Friday, June 2, 2023

Seek some guidance advice to devise my fat loss plan (37% to 15% or lose 94 lbs). Please Help!

My stats - 31| Male | 5'4.75 or 164.5 cm | SW: 247lbs or 112 KG | GW: 154lbs or 70 KG

I aspire to drop 93 lbs and/or bring down my body fat from 37.5% to 15% by the end of next year. This amounts to a time frame of 1-1.5 years

I had some questions with regards to nutrition & fat loss rate.
1. Considering that I am Obese Class III currently , should I cut at 1% per week until becoming overweight i.e from 112 KG to 82 KG and then cut at 0.5% for dropping the next 7-12 Kilos ?

  1. Will losing at this rate (1%) impair my ability to put on muscle? P.S- I am a newbie lifter.
  2. Will consuming 160g protein per day be optimal during this entire journey to build muscle?
    The method I followed to reach this number is 1g of protein per pound of my Lean Body Mass (71.9 KG). Also this number is closer to 1g of protein per cm in height (164 cm) as well as 1gm protein per pound of my desired goal weight (72 KG).
  3. If I start my journey with a 20% or 600 calorie deficit from my current maintenance (this amounts to 2462 calories), on average how long will this deficit expected to last (in terms of number of months or weeks) before I have to lower the calories again?
  4. When having to lower the calories the second time, will I lower 20% (400 calories) from 2462 calories which is the new maintenance calories for me because the weight loss would have stalled?
  5. Is the following exercise routine sufficient for me to take through the entire journey & get me to my goal weight?
    GZCLP - 3x per week
    8000-10000 steps per day (6x per week)
submitted by /u/ansseeker
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

gaining weight despite deficit and exercise?

so for background info, i’m a 21 year old 170cm F diagnosed with PCOS. i started my weight loss journey again around 10 days ago. i started off on the 25th of May weighing 92.5kg. my TDEE was 2072 calories so i decided to cut down 500 and have been eating 1500 calories everyday since then.

i also use the gym at my building which is open for women 3 times a week, where i do weight training and cardio. i have 1 rest day and i exercise at home for the remaining 3 days using HIIT workouts and youtube videos, combined with getting my daily steps in.

at one point in these 10 days, i woke up to being 93 and then 94kg, which confused me but i assumed it was water weight so i continued my regime regardless and got back to my starting weight of 92kg on the 30th of May. this morning on the 2nd of june i weighed myself and i’m 93kg once again.

i’m confused with what i’m doing wrong. i have been pretty diligent with tracking everything i consume and have even been under my set calories for the day sometimes. i know fluctuations are common when losing weight but i want to know if there’s some mistakes i might be making so i can rectify them early on and continue with my weight loss plan.

i aim to be 80kg by september, but i’m not sure if that’s possible if i keep gaining weight instead of losing it.

submitted by /u/0613stars
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is it possible to gain muscle at the exact same rate as losing fat?

I am on a moderate caloric deficit (6' 3'', 209 lbs), consuming 1,900 kcal a day (I never eat out, so I know exactly what I eat), including 150g of protein. I have been lifting consistently for 5 months, doing full body workout (c. 1.5h/day, taking the last to failure). I would assess my fat level as fairly high, c. 25%.

Now, for third week in a row, I have recorded the exact same weight in the morning, 209 lbs. Based on my pee color, I am at the same level of hydration throughout the time.

Is it possible that I am gaining muscles at the same rate as losing fat, hence no weight loss? I know the power of newbie gains, but it seems to me that gaining 1.0-1.5 lb of muscle a weeks is fairly a lot.

submitted by /u/tfntfn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, June 1, 2023

loose skin concern

I wanted to share my personal journey with you and seek some advice regarding my weight loss goals. I'm currently 17 years old, standing at 5'2" and weighing around 100kg. Given my circumstances, I'm unable to afford an extensive amount of food, but I've been following intermittent fasting and managing to have 2-3 meals within a specific window, totaling less than 1400 calories. My main concern is the possibility of developing loose skin as I continue on this journey.

To provide some context, I've been struggling with my weight for some time now, and I've decided to make a change for the better. However, I am worried about the potential consequences of losing a significant amount of weight, particularly the excess skin that might result. I'm aware that loose skin is a common concern for individuals who undergo significant weight loss, so I wanted to get some insights from the community.

Considering my current approach to weight loss, which involves intermittent fasting and maintaining a caloric deficit, what are the chances of me experiencing loose skin? Are there any specific measures I can take to minimize this possibility? I would greatly appreciate any advice or personal experiences that can shed light on this matter.

Additionally, if anyone has gone through a similar weight loss journey or has knowledge about this topic, I would love to hear about your experiences and any tips you might have to share. Please keep in mind that I am underage, so it would be helpful if the suggestions align with healthy and safe practices suitable for my age.

Thank you all in advance for taking the time to read my post and provide your insights. I'm grateful for this supportive community and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts and advice. Let's embark on this journey towards a healthier lifestyle together!

submitted by /u/AboodHuncho
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

weight loss buddy f UK 24

hello all!

Looking for an accountability partner who’s in a similar situation, gender & weight to me.

im a female from UK (midlands) and have PCOS. I weigh around 130kg and I’ve lost 10kg already this year (some how!!) just got out of hospital so looking to start up my weight loss journey again.

find it quite hard to lose weight with all the cravings and such that come along with. never had an accountability partner before but I think it would be super beneficial to have someone to go to when things are going wrong! always kind find myself giving up once I’ve binged once rather than just starting over the next day…

Also would love to share meals and workouts etc! + points if you live nearby so we can maybe meet up for walks etc!

submitted by /u/hello_pls-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

8 Infused Water Recipes to Sip on This Summer

As we spend more time outside in the heat during the summer, it becomes more important than ever to stay fully hydrated. Whether you’re just out for a walk or you’re doing some high-intensity workouts, the more that you sweat, the more that you need to rehydrate! Keep in mind that you shouldn’t be waiting until you’re thirsty to drink water. Fitness experts say it’s optimal to prevent thirst by keeping up with your H20 intake. If you struggle to drink plain water, infused water recipes may be your solution.

On the Nutrisystem weight loss plan, we recommend drinking 64 ounces of water each day. Stay happy, healthy and hydrated with fresh and fruity infused water! Here are some infused water ideas to help make it even easier to keep drinking all day long:

1. Lemon Water

Lemon Water: Water infused with fresh lemons and herbs.

This is probably the most common infused water idea—and for good reason. This citrusy addition adds a bold burst of flavor to water. But there are some health benefits of lemon water, too. The Cleveland Clinic reports that lemon water can aid in digestion, supply some vitamin C and even give you a potassium boost, among other benefits.

Of course, you can add other fruits to your lemon water recipe to pump up the flavor even more. Add lemons and mint together for a refreshing combo. We also love lemons with cucumber for a super “fresh” taste.

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2. Other Citrus Combos

Jars of water infused with oranges, limes and grapefruit.

Who said lemons get to have all the fun? Other citrus fruits like limes and oranges can also be zesty additions to punch up the flavor of your H20. Lemons and limes together are super refreshing. We also love the delightful flavor of adding squeezed oranges—it’s like a light orange juice. Bonus: Researchers at Western University in Ontario have also recently discovered a molecule found in oranges could reduce obesity and prevent heart disease and diabetes!

3. Bursts of Berries

Cups of water infused with strawberries.

Another great fruit choice for infused water recipes are berries. Strawberries give water a hint of sweet while raspberries add some tart tanginess. Blueberries are lovely with mint—or maybe even some lemon. Since berries are known to be chock-full of antioxidant power, these additions have a health benefit, too.

4. Chia Water

Water infused with Chia seed, with lemon and mint.

Chia seeds are a superfood that are low in calories and a healthy source of fiber. They are also packed with antioxidants to support your immune system. They can make an easy addition to smoothies, as a topping or even mixed into puddings or jams. But one way you may not have thought to use chia seeds is in your water! Still, this may be the simplest way to introduce these powerful little seeds into your diet. Some people also like to add chia seeds to lemon water so there’s a bit more flavor.

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5. Herb Infusions

Water infused with mint, limes, orange and grapefruit.

We’ve already mentioned that fresh mint leaves can make a refreshing addition to water. But you might also consider other herb infusions like ginger, basil, rosemary or peppermint. Each of these can add a new layer of flavor, particularly when paired with different fruits. We love lemon water with fresh basil. Strawberries and basil also go well together. Ginger and orange are also delicious!

6. Juicy Melon Additions

Cutting board with watermelon, limes and mint.

Melons are already known for being juicy and dripping with flavor—so they can really add some major flavor factor to water. Sliced up watermelon, cantaloupe or honey dew can make your water colorful and delicious. Many melons also pair well with herbs! Get creative and find a flavor combo that you like best. We definitely suggest trying watermelon with basil for a satisfying summertime sip.

7. Go Tropical

Water infused with limes, pineapple and mint.

Maybe tropical water sounds like the perfectly quench-worthy drink on a hot summer day. Think pineapple, mango, kiwi or even coconut! These tropical fruit additions can really up the ante on an otherwise plain glass of water. A few sips and you’ll find yourself mentally transported to paradise with turquoise waters and white sand!

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8. Get Your Veggies

Cucumber infused water.

Fruits typically get the spotlight for infused water recipes. Besides cucumbers, most of the suggestions you’ll find online include fruits because of their sweetness factor. Still, you can think outside of the box and try some completely creative flavor combinations. Carrots and apples make a yummy water infusion drink. Celery can also work well, possibly paired with some cucumbers. Beets and lemons or beets and apples also makes a unique combination. Ultimately, it comes down to what you like! Anything that gets you to drink more water is a definite win.

At the end of the day, there are no set-in-stone rules for water infusion. Use your creativity and experiment—and you just may find the next “it” drink. Lemon water will always have its place, but with so many potential ideas, you could have a different flavor combo every day this summer!

The post 8 Infused Water Recipes to Sip on This Summer appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

First Year of Maintenance Accomplsihed

So today marks my first full year of maintenance at my new weight. So three years ago now I started on this journey to get to a healthy weight a goal I reached last year in late May, and now here I am on June 1st the next year and I managed to maintain my weight so far. So excited to hit this new milestone and hope this will be something I can keep up for the rest of my life.

In terms of tips for maintenance, the only one I can really offer is what I decided to do at the end of my weight loss journey. What I decided to do was for my last ~15 pounds of my journey (about three months) I put my diet into a level I thought would work for maintenance and focused on significantly increasing my exercise to lose the last weight. This allowed me to have time to learn what maintenance would look like for me scaling back my exercise was a much less risky goal to me than relaxing my diet after I finished losing the weight. Overall I found it to be a helpful thing and having now navigated my way through holidays and ups and downs I found that it worked well for me. I also like that if I do see things increasing a little bit on the weight side I can counteract it with a bit of an up to my exercise routine and/or adjusting my diet a little bit.

Anyway, not a ton to share here, though feel free to ask any questions. I know I was very worried about my maintenance as I approached the end of my goal, hopefully this is a new me I can keep going for years to come.

submitted by /u/metfansc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat