Saturday, May 13, 2023

How do you deal with that person in your household who keeps offering you sweets?

(Sorry for the throwaway account. My friend I'm about to talk of knows my main so don't want to use it.)

I have previously lost 66lbs so I had experience; but since i moved here my progress completely halted. Eventually i realized it's because of my roommates habits rubbing off on me; hard to stay on track if there is snacks in every corner of the house. I have started again and been on a diet since February, a little over halfway to my new goal of 56lbs to loose. So I'm progressing but it is being made very difficult, especially for this last stretch.

My roommate is a nice person otherwise, but he is also very clueless. He keeps offering me his snacks (chips, chocolate, donuts), brings home cake just for me, brings me his mom's cooking (absolute carb bombs); when i felt sad about something his idea to cheer me up was to order me a pizza; and I keep telling him to please don't, I'm actually trying to watch what i eat. He says sorry and he won't again, but it just keeps happening anyway.

He also keeps trying to explain me how I'm doing my diet wrong; i should eat what i want and just exercise my weight off, or i'm doing squats wrong, or i should stop drinking diet drinks because they make people fat. Even though he is completely sedentary, has never worked out, has always been obese. The living manifestation of that "amateur" meme.

He does not believe in counting calories either and makes sure to tell me each time i use the scale to weigh my food or when i read my labels.

I'm just so tired. I thought I can just ignore him, but every time he offers food or tries to explain me how to diet better, i get more and more irritated. I'm worried I will blow up on him one day over this. I don't want to, at the moment i just don't know how to communicate better with him.

I know this isn't strictly diet or exercise related, it's more about the mental health/relationships around weight loss, but not sure where else to even ask.

Have any of you dealt with this? Any advice?

submitted by /u/MyCatLikesCinnabons
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss Journey but make it part 2, because you did it wrong the first time.

I've been a lurker here for about 6 months or so and I just kind of wanted to share my story in hopes that it keeps me motivated or even helps someone else. I am restarting my weight loss journey again to finally reach my goal. This will probably be quite long, so I apologize but if you're in the mood to read an essay, stick around.

I have struggled with my weight for a long time now. When I was young, I was small. I did not eat healthy foods (I'm from the southern US lol), but I was active. I played a lot of sports so this helped me stay relatively fit. However, when I was 18, My now ex husband and I got into a MVA with an 18 wheeler that would change my life as I knew it. I was also pregnant at the time which definitely made things worse, weight wise. He was perfectly fine, but I had broken both arms in several places, crushed my ankle and foot, and had severe nerve damage causing me not to be able to move my hands. I felt very helpless. I gained maybe 60-70 pounds due to this and being pregnant. I was in a wheelchair for over a year and this lack of mobility or being able to be active at all just made me pile on even more weight after I had my daughter. After many surgeries and PT, I got the use of my hands back and I began trying to walk again. I graduated to a special walker, regular walker, and then crutches until I could walk on my own. But now....walking hurt because of my ankle. I became very sedentary. Almost 2 years later, my only sister died in a car accident. She was 16. This completely destroyed me to say the least. I quit college and went into a deep depression and I turned to food for comfort. As you can imagine, I became bigger. It took me years to even want to do anything.

Fast forwarding through a college degree (2015) and a divorce (2017) later...I was still very unhappy with myself and the way I looked but also how I felt. My leg hurt a lot to walk and I knew this was not only because of the previous injury but because I had put on so much weight that I had too much to carry around. My back actually started hurting more than my ankle did. It would get so bad that the skin on my lower back would go numb and tingly. I was in agony when I stood more than 5-10 min. It was on September 10, 2019 that I had decided I had had enough. I remember getting off work that morning and texting my mom, sobbing, that I can't live like this anymore. I was about 315 pounds standing at 5'1. I had done some research and decided that CICO made the most sense to me. It was simple math. I could do that. I don't know what came over me, but my mind had completely changed and I had this amazing willpower and motivation. At that time, food was only energy. Not to be enjoyed. I had enjoyed food for years and years. I was on a very extremely low calorie diet. 1000 calories a day, most of the time it was less. (This will catch up with a bad way.) I ate the same meals every single day. Mostly scrambled eggs and strawberries for breakfast, hard boiled eggs and tomatoes and cucumbers for lunch, and 6oz of shrimp or chicken with more tomatoes and cucumbers for dinner. That was it. I knew I had to see results quickly or else I was going to get discouraged and quit. And boy did I start dropping weight fast, despite being diagnosed with PCOS. When I got down to about 280, I could walk a lot more and the pain had lessened a LOT. I told myself when I got to 250, I would try to go to the gym for a couple days a week. So I did. I walked on the treadmill for 30 mins, twice a week. I got smaller and smaller and I made it all the way down to 204.2 pounds on April 3rd. I had lost over 100 pounds in 6 months. I was so proud of myself. However, 2020 hit me very hard mentally thanks to COVID. I worked in a large hospital lab. My job (Medical Laboratory Scientist) is to analyze patient's samples, anything from blood slides, chemistry tests, blood bank. I do it all. That also includes COVID samples. At first, everything was closed and it was very slow. We got sent home a lot for low census. I was bored and....I started cheating on my diet. Nothing too bad. Just some snacks or a meal or so. I had not realized that I just opened the flood gates by doing this. I had been restricting myself too much. Then the pandemic got worse and worse. Hundreds and hundreds of COVID specimens needed to be analyzed every day and it was just pure chaos. Add that on to the fact that the place I worked was already toxic, and it was too much and my depression took over. I went back to my old coping mechanism and started binge eating. This time was even worse, because I was starved for those foods I had so strictly given up, along with the almost 1000 calories a day I was eating. From April 2020 to May 2021 I had gained 137 pounds in a year. I was now at my heaviest at 341.

Since then, I have been up and down again and again, because I was going back to the old ways. I had had so much success the first time, surely I could do it again. Idk why, but my motivation and will power were gone. I think it was because I was SO disappointed in myself that I lost that much weight and then gained it all back plus some. 2021 and 2022 I lost a bit and got back down to the 270, but I would always fall off the wagon and go back to the 290s. I knew this was not the answer and I was doing something wrong. So, I did more research and realized that I didn't have to cut out everything I loved. I just had to be smart about my choices. But a big thing was I was also happier. I met a guy on a video game who helped me more than I think he will ever know. I started slowly healing. I quit my toxic job that made me miserable and stressed and became a travel MLS. I make 4 times what I did at my previous job. All my stress of living paycheck to paycheck was gone. But the thing that really made me want to stick to it this time was that I know my bf is going to propose and I did not want to look back at the photos of our wedding and be sad or disgusted (I have very low self esteem because of my weight) with the way I look. I realized that I wanted to be a pretty bride. As I type this out I know that sounds so superficial, but that is at least where it started. I also realized that I can travel now. I'm currently in WA (my bf's state) and it's SO beautiful here. I want to hike and take photos of the mountains and lakes that I drive by on my way to work. I can't do that as an obese person. It's too hard. I also want to do it for my health. I've checked my labs from time to time and to my surprise they have always been perfect. However, I've never deluded myself into thinking that I'm "healthy," They are normal....for now and if I don't do something about it, they will get worse and I will develop more serious health issues.

On April 16, 2023 at 286.4 pounds, I started what I am determined to be my last attempt to lose the weight and live my life to the fullest. I do still want to lose it quickly (Don't we all?) but I know it won't be over night. I've set my calories to about 1200-1400 a day. I'm still very sedentary, but I will up the calories once I start exercising. I am eating meals that I like, with low calorie substitutions and honestly this time around it feels so easy. I've easily made pizzas, chicken wraps, quesadillas, etc that were 400 calories. (Tiktok has helped a lot with recipes) I ALWAYS feel full after my meals and I have a snack at night. I am also seeing a doctor to monitor my progress and make sure I'm making the right choices and not undereating. I have set small goals at first. My first one is 250. As of today I have lost 21 pounds, so I'm almost at that goal. As I mentioned earlier, I'm 5'1" (35 years old) so my final goal is to weigh between 120 and 130 by Sept 9th, 2024, the date we want to get married. That seems like a reasonable and realistic goal to me, as long as I stick with it. I want to add in cardio and weight training when I feel like I can handle it. This time feels like the time I'm going to succeed. I just...feel it. I want it bad enough. If I get discouraged (I know it's coming eventually) I've noticed that reading other people's stories and seeing before and afters of people have been so inspirational for me. They make me feel like I can do it too. So thank you all who have shared your journey on this thread. It does help. If you made it all the way to the bottom of this, congratulations. Lol Thank you for taking the time to read my story and if you have any tips or advice that you think I would benefit from, I would greatly appreciate it.

