Monday, October 2, 2023

Any other analogies for weight loss?

I was cooking the other night while thinking about weight loss (as you do) and an analogy came to mind.

When you’re trying to reduce pasta sauce down it’s boiling but there is a lot of water in the pan. It’s hard to see progress but if you are patient and leave it bubbling, it’s going to eventually lose enough steam to thicken up. It’s not possible to remove water from anyone spot in the pan, it’s the whole pan or nothing. Eventually a lot of the excess water is gone and then suddenly it’s goes from being too watery to just right.

I thought this matches what happens with weight loss quite well. The slow progress, the patience, not being able to spot reduce and achieving the most noticeable change the further along you are.

Are there any other things in day-to-day life that are good analogies?

submitted by /u/automatedanimal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing man boobs and love handles after a 150lb Weight loss. Went from 335 to 165 at lowest (gained about 20lbs bc had to stop working out for 3 months)

Hey all, I went from 335 plus pounds to about 165 at my lowest, I evened out at around 175 when i started weight training and eating 2k calories oppsed to 1.8lk. Although due to an injury I had to stop working out for about 3 months. During this time i gained about 10 to 12 lb and I'm now at my current place of 185. I am a 6 ft 1 in man and find myself in a place where it is extremely hard to get down to a place where I look like I should for my current weight.

At my lowest weights, I still had man boobs and love handles. Like even though at my lowest I was 160-165, I still had unsightly chest problems and love handles. It would seem most of my weight accumulates in my love handles and chest. When I got to 175 it would appear that it was mostly from muscle, even though I got pretty toned for a little while, I was unable to get rid of the excess skin and love handles. As I start to work out again in the next couple of weeks mainly due to still recovering from an injury, what are some ways that I can improve these problem areas?

What kind of exercises can I do to minimize the fat on my love handles, remaining fat on my chest, as well as the loose skin that made the area still a problem even at my lowest weight? Like I was doing very intense chest workouts, running, and Light eating. Like for the longest time I literally did zero sweets and no processed or added sugar, but yeah I still found myself having man boobs and love handles that made me feel just as self conscious as I did when I was 335 pounds.

What would your recommendations be? What exercises would you recommend for love handles outside of eating right and cardio? I am at a point to where it is extremely disheartening given the progress I lost due to my injury, as well as the lack of progress I attained when I was going to the gym every other day and eating correctly. How much should I be eating when I am trying to fix these problem areas? Like when I am able to go to the gym again on a constant basis and actually do the vigorous exercises again, how many calories should I be eating and how do I make sure that my diet is not just making the effort worth nothing?

Should I be focusing more on cardio or should I be focusing more on Extreme weightlifting? What do you guys think? I don't have a problem with losing weight I completely understand how to do that as I have lost over 150 lb before, but at this point I do not really know whether I should still be focusing on burning fat in a caloric deficit or if I should be focusing on building muscle. Do I need to be doing a cut/bulk cycle type of regiment? Or should I just be focusing on a caloric deficit while having high amounts of protein and low amounts of carbs and sugar?

There is not too much information regarding this that I have found, I have done a lot of research and only see stuff that is saying I should focus on solely losing weight even though when I was at my lowest I still had the skin and love handles. Like I can see that at 160 lb I still had approximately 15 to 20 lb that I could lose before I hit the underweight category, although I really did not know if I should have kept losing weight or if I should have been working out in an attempt to build muscle. Please advise further!

submitted by /u/Bing_chillinG22101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fell in love with the gym - now struggling with binge-eating?

Hey there..

So I never really understood binge-eating. How tf are you supposed to just be able to eat like.. everything?

I have been struggling with weight loss and other things in the past, namely gaming and nicotine. Gaming stopped being fun a while ago, I quit nicotine 30 days ago. Without gaming and still being fat I'm constantly looking for things to fill up my time with.

Previously I hated going to the gym, but now that I don't have that "I want to go gaming"-mindset anymore I absolutely love it. I go nearly every day and it's really great. But jesus christ, I won't lose weight like this.

I turned into a fucking trashbin for food.. I feel like a bottomless pit, especially if I am alone or bored. Just now I put a fucking Pizza into the oven, after having dinner AND a bag of chips already.. I never had THAT kind of hunger before going to the gym (or while smoking.. idk?).

Does anyone here have any tips or ways for me to get my shit together? This feels soo bad. I got so much stronger of the last 2-3 months in the gym, but if I keep eating like this, nothing will ever change..


submitted by /u/Miyummy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Lost 30 pounds, no significant difference

Hello, I am a 16 year old male, 191 lbs, 6’2 or 6’3. When I first started my weight loss journey I was 221 pounds and in the course of 4.5 months I’ve lost 30 pounds. To lose the weight all I’ve been doing a calorie deficit and moderate exercise (only walking). I noticed that I’ve lost just a bit of fat in my face, maybe just a ittle in my stomach yet everything else is exactly the same (chest, arm fat, thighs, muffin top, etc). I’m not expecting to have some six pack bod however now that I’m categorized as “skinny” according to the BMI why do I still look chubby? Do I need to become 160/170 pounds to lose the muffin top, chest, stomach, arm, and leg fat? Or is there another issue? I just want to have a super slim build.

submitted by /u/simsmax1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone experienced people being more rude to them after weight loss?

I am a female in my late 20s, 5'7" and went from 185 pounds to 150 pounds.

I feel like people, women in particular are more rude to me nowadays but I don't know if that's in my head because I have heard a lot of people talk about how much nicer people treat them after weight loss. I was wondering if anyone else had this kind of experience?

I have always been a shy, awkward person so it's not like my personality has changed in any way and I also dress pretty basic. My family member says it's just because people have just become a lot more rude due to COVID, which I guess is a big possibility.

also, sorry for writing so much about me, myself and I. I wanted to make this shorter but I had to meet the word count!!

submitted by /u/Sea_Strength_660
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve lost weight but feel fatter than ever

I started out this journey 2.5 months ago when I realized enough was enough. I talked to my friends about needing to lose weight and have slowly started going to the gym, eating better, etc. I started out at 275 lbs (5’7”, F, early 20s), and am currently sitting at 259. I know 16 pounds in 2.5 months isn’t a ton, but I’ve been struggling with discipline in my diet, so I’m happy with an overall downward trend as I try and handle the setbacks.

The challenge I’m having right now is how low my self esteem is. I was up to 275 lbs, my absolute fattest, but at 16 lbs lighter I feel fatter than ever. Looking in the mirror I’ve really realized how obese I am/look; it’s like I’m seeing me from everyone else’s perspective for the first time. I see all the markers of a morbidly obese person; double chin, huge belly, big arms/thighs/hips. I don’t like the way I look in almost all my clothes. And after being in the gym I’m really noticing how my fatness affects my daily movements and how uncomfortable being this big is, especially with so much weight in my stomach.

Pretty much, I feel worse than I did before. Even when I thought I hit rock bottom at 275 lbs, it’s nothing compared to the disappointment I’m feeling in myself right now.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? I think it might have something to do with coming out of denial about my size. Maybe now that I’m working toward losing weight I’m finally able to see the hard truth about my body because even 16 pounds lighter I’m still so big and so insanely far from my goals.

My fear is that these feelings will seriously derail my weight loss journey. I don’t want to start feeling bad and turning back to food as a coping mechanism (how I got into this situation in the first place!). Does anyone have any advice for managing self image during weight loss? Being realistic about my situation without hating every look at my body?

submitted by /u/sunshinenectarine
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I officially do not care for my weight on the scale anymore. (Body recomp)

I’ve (M25) been through many weight loss journeys. I’ve successfully lost pounds but put it back on because depression, and my eating habits weren’t sustainable with low protein intake. I’m now currently yo-yoing between 174lb-179lb weekly on the scale even though I’ve been on a 400-500 caloric deficit for a few months now. While my weight hasn’t gone down lately, I’ve noticed I’ve put on more strength and visible muscle size in my chest, arms, back, and now my abs. Eating over 100g of protein a day has really changed the shape of my body, to the point where I wonder if the scale has any purpose now since it can’t accurately capture where I’m at anymore in my fat loss journey. There’s so many variables that can effect my scale numbers like water intake, high protein, and salty foods. I won’t lie that my new approach in fat loss is slower than I’m used to but I’m hoping one day that my stubborn love handles and the remaining lower stomach fat will go away.

submitted by /u/Glum-Molasses-617
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from loseit - Lose the Fat