Monday, December 12, 2022

I can finally clean my belly button

My belly button was too deep from its shape and my belly fat to clean out the lint. For a long time now, I've felt lint in it, but no method of cleaning would get it out completely. Now that I'm down to 175 lbs, something about the shape changed enough from my fat loss that I was finally able to clean it easily yesterday! It's so satisfying and I'm so happy. It's a tiny thing but it represents a lot of progress.

After giving birth early last year, I was still a bit over 200 lbs but didn't try to lose weight until 9 months later when I quit breastfeeding. I've been more or less following a meal plan I worked out that has balanced nutrition and a slight calorie deficit. I avoid grains, dairy, sugar, and legumes. I treat fruit like candy, only sometimes partake. I try to eat as many vegetables as I can and anything that supports a healthy gut. I don't exercise much aside from heavy housework and taking care of a toddler all day. It has been the easiest and most effective attempt at weight loss I've ever tried.

submitted by /u/enjoyfoodagain
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stretch marks appearing like crazy while losing weight?

I 24f am no stranger to stretch marks, they've started appearing on my stomach about a year ago. I have now lost about 20 lbs in the last 4 months, and I am still getting new stretch marks, my older ones are getting longer or wider even. Bright red... so I know they're new. I am moisturizing with bio oil and body lotions and everything, I feel terrible about my weight loss and frustrated with all these new stretch marks... I am now also getting new stretch marks on my hips, which I haven't had since I was 16... I am positive I've lost the weight, and not too quickly too... Anyone know why this is happening?

submitted by /u/Fittingin22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I wish I had taken more pics of me at my highest weight.

Sorry for text formatting, I'm on mobile. Long story short, I started tracking my weight through MyFitnessPal in December of 2019. Gave up on it for a year. I weighed 114 kilos (250 lbs) in the first pic, but in August of 2020-August 2021, I weighed between 119 and 125 kilos (275 lbs, and I'm 5'2"!). I didn't take pics of me at my highest. I'm now at 102.9 kg/236 lbs. I've lost 48 lbs or 22 kilos since July (5 and 1/2) months. Limiting myself to 1000-1200 calories a day, "exercise" is walking to the grocery store, working, and climbing up 3 staircases a day for now. I know I still need to lose another 50. My jeans are getting loser, but that's about it. The weight loss had luckily hit my stomach area the most. I'm not a spring chicken so I expect loose skin. I've lost 90-100 pounds 10 years ago when I was younger and had it. I don't want to weigh less than 160 lbs, btw. I'm happy with being chubby. For my height, the 115-135 looks weird on me. Different body compositions, maybe.

It sometimes really doesn't seem like I've almost lost 50 pounds.

Before/After pic-- The before pic is at 114 kgs/250 lbs. Too bad I don't have one at 275 lbs/125 kilos. We tend to avoid mirrors, I know. So this is only an 11 lb weight loss comparison but I plan to keep up on it monthly. So should you if you're wary of your progress.

submitted by /u/Gyftycf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

what does 20lbs weight loss look like in the face?

Hi so I lost some weight. (Went from around 135 to 115 so about 20 lbs) Just thought I'd share this because honestly the biggest reason for me wanting to lose weight in the first place was "well maybe it would slim down my chunky face.“ but anytime I'd google something like "weight loss in face before and after" to kind of get an idea of how much of a difference it would realistically make (because I wasn't even fat or overweight to begin with I just wanted my chunky face to be not so chunky) all I found were these before and afters of people's faces who had lost hundreds of lbs. So I honestly had no idea thee change would be this drastic lol. In the before I had on makeup which I'm pretty sure included cheek contour 😃 ikr lol Second picture has no makeup which is why I look kind of sick and tired (and yes fake glasses 🤓) Anyway I hope this gives some of you fellow chunky faces some inspiration

submitted by /u/endomylife-o
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, December 11, 2022

SV: I’m starting to see veins in my arms.

Hey everyone.

I started my weight loss journey at around 278lb in August. My heaviest weight was 290. September I went to Bariatrics after losing about 15lbs. by myself after slowly getting diagnosed with medical conditions related to obesity.

With the medical weight loss I was able to go from a 1700-2000 calorie diet to a 1200-1500 calorie diet and able to maintain even with going off the medication once my weight had gone down past 250lbs. I also incorporated cardio exercise 3-4 times a week and made sure I got my heart rate up to 150-170bpm. Strength training was also added twice a week, doing 3x8 of upper body exercises on one day and 3x8 of lower body exercises the next.

I am currently 216 right now, my goal weight is 180, and my be lower depending on how much muscle I lose and how I look in the end, but I was looking at my arm and noticed my veins going up and down my arm. I know this is insignificant, but at one point it was impossible for doctors to draw blood from my arms due to never being able to find a vein. I had always thought it was because I never drank water but now I’m thinking maybe my obesity was affecting that as well.

submitted by /u/CheifOfSinners
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Contrave / mysimba - First week experience

Hi All, thought i'd share my first week experiences with the prescription weight loss combination naltrexone /bupropion, as there aren't a lot of recent talk about in across reddit. The drugs are used in isolation to stop craving in opioid/alcohol addiction, and to stop smoking, respectively. Bupropion is also used as an antidepressant.

I have always struggled with weight but recently have gained a lot more and finding it harder than ever to keep on track, a lot of over-eating. I have been prescribed mysimba (called contrave in the US) and I hope to post updates good or bad.

The first week has been very eye-opening. I have experienced no craving for junk food whatsoever, it has been a bit surreal honestly, I can see for the first time what it must feel like for someone with a healthy relationship with food. It has just been effortless.

I am finding myself stopping eating when I am full, and not eating until I feel actually hungry. In fact, what has felt the strangest has been how often my stomach feels 'empty'. I had forgotten what that feels like for the longest time. I must have been living my life going around with a full stomach practically the entire time.

I was expecting some pretty full on side-effects, as a lot of people complain about headaches and nausea, but aside from some very minor head tension and tiredness the first few days, nothing so far. I up my dose this coming week however.

'Lost' weight this week but chalking most of it up to being less full of food.

Starting weight: 110 kg [height 5'10)

Week 1 / 11 Dec weight: 107.6 kg

submitted by /u/Trying_that_contrave
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to lose weight, but I am.a little confused with a couple of things. (Explanation in text)

Alright, so I'm a 19 year old male, with a weight that is so heavy that I am kind of embarrassed typing it here. The whole weight loss motivation kind of hit me with a wave of me hating the fact that i am living this lifestyle of mine. I want to change.

I'm all good with understanding the whole calorie deficit thing and have already downloaded my fitness pal, calculated my TDEE and started hitting the gym a lot more often throughout the week.

The problem comes from what family members have told me. I imagined losing weight as just requiring cardio, but family have told me otherwise. They said that if I lose weight without toning a bit, my skin would ultimately become loose and sag everywhere. Now I don't mind weight training, but the questions are, how often do i weight train, how hard do I go and is the statement above actually true? I have never done weight training in my life, and I am considering hiring a personal trainer to get me kick started with the know hows and a routine for a couple of months - is this a good move, or is weight training something i can pick up by myself?


submitted by /u/No_Temperature7015
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from loseit - Lose the Fat