Monday, October 2, 2023

Losing man boobs and love handles after a 150lb Weight loss. Went from 335 to 165 at lowest (gained about 20lbs bc had to stop working out for 3 months)

Hey all, I went from 335 plus pounds to about 165 at my lowest, I evened out at around 175 when i started weight training and eating 2k calories oppsed to 1.8lk. Although due to an injury I had to stop working out for about 3 months. During this time i gained about 10 to 12 lb and I'm now at my current place of 185. I am a 6 ft 1 in man and find myself in a place where it is extremely hard to get down to a place where I look like I should for my current weight.

At my lowest weights, I still had man boobs and love handles. Like even though at my lowest I was 160-165, I still had unsightly chest problems and love handles. It would seem most of my weight accumulates in my love handles and chest. When I got to 175 it would appear that it was mostly from muscle, even though I got pretty toned for a little while, I was unable to get rid of the excess skin and love handles. As I start to work out again in the next couple of weeks mainly due to still recovering from an injury, what are some ways that I can improve these problem areas?

What kind of exercises can I do to minimize the fat on my love handles, remaining fat on my chest, as well as the loose skin that made the area still a problem even at my lowest weight? Like I was doing very intense chest workouts, running, and Light eating. Like for the longest time I literally did zero sweets and no processed or added sugar, but yeah I still found myself having man boobs and love handles that made me feel just as self conscious as I did when I was 335 pounds.

What would your recommendations be? What exercises would you recommend for love handles outside of eating right and cardio? I am at a point to where it is extremely disheartening given the progress I lost due to my injury, as well as the lack of progress I attained when I was going to the gym every other day and eating correctly. How much should I be eating when I am trying to fix these problem areas? Like when I am able to go to the gym again on a constant basis and actually do the vigorous exercises again, how many calories should I be eating and how do I make sure that my diet is not just making the effort worth nothing?

Should I be focusing more on cardio or should I be focusing more on Extreme weightlifting? What do you guys think? I don't have a problem with losing weight I completely understand how to do that as I have lost over 150 lb before, but at this point I do not really know whether I should still be focusing on burning fat in a caloric deficit or if I should be focusing on building muscle. Do I need to be doing a cut/bulk cycle type of regiment? Or should I just be focusing on a caloric deficit while having high amounts of protein and low amounts of carbs and sugar?

There is not too much information regarding this that I have found, I have done a lot of research and only see stuff that is saying I should focus on solely losing weight even though when I was at my lowest I still had the skin and love handles. Like I can see that at 160 lb I still had approximately 15 to 20 lb that I could lose before I hit the underweight category, although I really did not know if I should have kept losing weight or if I should have been working out in an attempt to build muscle. Please advise further!

submitted by /u/Bing_chillinG22101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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