Wednesday, December 21, 2022

[25M] Been trying to lose weight for around 3 months. I look skinnier, but the scale hasn’t changed.

Hello everybody. I’ve been trying to lose weight, started off around 83-85 kg (187 pounds) a few months ago, and decided to go for a target goal of 73kg (161 pounds) before I’d start focusing on building muscle.

For the past few months, I’ve watched my calories quite carefully, trying to be around 1500. In the past, I could literally eat a family-sized pizza by myself in one sitting, and after the weight loss, I can barely even finish a medium-sized one.

When it comes to exercise, I’ve been doing 12x3 bicep curls (10 kg each), 12x3 squats, 3-4 minutes of skipping rope and 12x3 sit-ups on a daily basis (or at least 5 days per week). Additionally, I’m walking to my job for 20-30 minutes (40-60 minutes total) 3 days per week.

Despite this effort, the scale still remains around 81-83 kg (181 pounds). However, I do feel a lot more healthy and clothing that I could barely even fit into before feels extremely loose right now.

I don’t know if I’m doing anything wrong or if this is ‘normal’?

submitted by /u/Comprehensive-Ad3016
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Losing the weight… Again

Title says it all. I’m restarting my weight loss journey.

Current stats: Male, 5’5”, 266 pounds (down from 285)

Context: September 2018 I went to a local music festival about an hour away, after the weekend was done (very minimal eating and a TON of walking) I lost about 13 pounds. I was 280 at the start of the weekend and figured this was a great opportunity to spontaneously lose weight and get healthy. Fast forward to June of 2019 and I had lost 100 or so pounds and was in the best shape of my life. I then met my (now ex) fiancé and let’s just say that wasn’t the healthiest relationship. Covid also happened and old habits die hard, and as you can see by my stats I gained all of that back over the course of 3 years.

Fast forward to November, I made a vow to myself that I was going to get out of this slump. I’m going to take care of myself again, love myself again, be better for not only myself but my fiancé as well. I’m going to get back in shape, get my finances and life in order and be the man I once was and go even further.

Turns out the fiancé has been cheating on me, found that out right before thanksgiving. Instead of letting that completely tear my life apart like I could have, I decided “I’m sticking to the game plan” and have kicked ass in every aspect of my life I wanted to improve.

Cardio 5 days a week (30 minutes, elliptical) full body weight training 2 days a week on the off days. CICO (Only eating 1,100-1,700 calories a day. I am in no way condoning such a deficit, i have consulted medical professionals and know what works for me based on previous weight loss) and no looking back. I can already tell the difference in my face and stomach region, as well as overall mood and energy levels.

I feel like I did the weight loss the first time for all the wrong reasons. I wanted attention from girls is basically what it boiled down to. Now, with recent developments, women are the last thing on my mind. I’m doing it for me this time around and I’m focusing on taking it off and keeping it off. No matter what. Down 20 pounds in one month and here’s to many more.

Moral of the story: You CAN do it. Don’t let your old habits win. Do it for the right reasons, and no matter what life throws at you… STAY FOCUSED. If you do fall off the wagon, will you stay there in the dirt or will you get back up and get back on it? It all comes down to one factor…


Thanks for reading, good luck to you on your journey, my friends.

submitted by /u/PXLDUBZ
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Injured foot and can't walk, any good cardio substitutes?

I can't walk, xray ruled out a broken bone, likely a torn tendon/ligament according to the doctor.

But walking is my favorite form of cardio. I've lost 35lbs and refuse to let this keep me from achieving my weight loss goals, so I'm still eating at a caloric deficit. But I really enjoy my 10000 steps a day and I'd like to replace them with something else.

After I get the MRI done and speak to the doctor I'll ask him what he thinks. I'm sure if he wants me off of it 100% that'll make things more difficult and really narrow my options. Anyway, hope for a speedy recovery!

Thanks in advance for any advice and suggestions!

submitted by /u/illjustwalk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally broke my plateau weight!

I was stuck for 3 months at the same weight despite regular exercise and counting calories but it finally happened! I'm starting to see regular weightloss again. It was a big struggle trying to stay consistent despite seeing no progress but I'm so glad I kept with it and found a new food and exercise routine. And the cherry on top was coming home for the holidays and my brother (who is a huge fitness/gym bro) immediately noticed my weight loss. And other family members also agreed with him. Ik that weight doesn't define me but it was really nice to hear that there's a visual and not just a scale reflection of the work I've been putting in these last few months. Hopefully I can keep it up into the new year too

submitted by /u/Former_Afternoon9662
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friend accused me of using Ozempic to achieve my weight loss

Yeah... because it can't possibly be due to a healthy moderate calorie deficit, daily walking, and simply changing my relationship with food and learning proper portion sizes. It HAS to be due to drugs???

She kept insisting this was what I must be using and that she had heard on tik tok that this Ozempic drug is what every celebrity who has lost a lot of weight is using. I told her I'd never even heard of this drug until right now and she backpedaled and insinuated I must be throwing certain foods up because no way can a skinny person ever be able to eat a donut in moderation. She literally said "naturally skinny people don't eat things like that" and "if you're throwing it up fine but just know you're ruining your teeth enamel."

I got so upset I just ended the conversation kind of rudely but whatever... I feel like it's so disheartening when your hard work and relatively slow moderate changes in lifestyle the past couple of years is chalked up to drugs or an eating disorder. :/

Edit: thank you for supportive comments! I'll try not to let it get to me. I was already considering distancing myself from this friend or just straight up ending the friendship due to her tendency to try to rope me into different MLMs and various alt right/ extreme religious group meet ups in our area so this was kind of the icing on the cake for all of that lol...

submitted by /u/plantsarecool222
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Would you use a Personal Trainer AI to help you with weight loss?

This AI (Artificial Intelligence) would offer you specific, personalized & nutrition based meal plans on your goal for weight loss and give you a diet for the day to help you loose weight healthier and faster.

This would also give you anything a Personal Trainer would but let’s say for a very low price than you would pay for a Personal Trainer or Nutritionist - at 5$/month?

If I am breaking rules I apologize, I am just curious if anyone would benefit from this AI and if it would be helpful for people.

Appreciate everyones responses ❤️

submitted by /u/successtogether101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Monday, December 19, 2022

Down 20 lbs in 3 months!

Hi everyone!

I started my weight loss journey 3 months ago, started going to the gym 3 times a week in November.

In September, I was 233ish pounds and 35% body fat and eating out and eating fast food pretty much every day. Basically spending my days sedentary and eating McDonald’s and Panda Express every day.

Then for various reasons I hit rock bottom and am still clawing my way back out. But I’m trying to get healthy. I’ve cut out fast food and soda and I’m cooking my own food.

And the past couple of days I have hit 213 lbs and 29% body fat!

I’ve lost 20 lbs in 3 months!

I have a long way to go to get to my goal of 12-15% body fat and I feel like I’ve probably lost muscle along with the fat, but I’m proud of my progress.

submitted by /u/anothernerd42
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from loseit - Lose the Fat