Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Always hungry and can’t seem to lose.

Hello everyone!

My wife has been on a weight loss journey and she has done pretty well up until now. She had lost a lot before it just plateaued and then her doctor had put her on Mounjaro to help her lose more. Between supply issues, pharmacy issues, and her insurance covering literally nothing for weight loss, she had to discontinue the Mounjaro. She is just under 200 lbs as of right now, but it seems like she gains so much back just from eating one bad meal. She has said that she has a constant desire to eat, even if she just ate. I don’t know if it’s simply because she isn’t getting what she wants or what. It’s really affecting her mental health and I am really unsure how to help. If anyone has any experience with this, I’d love to know how you handled it.


submitted by /u/relevantlibrarian777
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost weight, got gallstones.

I (46m) was recently diagnosed with Nonobstructive Cholelithiasis (gallstones). They are mainly asymptomatic and won't require surgery unless they cause trouble. I lost 65lbs last year in about 100 days with the benefit of Phentermine. I have kept it off now for about a year. It turns out, rapid weight loss (more than 3lbs a week) can cause gallstones to form. I'm not saying this would happen to everyone. But, apparently slow and steady may be a better idea.

submitted by /u/hawkmech67
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally managing healthy weight loss by changing my mindset

F 5"7 CW: 188 GW: 150

I have been on and off diets for the last 10 years and never ever happy with my weight. I'd cut down to 1200 cals (TDEE is 1600 for losing), then binge, then go back to eating everything thinking I don't deserve to lose weight and I'm a failure.

I don't know what triggered it, but one day this year I just thought "what the hell am I doing to myself?" I did some digging and realised that I had attached my weight loss to my own value and self worth. So I started telling myself how much I love myself every single day, little affirmations to remind myself that I am worthy of love and happiness no matter what size I am.

I wrote down new reasons to get fit, fix my food relationship and lose weight: - Manage my asthma symptoms - Manage my endo symptoms - Climb the stairs without being breathless - Stop relying on food as a stress reliever - Reduce joint pains, especially knees - More energy to spend time on hobbies - Improve general health and longevity of life - Find my way back into yoga and pilates, hobbies that I stopped during covid and now am too unfit to practice well

I've lost 5lbs in the last 2 weeks since I started adopting a new mindset, I no longer look in the mirror and think of myself a failure; I see someone determined to get their health back and say F you to a life controlled by food!

I think a lot of us use self worth as a factor when losing weight, and I hope you all know you are wonderful, brilliant, unique human beings no matter what part of the journey you are on ❤️

submitted by /u/SoftCthulhu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not losing, frustrated.

I’ve been losing and gaining the same 6 lbs for a month. I’m overweight enough this should not be happening. I use CICO and light exercise and track very carefully. I’m 5’8” and 250-256 for 5 weeks, I stay in a calorie deficit between 1600-2100 depending on the day. But am mostly consistent between 1700-1850 on days where I’m not working out. Even with less weight loss, I do take my measurements once a month, and lost a few inches.

I have had a lot of stress and med changes, including a new birth control implant placed. I know logically, it’s probably that. It’s just very, very frustrating. I feel defeated. Any insight or words of wisdom appreciated.

I’ve tried drinking more water, less water, increased potassium, I also take magnesium and glucosamine.

I have had a lot of stress and med changes, including a new birth control implant placed. I know logically, it’s probably that. It’s just very, very frustrating. I feel defeated. Any insight or words of wisdom appreciated. I’m super bloated and just not feeling well.

I’ve tried drinking more water, less water, increased potassium, I also take magnesium and glucosamine. Any ideas on how to break this cycle?

I think I need to eat more protein, too, but we are on a very lean budget. We don’t typically buy meat, but we buy eggs, tofu, tuna. Any other ideas? I’ll also have things like low sugar yogurt or skin mozzarella cheese sticks.

submitted by /u/Competitive-Honeydew
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

1 year ago I started counting calories

5'3 | SW 192 | CW 150 | GW 117

All my life pre- 2019 I thought I was just "naturally thin". Major undiagnosed health problems that resulted in me being extremely sedentary and stress eating candy and ice cream sandwiches like nobody's business cured me of that misconception, but I honestly didn't put together the cause for ages. I always figured that if you didn't have "thin genes" you had to eat absurdly healthy food 24/7 and exercise a bunch to lose weight, and with my mom being an overweight, physically active vegan even that seemed like it wouldn't work for me. Finally on February 21, 2022 I downloaded the LoseIt app, came over to this subreddit to check out some weight loss tips, and the rest is history.

I feel so much better, both physically due to the weight loss but also mentally just knowing that I'm not actually helpless when it comes to my weight- if I don't like where I'm at, I can just.. change my habits! Wild, right? 🤣

My friends are a lil HAES/fatlogic-y so my post in the group chat celebrating my first anniversary is being steadfastly ignored (not that I really expected anything better), so I wanted to come over here to share my excitement instead 🥳

submitted by /u/NapQuing
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For those of you who have lost weight and kept it off…

What is it that someone could’ve said to you (or did say to you) to set you on the right path to making the lifestyle changes needed to be successful? Or more simply put, to take the first step on your weight loss journey?

Some background…

My doctor told me I won’t be able to lose a good amount of weight unless I cut carbs and sweets significantly. Of course this seems like an obvious thing, but I’m having trouble bringing myself mentally to commit to these changes. We’re talking Keto level carb intake which would be a monumental change for me.

I’ve tried and failed at least 15 times in my adulthood to get in shape. Now in my latter thirties, I’m teetering on the verge of acceptance that I will always be overweight.

Any input or advice is appreciated!

submitted by /u/BurritoBun20
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A Mind Change

You know your mind is changing around weight loss and health when you have this type of a conversation:

Me: I’m just relaxing today. Mom: Oh that’s good. How’s your weight? Me: Good. I’m down another 2.5 pounds. Mom: Oh good. You know you could workout 3 times a day in the summer to really shred that weight and get yourself a husband. Me: Sure…are you going to help me with that? Mom: Oh no I already did that when we lived in Maryland in 2006.

I’m happy with my progress. In 2 months I’m down a shirt and pants size. Slow and steady really does win the race.

Oh and the husband. He’s on his way. He just stopped to get me some Cinnamon Bears, buy me a cabin in Alaska, fight off some bad guys, buy me some props from the set of The 100, and plan a trip to Disneyland!

submitted by /u/Zatana07
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from loseit - Lose the Fat