submitted by /u/Jess_in_Neverland
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

F29 / 203lbs - Losing weight with a thyroid disease

I'm just kind of at a loss here. I'm F29, and I've had two waves of thyroid issues since I was 16.

The first time, I gained 15 kilos in a couple of months. I was never overweight as a child despite the classic French diet of my parents (so. Much. Butter.), but after I had gained that weight, it took me years to get rid of it. Once I've started losing weight "naturally" with a balanced thyroid, I felt encouraged by it and went back to doing sports, cardio (I had stopped when my thyroid was tiring me too much), watch my meals etc. I've never counted calories because it has never been necessary, but I do want to point out something important - I became a judgy b*tch about food. I was judging my parents diet (even though they were not overweight, just French and eating a lot of cheese, charcuterie and meat cooked in tons of butter), I was judging everyone around me really, I was strict, I was annoying, I hated every minute spend at the gym (I found enw activities I prefer since then) I was always hungry, though, and that probably made me even nastier because of how miserable it was. I really don't want to become that person again.

Then I realized my mistake and worked on building a more balanced relationship with food. I gained some of the kilos I had lost, but my weight then is what I consider the right one for me and lasted for several years and in several countries with very different food, and no problem until...

The second wave.

It took me a while to get diagnosed because I was living in another country during covid and didn't go to the doctors early enough. And I didn't have a scale (yes that's stupid). By the time I was, I had gained 15 kilos compared to the healthy weight I had been keeping for several years.

I have Hashimoto's disease, something completely different than my first thyroid issues, and I'm officially balanced. My results are normal although on the higher half of the range (= I am closer to hypothyroism, which makes you gain weight, but not in hypothyroism). But, they're normal.

... And yet I've gained 10 more kilos since then at a very rapid rate. I now am at 92kg/203lbs.

I have been seeing a therapist / dietician to help me clear up my meals and build healthy habits slowly and safely compared to my own history of weight loss, I follow her instructions and measures, but it's been going on for 3 months and I really haven't lost much. And it was in the first week. Since then, I have been staying at the same consistent weight no matter what, even when I screwed up my measures and ate 1/3 of the carbs portions I were supposed to for a week. I thought with me being more than overweight, it would be easy at first and hard later... But it just seems impossible from the beginning and its extremely discouraging.

I'm not really looking for advices on the diet itself because my dietician knows the details way more than I could explain here and I will make sure on my next appointment to talk things out with her and see if we need to be stricter, if I'm doing things right etc, but my question is:

People who have a treatment for hashimoto disease and are balanced as far as the thyroid go, is it ever going to get better? Do I just have to wait until something clicks in my body the way it did the first time, or is it going to be hard for ever no matter what? Or I am just making excuses in my head and my diet is probably the issue?

submitted by /u/Lukhmi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What activity level would you choose on the TDEE calculator if you’re working out only 4 days a week?

Hi everyone. So glad to have found this community.

I’m three weeks into my calorie count journey and try to stay between 1250-1300 calories per day of food. For me, the online TDEE calculator shows a sedentary number of 1,841 calories. The reason why I use sedentary number is to make sure I have a stable number that I am cutting from food. I take the exercise I do as a bonus caloric loss.

Currently I’m working out about four days using weights at gym, about 10 minutes of cardio warmup followed by 50 minutes of strength training activity (push, pull & legs), been a month since I started hitting the gym regularly, you get the gist. I’m also a 5’1” woman.

