Sunday, March 5, 2023

I’m almost at my goal weight!!

This text will be unnecessary long because I feel like ranting about my process and progress of weight loss and weight and body related mindset. It will contain some numbers and mentions of disordered eating so warning before you read, if you do. For a few years I’ve been struggling with an eating disorder called bulimia, I want to mention that I’m very young currently as well. I was diagnosed with the disorder about a year ago and was supposed to get in contact with a clinic specified for that stuff this summer, but that never happened. I don’t know why, but they never contacted me or my parents after that. So I’ve been trying to recover by myself for the past half year. At first I of course didn’t want to recover, I just wanted results and to loose weight. My relationship with food and my view on my weight and everything related to that was insanely bad. I had basically no knowledge about anything. I had gained weight because of the pandemic like many others, which resulted in even worse self imagine. A year after I lost a lot of weight because of my disordered eating, and I weighed about 65kg. My weight took a turn after that even though my relationship with food didn’t better at all, and I gained about 10kgs. I was very very dissatisfied, and my depression on top of that wasn’t helping at all. I never got any professional help for either of my diagnosed disorders, even though I was very much in need. December 2022 was when I finally started feeling a bit well again, and I wanted to regain a healthy relationship with food and become healthier and possibly even learn to enjoy things. The start of my weight loss journey I was pretty much clueless and went on based on solely my previous knowledge of weight loss related things. I tried doing research but apparently it wasn’t very successful. I just ate less and tried not to eat sugar, I didn’t consume enough protein and other important stuff. I did an unnecessary amount of cardio. Then holidays came and I gave up, my depression become a bit worse again and it took a while for me to get back into it. January 17th I started logging my food, doing hiit workouts and other stuff. Of course I still wasn’t educated enough, but I was trying. Later on, I started using my fitness pal and tracked basically everything I ate (not completely properly), it was a long process. Basically about a bit less than a month ago I started tracking everything everything I ate, started sleeping more than 7 hours a day, drink 2-3l a day, take my vitamins, exercise as much as I can and eat in a calorie deficit. In those 7 weeks I lost 8kgs, and today I reached 65,5kgs. I am insanely proud and happy, and I wish you guys luck as well. Seriously, don’t give up, eventually you’ll get it!!!

submitted by /u/Lazy_Success8453
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Question] Is it normal for weight loss to get harder as you reach 30% b.f.?

Over the past 2 years I've lost a ton of weight and put on a fair bit of muscle, going from >50% body fat to around 30-32%. However, for the last month I've started to hit a plateau. I've been training harder, and as a result feeling hungrier a lot easier; I haven't tracked calories for a while I lost weight mostly by sticking to leaner meat, fruits, and veg.

This approach worked very well for me, and I was able to see an improvement (weight loss and muscle gain) without tracking calories, so long as I got my protein and ate lean. However, for the past month I've hit a plateau at 30-32% body fat.

How should I go about re-evaluating my plan? I'd prefer to avoid counting calories on an app, as I feel it feels far less sustainable in the long term. Should I use it briefly again just to get my bearings? Is it normal to hit a plateau at this range, and is there a different approach that should be taken at 30% b.f.?

submitted by /u/AdminsSuckMyToes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting back on the horse

Hi everyone, so the usual story, I lost some weight and then got it back. Then I had heart surgery and lost a bunch! Well sort of, from about 2017 to 2019 I had gone from 320lbs to approximately 240lbs. I did this via calorie tracking and exercise, and the accountability of the manvfat forums. Then my daughter was born and we moved away from the gym I regularly visited and I slowly crept back up, with the 280lb range being where I slowed. Finally reaching close to 290/300. Then last year my appetite started to rapidly drop and my energy also. Long story short it turned out, at 36, I had developed anemia due to a strep blood infection that led to me needing a valve replacement🤗. This also led to some rapid unhealthy weight loss and I got to my lowest of around 235. Now that I’m mostly recovered I’d like to use this to help me turn things around and for now maintain or even gain some muscle. So I will have some limitations as I’m on a beta blocker , but I want to track my calories and even get some regular exercise in to my routine if I can.

submitted by /u/Theseventensplit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Bad photos have set me back mentally

Just a small rant because I thought people on here would understand.

I started my weight loss journey the second week of January . As of yesterday, I have reached a total loss of 2 stone (28 pounds). I started my journey at 240 pounds and I'm a female who's 5'1 so I know I have a long way to go.

Even so, yesterday I was really proud as I had officially lost 2 stone in 8 weeks. However, that day, I went out to celebrate my friends daughter's 1st Birthday. I had my picture taken and felt confident. Upon seeing the photos however, I realised I still look just as big as I did or at least just as bad as I did previously.

I know it's silly and I don't want to diminish my achievements but it was a reminder that my journey is far from over and I'm still an incredibly unhealthy, overweight woman.

submitted by /u/chelseyf0wler
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, March 4, 2023

What are Some Common Mistakes People Make when Trying to lose Weight?

Losing weight can be a challenging and sometimes frustrating journey, but avoiding common mistakes can make the process smoother and more successful. Here are some tips to help you avoid common mistakes when trying to lose weight:

Set realistic goals: Setting realistic goals for yourself is important when it comes to losing weight. Instead of aiming to lose a large amount of weight quickly, focus on making gradual changes to your lifestyle and diet that will help you achieve your long-term weight loss goals.

Focus on sustainable changes: Rather than relying on crash diets or extreme calorie restriction, focus on making sustainable changes to your diet and exercise habits. This might include incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet, reducing your portion sizes, and finding enjoyable physical activities that you can stick with over the long-term.

Don't skip meals: Skipping meals can actually sabotage your weight loss efforts by causing you to overeat later in the day. Instead, aim to eat regular, balanced meals and snacks throughout the day to keep your hunger and energy levels stable.

Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is essential for weight loss and overall health. Aim to drink at least 8 cups of water per day, and consider swapping sugary drinks for water or other low-calorie beverages.

By avoiding these common mistakes and focusing on healthy, sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall health and well-being.

submitted by /u/hunter906
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need a weight loss program

Weight:286 Height: 5’10 Blood work is great except low testosterone.

I am looking to lose 2-3 pounds a week but am struggling with a meal plan. I travel for work and am barely home so find myself always eating out.

On average I eat 2 meals a day at about 2000 calories BUT I have days during the week where I eat fast food that easily goes above 3k calories. It’s bad I know.

Does anyone have a simple meal plan I can follow for someone who travels for work and barely has time to cook? OR is there an online coach I can find ? Idk how many calories I should be eating either. Some say I need 2500 calories other day I need about 1900. Idk but it’s driving me crazy.

submitted by /u/KTryingMyBest1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think I broke my metabolism and I’m not sure how to proceed.

I know, I know…. Everyone thinks their metabolism is broken but they really just need to eat less / move more. HOWEVER. I stopped getting my period for almost 7 months while I was cycling 3x a week, walking 2-4 miles 4x a week, and lifting at home 3x a week. I’ve NEVER been underweight, so it’s not a low body fat issue. That’s clearly a sign of metabolic dysfunction right!?

Anyway. My cycle has been restored but is incredibly long still (40+ days) and I want to lose weight. I no longer do the cycling classes, but I still walk / lift at home. No matter what Ive eaten over the years (I’ve done WFPB, Mediterranean, keto, etc) I’ve never been able to lose weight, only maintain. I’ve started seriously tracking my calories and every day I’ve hit my calorie goal as determined by a TDEE for three weeks and I haven’t lost weight (5’8 225lbs female) OR inches. I know it’s only been a few weeks, but it’s still discouraging.

I’ve been focusing on adding more protein (I aim for a minimum of 100g a day now!) but I’m so lost as to what to do. Some trainers says cut more calories until you see weight loss, others say eat more and lift more.

submitted by /u/CreditDramatic5912
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from loseit - Lose the Fat