Sunday, April 9, 2023

3 weeks and no progress

I can't stop crying. Since developing a binge eating disorder due to depression and anxiety, I've been trying to lose weight for years. 3 weeks ago, I decided once again to start my weight loss journey. On 20 March 2023, I weighed in at 73.8kg. On 24 March, I weighed in at 73kg. Today (9 April), after 20 days of calorie deficit and cardio, I weighed myself and I'm 74.3kg. There's been no progress—in fact, my weight increased when I should have been down 1.5kg by now.

At first, I weighed myself daily, but it was extremely triggering, and I couldn't get my brain to accept that these were just normal weight fluctuations, so I began weighing myself weekly so I could focus on getting healthier rather than just on numbers. But I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

My statistics: 20F, 157cm (5"1), about 163 pounds (74kg). I want to lose at least 44 pounds (about 20 kg). My TDEE (sedentary) is about 1,750 calories.

What I've been doing thus far:

  1. Running for 1 hour a day, about 2-4 times a week. According to my fitness app, this burns 250 calories each time. I have been mostly inactive and running has been a totally new addition to my life. Is this not enough? Is it absolutely necessary for me to incorporate weight lifting? Is the "weight" just water weight, since this is a new routine?
  2. I've been in a calorie deficit (I think...), but the problem is that I'm unable to track my calories. I live with my parents and food is usually cooked at home, so I don't know how many calories are in each meal. However, I have reduced my portion size and cut out fast food, alcohol, junk food, etc. Maybe that's not enough?
  3. I use a pretty old digital scale that hasn't had its batteries replaced, so could that be a problem?
  4. I tend to gain weight before my period - could this explain things?

If anyone could give me advice, that would be great. I really don't want to give up again and go back to the same unhealthy cycle of bingeing and weight gain. I'm so tired but I feel determined to be consistent. It's just days like this that are extremely unmotivating.

submitted by /u/ReviewIcy5267
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, April 8, 2023

First post. Started intermittent fasting. Not sure if I'm doing this right. Is it ok for daily calorie intake to vary?

Hi all, it's my first time posting here. I've been doing intermittent fasting for a little over a month now on a 20:4 schedule. Intermittent fasting appealed to me as an easier, more sustainable way to lose weight since I find it much easier to restrict when I eat rather than what.

The most I've ever lost was about 50lb, but I gained it all back in the last couple years because I stopped tracking my calories, went to a few too many lunches with coworkers, etc. Trying to figure out what I can eat for 2-3 meals a day and stay under 1200 cal when other people want to go out was really hard to keep up with longterm.

I think a big part of my problem is going out to eat where/whenever other people want to. Once I'm there I figure I might as well order whatever looks best to me. I usually get too full because then I feel bad not finishing my food.

So far I've lost about 17-18lb in the last month or so and I'm really happy with that progress. I'm easily in the lead for my office weight loss competition and I don't even feel like I'm trying that hard. I still go out to lunch with coworkers, but just order an iced tea, so I don't have to miss out on social stuff.

I'm wondering about the calories though. One of my coworkers said I was losing weight too fast, though I'm not sure if that's just because he's in the competition with me. I still go out for dinner occasionally, but I've been eating at home more. I also started fixing some food just for me since my husband and I have different taste and caloric needs.

I know some days I'm probably below what I think my daily calories should be. I picked up some good bread from a bakery recently and have been really enjoying eating a sandwich with that bread, 2 sliced mini cucumbers, and some mayo for dinner. I top it off with a slice of their challah bread with a little butter and a drizzle of honey and a bubbl'r to drink.

Afterwards I feel satisfied and less exhausted than I normally do after eating. Without the pressure of feeling obligated to eat so often, I've found that I don't even actually feel hungry.

While I love how I feel and the results I'm getting, I want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong. I know I'm probably around or a little over my bmr if I go out for my meal on a weekend, but my normal weekdays are in the 700-900 range a lot.

submitted by /u/ordinarycontents
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My fiancé's grandma grabbed my stomach

I (f25) just got engaged a couple of months ago. My fiancé and I are planning to have our engagement party at his aunts/grandmas house so I went over to talk to them about details.

Info: I started my weight loss journey (again) in February. I've lost 17lbs so far and was feeling pretty great about myself since a couple years ago I had lost 60lbs and gained most of it back during the pandemic. I feel like I even notice a small change in how I look.

Nevertheless I went to go hug his grandma to say goodbye and she grabbed my stomach and held on to it and said "watch what you eat". I felt like it went on for minutes. I was so EMBARRASSED and ashamed.

It both felt like motivation to keep on track and keep losing weight and also like a slap to the face that I'm a long way from where I should or want to be.

Anyway idk I feel like I'm trying really hard and wish I could make my weight loss move faster.

submitted by /u/grgshbo
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from loseit - Lose the Fatés_grandma_grabbed_my_stomach/

Does anybody use measurements instead of a scale for weight loss?

So I have a pretty bad set of eating disorders, and a frankly terrible relationship with food. The scale is unfortunately something that triggers that.

I recently moved and misplaced the thing, and haven’t gotten around to getting a new one. But, I found my tape measure and an old set of measurements for online ordering clothes.

It’s been nice to look at - I’m down a few inches overall (including half an inch on the neck!), and up a tad on the knees and ankle (went for a run last night). And it doesn’t set anything off, especially because I can see the more obvious “down overall, definitely swollen at the knees” thing.

It feels less loaded to me, and has been a good experience so far. I also have enough measurements it’s really comprehensive and get a real time update of my stuff for clothing purchases.

Thoughts and experiences?

submitted by /u/Sakura_Chat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

On the brink

I'm on an excruitiatingly slow weight loss journey! I'm 52F 5'4" SW160. I joined a bootcamp, which I did for 2 months and only lost 5 pounds. And yes, I've been tracking food and trying to make good choices, but when you're a short person you don't have much wiggle room!

Anyway, I couldn't afford to continue to go to bootcamp so have just been trying to continue to walk/exercise on my own. The scale is still moving in a (painfully slow) downward direction and so I recalculated my BMI this morning...32.1%! This is still considered obese, but it is right on the edge of being average! I will hopefully be there in another month or so! I'm at 153 now with a goal weight of 125-130.

submitted by /u/mcgwigs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost weight now sabotaging myself

I haven't been weighing myself for quite a while and found out at a doctors appointment I'm down 22lbs from the last visit (about 6 months before). I was really pleased with this but I'm finding myself making really stupid choices with meals and snacks since the appointment. Like between a decent normal meal or something deep fried and covered with cheese, I'm choosing the latter.

It's like a switch has gone on in my head. Like I can afford to 'treat' myself because I've done well with weight loss so far.

Its been about 2 weeks and I thought after a little treat it would be out of my system but I can't seem to stop with the bad choices. I need some sense talked into me.

Does anyone else go through this?

Would it be best not to find out my weight at the next appointment? Obviously it's triggered something in me

submitted by /u/radiantcrayons
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Pointless rant about thermodynamics

I really hate this universe and laws of thermodynamics. It takes so much energy to burn single pound of fat it's annoying. I know there is nothing I can do to change that but I felt like writing a post about it. I am on day 43 of calories counting, averaging on 1654 kcal deficit [I have cronometer set to 999kcal deficit but I genuinely don't feel like eating that much and feel fine]. That is still only 19.3lb/8.8kg loss when added all that up. This is so slow... I know people here often have to do with 500kcal deficit per day so I am not discounting their experience but I wish I could lose weight faster than 3lb per week.

TLDR: I wish weight loss could be faster. This rant was brought to you by random 2lb water weight gain this morning lol.

submitted by /u/CabinetMain3163
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from loseit - Lose the Fat