Thursday, March 2, 2023

how to get metabolism back to normal after weight loss

Hello, I have read on a book and through some studies that when someone gets into a calorie deficit - consuming less than what your body burns - your metabolism compensates by slowing down and burning less calories. This makes sense when you take into account the evolutionary standpoint, since food was limited and the body needed to prioritize alimentation over everything.
Nowadays though, when trying to lose weight (all numbers here are arbitrary for the sake of exemplification), let's say you have a daily calorie burn of 2000 cal, and you start eating 1500 cal a day, thus a 500 calorie deficit.
After a few weeks, following the previous model - again, this is arbitrary - your metabolism slow down, only burning 1500 calories, in this case, you would either need to add some sort of physical routine or simply eat less, which would again reduce your calorie burn.
This fact by itself doesn't really bother me, but what would happen say, after achieving the desired weight. In this case, you would probably want to get back to your normal diet, eating 2000 cal to maintain weight and, but this time around, since your metabolism is slower than normal, you will start to regain everything back.
Am I misunderstand something here, is there something you can do to get it back up? Or you will be forever limited in your calorie capacity, having to eat less than earlier, even though the previous portion size was healthy?

submitted by /u/Snoo42723
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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