Thursday, March 2, 2023

my body dysmorphia reversed?

when i was at my heaviest weight, i knew i was fat, but i was in denial about how fat i actually was. i avoided taking pictures of myself and looking at my full body in an attempt to ignore it. i didn't see myself as as big as i actually was, in my mind's eye i just looked kinda chubby, but then someone else would take a pic of me and i'd be smacked in the face with reality. you know, the "holy shit, is that really how other people see me??"

now, after having lost the weight, it's become the opposite. i look in the mirror and still see a fat girl. it doesn't matter that i can see the evidence of the weight loss on the scale, in the way my clothes fit, and in the comments from other people - i still perceive myself as fat in everyday life. the picture rule still holds true though; my sister will send me snapchats she takes of me when i'm not looking, and every time i'm like "wtf that's not what i look like!"

who else has experienced this? does it ever get any better?

submitted by /u/addi-ction
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Beginner] Dumbbell only workout OR Cardio for weight loss. Help!

I'm 28 (Male), 6'0 and weigh 250 lbs. so basically I'm obese. I had gym subscription but due to long distance it is extremely difficult for me to travel. Eventually the subscription ended. So, I was thinking if I could buy a set of dumbbells with an adjustable bench and start working out at my apartment. I am planning to workout 5 days in a week (with only dumbbells focusing on chest, back, should, biceps/triceps and legs) with a daily intake of 1800 calories. Additionally I'd add some mild cardio exercises (like jumping jacks) to the routine. Does it sounds like a decent plan? Need some advice on this.

Today I had a discussion about the same topic with my friend and he is not advising me to lift weights and instead telling me to focus on cardio. He says when you're obese, you shouldn't lift weights in the beginning because it will create muscle under the fat. But as far as I know, lifting weights does burn calories and cardio doesn't helps you in gaining muscle. I'm confused so it would be great if someone could shed a light on this topic. What should I do? Is he right?

Should I get the dumbbell set and start lifting weights? or should I focus on cardio (as suggested by my friend) ? - with the daily intake of 1800 calories either way.

Thanks :)

submitted by /u/MellowAmoeba
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

how to get metabolism back to normal after weight loss

Hello, I have read on a book and through some studies that when someone gets into a calorie deficit - consuming less than what your body burns - your metabolism compensates by slowing down and burning less calories. This makes sense when you take into account the evolutionary standpoint, since food was limited and the body needed to prioritize alimentation over everything.
Nowadays though, when trying to lose weight (all numbers here are arbitrary for the sake of exemplification), let's say you have a daily calorie burn of 2000 cal, and you start eating 1500 cal a day, thus a 500 calorie deficit.
After a few weeks, following the previous model - again, this is arbitrary - your metabolism slow down, only burning 1500 calories, in this case, you would either need to add some sort of physical routine or simply eat less, which would again reduce your calorie burn.
This fact by itself doesn't really bother me, but what would happen say, after achieving the desired weight. In this case, you would probably want to get back to your normal diet, eating 2000 cal to maintain weight and, but this time around, since your metabolism is slower than normal, you will start to regain everything back.
Am I misunderstand something here, is there something you can do to get it back up? Or you will be forever limited in your calorie capacity, having to eat less than earlier, even though the previous portion size was healthy?

submitted by /u/Snoo42723
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else feel terrible after seeing the doctor?

I just got back from my physical and I feel like crying. Ive been using the loseit app for the past month to limit myself to 1600 cals during the week and 1800 on the weekend (what the app recommended for 1lb weekly weight loss on the flexible weekender plan). I’m a 5’4” F started at 191lbs. I’m also doing intermittent fasting and eating between 12p-9p. I’ve lost 7lbs but I’m sure some of that is water weight. My doctor says I should cut down to 1500 daily and there’s no reason I should be having 1800. I thought I was doing ok but I’ve also been struggling. I’ve been lethargic and have gotten really hangry around meal times and that’s not me. I’m hungry a lot. I’ve been trying to lose weight to hopefully help with getting pregnant. We are meeting with a specialist next month. So this is an emotional issue for me. My husband tries to support me but is clueless. He’s on the opposite side of things, thin and with a really active job. I just feel so upset. I know I need to be more active but all my energy is gone. And now I feel like I’m supposed to cut even more when I was already struggling so much. I feel totally disheartened.

submitted by /u/Round2Go
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling Disappointed I couldn’t workout

Hey, So for 5 weeks I’ve been consistently working out 6 days per week. I love working out so I’m not just doing it for weight loss. This week it’s been a struggle and I manange but today i just couldn’t. I also noticed I’ve barely been doing any of my school work this week and really just sleeping(even when I eat everything tastes bland) does anyone have an idea what could be causing this? I’m lowkey disappointed I couldn’t workout today but my body just feels so heavy. I’ll come back later in the day but I’m a morning workout person.

submitted by /u/Awelawi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


Okay, I know the title is a little over-the-top, but I can't remember the last time I felt this happy about anything in my life, lol.

I recently hit a milestone of getting under 250 pounds. That already had made me feel good. Then today I took a progress pic of my arm because I noticed a week ago that my shoulder seems to have really gotten S T R O N K.

I was comparing today's photo to a photo I took just a month ago, and...


Maybe it's not as obvious to anyone else, but I've basically seen a very negligible difference in my arms throughout my weight loss. It feels like the place on my body that has changed the least throughout the past year.

And now it's finally here, a visible change! WOOHOO! My forearms are leaner, my shoulder is bigger, it's so cool.

Thank you for joining me in my excitement :')

April 2nd, 2022Weight: 290

February 1st, 2023Weight: 260

March 2nd, 2023Weight: 249

I started posting updates on my weight loss journey on YT a month ago, ples feel free to check it out if you want to XD I want to encourage people and share tips! 13 subscribers strong XD

At the same time, today my jeans kept falling down because they're too big, AND an old shirt fits again, AND I could zip up my jacket that I couldn't zip up before...What is all this goodness?!

Edit: Btw, my arm workouts have been:

DAILY: Darebee's Arms of Steel: Chair Edition program [twice in a row, increasing reps on the second go]

Chest presses at the gym (doing 60 pounds now, started off around 40) [4 sets of 12]
Lateral raises (5 pounds) [3 sets of 10]

submitted by /u/TheFitato
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

How to be proud of myself?

I’m weirdly apathetic to my 40lb weight loss. In one year I went from 175 to 132lbs at 5’4. Some days I truly gave up, but I managed to try & try again. I used to constantly have breakdowns about my body. Thankfully my mental health has improved during my weight loss. However, tonight the scale is displaying my GW… and I just feel numb. I’m still disappointed in myself for gaining weight in the first place. The pounds are gone but the shame remains. I genuinely want to improve my attitude & become kinder to myself. I’m pretty embarrassed at my reaction. I sacrificed so much, worked really hard, and removed lots of toxic habits. Shouldn’t I feel proud of myself? Maybe it’s too much to process and I’m overwhelmed. Sorry if this is tmi.. I’m really confused about this. I would be super grateful for any feedback ❤️❤️❤️❤️

submitted by /u/MotherXXXer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat