’m still somehow discouraged over this long plateau that I overate yesterday (trying not to feel guilty and go right back to my routine)

F 22, 79.6kg, 178cm

Thank you in advance!

Edit: I also at least walk 10k steps a day.

submitted by /u/SousvidedLasgna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Gender Fuckery and Weight Loss

Hey everyone,

I'm an AFAB (assigned female at birth) trans masc individual, and as I've been losing weight, I've found that I keep getting misgendered. Only one person has noticed I've lost weight and they don't know I'm trans, so I don't know if it's visible clearly or more of a subconscious thing.

So how do I lose weight and maintain that kind of blob shape/ attain a more masc shape so I stop getting called she? I'm doing a lot of weight lifting but I've also seen that give a feminine shape to afab people, so I'm not sure

submitted by /u/Accomplished-Sock959
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone who walks for weight loss?

I love walking, And I've read that it's better to walk in a pace of a km under 10 minutes 30 seconds. And I can do that. But the thing is, It's not a big deal for me, I can easily do that, My heartbeat doesn't go up, Sometimes I don't even break a sweat, I try to walk 6 kms a day, Twice a day.

Can somebody who is into walking for calorie burning who knows more than me here tell me if I'm doing something wrong?

submitted by /u/bhaiyu_ctp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss slowing down - thoughts?

I've lost a bit over 38 pounds since starting this journey in June. Up until September, the pace of my weight loss was pretty steady, I was losing about 6.6 pounds/month, on 1700 calories at first (then 1600 since October, that's when I started counting with the lose it app), working out twice a week (cardio + weight lifting) and allowing myself one cheat day/week, when I still stay under 2500, 2200 being my maintenance calories.

For the first time since then I've been at the same weight for a month, (with fluctuations, I have gone down 4 pounds then went back up). This is also the first month where I started adding protein powder into my diet, bumping up my daily protein intake from 50g to about 80g, 110 on the days I workout. I do track calories and make the protein powder fit into my daily budget.

I know weight loss tends to slow down when a person is approaching their ideal weight, but my BMI is still at 32 and I am only about a third of the way there.

Should I do an extra day at the gym? Cut out my cheat day? I could cut down my calorie intake, but I honestly feel comfortable with 1600 - and I also find it quite sustainable for me overall. Has anyone else that's experienced plateaus at the beginning stages of their journey and has any insight?

submitted by /u/mia_sparrow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sugar cravings

I started weight loss journey about 7month ago, I lost 23lbs being 5"2 female. I'm currently around 147-151 pound. I'm eating 1200-1300kcal.

Since I reach 147lbs, my weight is plateauing and stuck. Also sugar and snack cravings are kicking in while I'm totally fine with sticking with meal plans. I keep have this crave of sugary snacks recently while my weight is plateauing. I binge lots of sugars in a day while not excessively going over my maintainance calories, for examples 5 pieces of buttercookies and few chocolates. It is really hard to get them off of my head and making snacks out of my reach due to family environment. I don't know what to do; I'm exercising 5-6 days (3 days full body weight training and 2-3 days of 1hr 20min cardio), counting calories, don't eat heavy meals, fasting between breakfast and dinner since I have to eat breakfast cuz of my medication. I really don't know what to expect; I'm maintaining current weight rn. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/mewmew1222
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Lost more than half my body weight, have a ton of loose skin and not sure what to do from here

As the title states, my current weight is less than half my high weight. My BMI has been teetering a bit above and a few times accidentally below 18.5, after not weighing myself for awhile. (When it drops below 18.5 I have 2,500ish calorie days until I hit about a BMI of around 19.5.) I want to look better and I do not want to be underweight.

I'm at a really weird-to-me part of my weight loss/fitness journey. Life has changed a lot in all aspects. I never thought I'd reach this weight and never really considered what I'd do. It's weird as someone who had troubles with binge eating and compulsive overeating to consider that I need to eat more. And no, I'm not afraid to. I'm sincerely puzzled as to how to live maintenance. I understand the CICO part, but not the lifestyle part.

I look great in clothes, but nude I look awful from the hips down. I was able to get my chest done but it will probably be several years until I can afford to get anything else. And thankfully, while standing up my stomach looks relatively normal. I know I should lift weights and try to fill some of it out, but I can't see how that will make a difference considering how extreme the loose skin is. I can pull it several inches off my stomach (but at least it springs back there), butt, and thighs. I can grab my lower hips and pull up my lower body like a pair of loose jeans.

I was also extremely fortunate enough to move to a place that's a sort of outdoor paradise. I moved from an urban area where I'd have to take a couple days off work, drive several hours, camp or rent a hotel just to go on a hike. Currently hiking trails are about a four minute walk from my house. Rivers about a 15 minute drive, lakes 20 minute drive, mountains and beaches about an hour drive. This is how I accidentally became underweight, exploring the new areas, being active, and forgetting to eat - didn't even occur to me I'd have to eat more. I realize these are very privileged problems to have, but they're problems nonetheless.

I don't know how 'normal healthy fit people' eat. I have all sorts of specialty foods that I genuinely enjoy and can continue to afford, but it's definitely not normal to live off various protein supplements.

I don't know how to get myself motivated to intentionally work out again (exploring not included in this) as I know there's not much that can be done for my appearance short of surgery.

For a few months now I've been feeling absolutely stuck.

I've been enjoying reading books on health, nutrition, and fitness. The most recent book I finished was Defense of Food by Michael Pollan, which I highly recommend. It absolutely helped with my understanding of what I should be eating, but I really need additional guidance.

Not sure what I'm looking for from posting this. Any advice is appreciated.

submitted by /u/YuleWitch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 17

Hello everyone!

Thursday. Day 17 of November. I hope yours was a fabulous day.

Onto goals!

2000 calories a day (lose two pounds this month): On it today! I’m going to roast asparagus & chicken drumsticks this evening.

Weigh in & log weight once a week, Thursday mornings: Weigh in logged this morning. NSV – When I was at my heaviest, this is the time of year that the cold weather would mean I randomly threw my back out. I haven’t done that since I started this journey, not just because of the weight loss, but because of the strength work & higher activity level. Love that for me.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): 30 minute stationary bike. 11/17 days.

Sober November: Yup. I'm considering allowing myself some festive imbibing for Turkey Day so long as my streak stays until then. 17/17 day(s).

Nanowrimo: I'm hoping to get after more of this tonight. I think if I play my cards right this weekend, I can sneak in two write ins. 17,764/28,333 words & 2/4 write ins.

Today's gratitude list: Today, I'm grateful for how beautiful the snow was as it fell today. Straight up snow globe snow, so picturesque.

Random to do list item I want to conquer today: Get good rest, my digestive system is being weird & shark week has taken it out of me. Early to bed with me.

Done with the boring stuff, onto your day! Tell us all about it!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat