Friday, December 30, 2022

I got a fit bit!!

I am so excited because I decided to get a Fitbit today. I am a teacher (I teach kindergarten) and received a bunch of gift cards to Target and decided to buy a Fitbit luxe. I do have a few questions if you have one as well.

  • In your experience is the calories burned pretty accurate compared to your CICO and weight loss?

  • Are there any things you wished you knew when you first got it?

  • Is Fitbit premium worth it?

I use the Lose it app and I have already connected my Fitbit to it. I am not sure how many in this community have a Fitbit so I’d love to hear your thoughts!! Also just a little side note. It’s Winter break right now, but I can’t wait to see how many steps I take in a day when I get back to school!

submitted by /u/CommercialSea9084
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Statistics and a retrospective on a 14 month health journey after making it to One-derland

I realized back in November that I had a chance at breaking into the 100s if I had a good December. On my last scheduled weigh-in of the year, I made it. I don't remember when is the last time my weight started with a one. It must have been middle school, before I was even 13 years old.

Started this process back in late October 2021 to improve my health. M31, 6'2", 344 lb -> 199.6 lb. Thought it would be interesting to look back through my Apple Health and see by what other metrics I've improved.

Blood Pressure

On November 5th, 2021, my blood pressure was 129/91. This was after a week on 5mg of Amlodipine, so it was even higher a couple weeks earlier but I don't have those numbers. Nov 5th was my first day on 10mg of Amlodipine. I was 30 years old and needed blood pressure pills.

Today I'm at 95/63 and have been off the Amlo for about two months now. This doesn't show all 14 months, but I like to look at the descending chart. Looks like success.

Resting Heart Rate

On November 5th, 2021, my resting heart rate (averaged over several readings throughout the day) read 84 BPM.

I was having sporadic left-side chest pains back in 2020 and 2021. Knowing how fat I was carried with it a constant cardiac health paranoia which couldn't have made the situation any better. I never found out if it was acid reflux or heart palpitations, but any chest pain is scary. I event went to an ER once to get an EKG--the cardiologist said the results looked like I was "nervous during the test" and left it at that which to this day kind of freaks me out.

Anyway, 144 pounds later my resting heart rate reads 67 BPM. I haven't had that familiar pang of chest pain in months.


I don't have calorie stats for "the before-times," but I have something much more embarrassing. How about a whole month's credit card statement for Postmates and other fast food? Yikes. I was too fat to even bother driving to the fast food myself.

Back in September 2021, a day's worth of food might look like this:

  • Coffee with 1 cream and two sugars
  • One of these Toast Chee peanut butter cracker things
  • 1 Quarter Pounder, 1 Fish Fillet, and a 10 Piece Nugget
  • 1 can of Diet Coke
  • 1 bag of Smartfood White Cheddar popcorn
  • A whole box of dirty rice with some Polish sausage thrown in
  • Half a sleeve of Chips Ahoy with a glass of milk

Total calories: who the fuck knows

Since starting my weight loss I've held to 1300-1500 cals per day. I average around 1400. I started meal-prepping every week, combined with a meal delivery service so I wouldn't have to cook for both meals every day.

Yesterday, I ate:

  • Coffee with zero-sugar oat milk and Splenda
  • A slice of sprouted grain bread with a tablespoon of Nuttzo mixed nut butter
  • A plate of The Good Kitchen's Venison Meatloaf with Broccoli and Squash (shout out to this meal service, they're expensive but worth it)
  • 1 soft-boiled egg
  • 2 tablespoons of Hummus
  • 1 mug of Vanilla Chai tea with a splash of zero-sugar oat milk
  • 1 1-pound bowl of Lentils and smoked pork stew
  • 1 banana
  • 1 mug of unsweetened hot chocolate + splenda

Total calories: 1355

If I've learned anything through this process it's really how to balance a diet correctly. There was a lot to learn, and a lot of places to learn from. My palate expanded drastically--I used to not eat basically any vegetables, now I'll eat almost any cooked vegetable you can put in front of me. I still have trouble with raw leafy greens, but baby steps.

Special shout-out to J Kenj Lopez Alt's youtube channel. I learned a lot about being comfortable with cooking from his videos, and I adapted a few of his recipes for my mealpreps. More important than recipes is learning how to make home cooking a simple and stress-free process and his videos are fantastic for that.

Don't want this to sound like an ad, but I took a chance on The Good Kitchen's delivered meal service and I've been a very happy customer for over a year. Cooking for 14 meals a week is daunting, but cooking 7 meals a week and supplementing with a meal service is a lot more manageable. Their food is very tasty, very convenient, and very healthy. Also very expensive, but I decided that I would pay anything to reach a healthy weight and that my health should be a priority in all things, even financially.

Cholesterol and More

For these, the screenshots tell the tale. In every way I could get better, I got better.

My doctors told me for years that I had borderline high cholesterol. My non-HDL is down almost 20 points.

I was never officially pre-diabetic but still, my glucose is down 60%. I think I didn't fast for the first reading which is why it's so high, but whatever, reductions like that are still nice to see.

Triglycerides are way down from High Range to Normal

So anyway

Yeah. This journey's not over. Despite all I've lost already I never quite nailed down an exact goal weight--I was always operating with a general "lose weight" mentality, not a "get to X pounds" mentality. I suppose around 180lb might be the start of maintenance.

Outside of weight-loss, I have a dire need to start exercising. I lost all this weight through diet but I should really start doing some cardio for circulatory health and eventually weight training for definition. That will be the next great challenge--to maintain weight through the extra hunger that exercise can cause. But I'll get there. I've learned and done too much already to go back now.

Here's to 2023.

submitted by /u/Seref15
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Balanced on the edge of a knife

I get this overwhelming feeling that hitting my goals is both impossible and inevitable. It feels like a damn about to burst. The destruction of the flood will wash away disbelief, self-sabotage, and guilt. It leaves hope, good habits, and a healthy substantial change in my intrinsic motivation.

I have lost about 95 lbs, and the next 15 lbs will bring me under 200 lbs, over 100 lbs lost, and then reaching my benchmark loss of 110 lbs lost. I reached that goal in 2018 and then gained back 45 lbs. I'm so close to this mark. Once reached, it's all new territory. And I am looking forward to walking in the wild and experiencing new goals again!

I am a goal setter and achiever. I love the personal sense of fulfilment I get from reaching a goal. Most of my goals are non scale goals. Reaching this crux has brought up a lot of insecurities around the number on the scale again and I'm really struggling through the emotional swamp left after the last flood.

So, I'm starting off the year with similar benchmarks and a new scale for success. No more scale goals as my primary focus. I enjoy fitness and enjoy meal planning and mostly struggle with dessert calories and frustration induced snacking.


Physical - Consistency: Maintain a fitness routine all year Eat in a deficit until weight loss goal reached


Spiritual - Into the Wild: Explore and adventure more often with Rosie! (My corgi/heeler, see my profile for posts with pics), camping, hiking, drive to walk different parks as it gets nicer, beach or mountain trips, family visits, puppy play dates!


Mental - Learn a lot of new things: Start a physical hobby, like maybe Kali or kickboxing Learn to code, database work brings me peace. Work on social skills and rebuilding friendships.

Anyone else like to separate types of goals or their focus from the scale?

submitted by /u/arylea
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, December 29, 2022

favorite gadgets for your weight-loss journey

I'm guessing I'm not the only one who got cash or gift cards for the I thought we could crowd-source a little list in the comments of our favorite/most useful tools we've purchased to help us on our mission! If you recommend a particular brand/model feel free to include links. ☺️ Of course, money can't buy you weight loss, but it can make things a little easier or more fun.

I'll start:

Obviously I have a food scale on the way.
Also ordered a few kitchen staples (magnetic measuring spoons, rubber spatula, tongs, etc) to replace old worn out items so cooking is less frustrating.
I've had it for a while, but I absolutely love my Garmin watch (primarily got it for hiking but wear all the time to track steps and sleep).

Your turn!

submitted by /u/Aspen_Pass
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

SW 550 12/2021/ CW 349 12/2022

Just thought I share some motivation to others who are wanting to get started or are at a point we’re they just need the small urge to continue doing good with your weightloss, diet or even lifestyle change. Anything is possible. I have been able to achieve this years goal by just changing completely my food intake, daily exercise & staying committed to my lifestyle change. Back in 2011 I was 550 then had dropped down to 220 by 2015. Then slowly gained all the weight back through the years & making excuses for myself. After not being able to physically play for long periods of time with my son last Christmas of 2021 I told myself I would get down to 350 by the end of the year. I tried getting a dr to help me but they took me as a joke & used that to push myself to my weight loss journey for the 2nd time. Best of luck. You got this & don’t give up on yourself. The results are well worth it.

submitted by /u/tohniie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling to maintain my motivation to continue my weight loss journey

Hi, i am 17 and i started losing weight on may 4th 2020, I was obese my whole life and i hated myself, and i decided to make a change with my life, I was 15 years old, 5'5 and 256 pounds. I knew i had to change. I had never been so motivated for something in my life, i was on point every single day and i did it the right healthy way 3 mile walks every day lots of water eating good food in a healthy caloric deficit, i got advice from my sister who had lost over 100 pounds in the past. Now i have lost 65 pounds and weigh in at 195 5'8
In March 2021 i somewhat lost my motivation to continue, i haven't really gained weight from that time, I'm always around 190-196, but i still have that urge to finish what i started and achieve what i set out for myself back then which was around 160 pounds. Ive been starting my calorie deficit and going strong then one thing leads to another, school, my first ever job, and I'm back to eating over the limit, not exercising and just staying the same, I'm sick of it, i want to become the best version of myself and i want to become even more confident with myself, i just don't know how to maintain that motivation or get that same kind of urge to remain consistent no matter what like i did before. Any tips would be amazing to hear and don't be afraid to be harsh because chances are, i need to hear it, thanks!

submitted by /u/Daisukin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss dilemma…help!

I’m trying to lose weight. 5”7 at 176lbs so a little overweight.

Mentally, I can do 1500 calories a day with about 60-70g protein but if I do that, then I’m between meals, my stomach makes a bunch of stupid noises and it’s really embarrassing. I work in a small quiet office.

So I eat more and then I don’t lose any weight. I have to pick between not losing weight or being embarrassed.

Help!!! Lol

submitted by /u/Streetperson12345
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from loseit - Lose the Fat