In the three weeks of calorie count, I have come down 7.4lbs from my highest of 200.6lbs. Which I think is mostly water weight?! But still a good number to be looking at on MFP.

I wonder though if this will slow down as my body starts losing fat. And want to understand what activity level to use on the TDEE calculator so I’m steadily losing 1.5lbs a week maybe.

Also wonder if I should be expecting a faster weight loss on scale or rather slower because I’m training with weights as well.

Sorry for the newbie questions.

submitted by /u/breathless_bat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


I've been feeling pretty great about this. Started my weight loss journey back in February'23 and as of May'23 I have lost 5kgs.

From weighing 92kgs (203 lbs) I'm now 87.2 kgs (192.2 lbs) I know my weightloss has been pretty slow, people usually lose a lot more in this timeline from 10-15 kgs.

But I'm trying to not compare my progress with anyone else's. I've tried really hard to fix my schedule, be more physically active, eat properly and count my portions, not shame myself when I cave in sometimes, and most importantly like coach viva said, 'what's important is to get back in track after your next meal'. I've now stopped waiting for , 'fomorrows' or 'Mindays'.

If I screw up, I'll do better in my next meal. Would love any advice you might have for me to lose the next 5 kgs faster in the 2-3 monthss

Height: 5'3 (F) SW: 203 lbs CW: 192.2 lbs GW 1: 175 lbs ( Till August'23) GW 2: 130 lbs

submitted by /u/Alina_997
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How I learned that nutrition is more important than cardio or gym exercises

Hey r/loseit, I want to share with you all the lesson I learned about the importance of nutrition on my weight loss journey. I used to think that hitting the gym and doing cardio was the key to losing weight, but boy was I wrong.
A few years ago, I started hitting the gym regularly and doing cardio almost every day. I was feeling pretty good about myself and thought I was on my way to a healthier lifestyle. But despite my efforts, I wasn't seeing the results I wanted. I was still struggling with my weight and my body wasn't changing much.
It wasn't until I started paying more attention to my diet that I began to see real progress. I started tracking my meals and making healthier choices, and the weight started coming off. I realized that no matter how much cardio or gym exercises I did, if my diet wasn't in check, I wouldn't see the results I wanted.
Here are a few reasons why I now believe that nutrition is more important than cardio or gym exercises:
You can't out-exercise a bad diet: No matter how many calories you burn in the gym, if you're consuming more calories than you're burning, you won't lose weight. It's simple math.
Nutrition is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle: Exercise is important, but nutrition is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help you achieve optimal health and wellness.
Nutrition can help with recovery: Proper nutrition can also help with recovery after a workout. Eating a balanced meal with the right amount of protein and carbs can help your body repair and rebuild muscles.
So if you're like me and have been struggling to see results despite hitting the gym regularly, I encourage you to take a closer look at your diet. Make sure you're fueling your body with the right foods and nutrients, and you'll be amazed at the progress you can make. Remember, nutrition is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and without it, your fitness goals will be much harder to achieve.

submitted by /u/No_Drive_3060
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


So my step-dad (been here since I was like 3) is morbidly obese I'm quite worried about his health but I don't think he's ever even express the slightest want to lose weight or even mentioned it I'm not sure if I should mention it or say anything I don't think he really respects my words or opinions and he takes just about anything I say as a joke should I bring it up I don't want him to suffer like this for no reason to me he seems around the 300ish range to me probaly lower his mom has expressed concern and he got quite offended so advice? It really honed in to me on his health when he said he needed his box of little Debbie's choco rolls to get him through his work day I hope his stomach is okay but we're poor so I don't think there's a cheap enough alternative yk but uh im also 9n a weight loss journey around 80lbs over weight I feel like he'd trust my opinion more if I lost the weight first to kinda like prove it works yk I'm worried should I bring it up at all he'd probably have to deal with loss skin if he does and it would be a inconvenience for him I just don't know what to do am I getting full of myself because I lost some weight I know it's possible will he feel better will he be better??

submitted by /u/Consistent_Lecture95
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from loseit - Lose the Fat