Thursday, August 22, 2024

How far from your goal weight did you start to experience the Paper Towel Effect?

Male - I determined my goal weight to be 160lbs. About 14 months ago in my weight loss journey I was at about 230lbs. With several things I'm doing to lose weight, I am at 187 currently!

I have read about the Paper Towel Effect in regards to weight loss. I'm wondering how far from your goal weight did you start really experiencing this effect?

I'm currently 27lbs away, and barely started noticing some subtle changes in body shape, even though I have lost about 40lbs!

Trying to keep my own motivation going by posting and asking this.

submitted by /u/rjpra2222
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Encouraging Excerpt from Atomic Habits

Hey! I’m on a weight loss journey along with the rest of you all on this Lose It community. In an effort to keep on with my desired trajectory I started reading Atomic Habits (James Clear) and have absolutely loved his book to encourage me in this process of weight loss.

Today I was reading a section titled “goals restrict your happiness” and I wanted to share an excerpt here to encourage any of you who are in the grinding away process of working towards your goal weight / goal body / goal life.

Here is the quote from the book… let me know what you think of it and/or if you’ve read this book before and how it has impacted your fitness/diet/lifestyle journey! I’d love to chat about it.

“When you fall in love with the PROCESS rather than the PRODUCT, you don’t have to wait to give yourself permission to be happy. You can be satisfied anytime your system is running. And a system can be successful in many different forms, not just the one you first envisioned.”

Today I am still 15 pounds from my goal weight (the product I’ve set a goal towards) but my system is running so smoothly — tracking my deficit, going for walks, exercising daily! I have so much to be happy about in this hard process of losing weight & want to note my daily successes even if I haven’t yet reached my final goal :)

submitted by /u/NeighborhoodWalker
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Struggled to carry much less than I’ve lost

My walk earlier put my weight loss into perspective, which came at a good time for some needed motivation!

When I started losing, I weighed approximately 6 stone more than I do now, and started huffing & puffing 10 minutes into a walk on flat ground.

Today, I walked 5k on hilly ground lugging a bag with me, and struggled with it. As I typically can walk further these days I weighed it at home out of curiosity and I was carrying an extra stone around in that thing.

Difficult, but it struck me I used to have 6x that weight wrapped around me and I managed to start getting one foot in front of the other. Yes, distribution plays a massive part, but I’ve been frustrated that the last stone or so is slower than the rest to go - and no wonder! Still one more of those bags to shift, but at least it’s just that

submitted by /u/lizfour
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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

I lost weight and then gained it back, feeling embarrassed and awful TW: body image issues

I (21f, 5.2ft) I started my weight loss journey in January at 62kg. From January to April, I lost 5kgs, from 62kg to 57kg. In the summer months, I had continuous internships, which were very strenuous, with me working about 12 hours a day, including the weekends (I wanted to get an offer of employment at the companies I was working at). I finally got offered a job at the company I worked at in June through my campus placement program. I’m grateful for the opportunity that I got and for the job security, but the stressful two and a half months have made me put on all the weight I lost. Particularly in late July, early August, I put on two kgs, from stress eating before my first ever set of job interviews.

Now, I just feel embarrassed to look at myself in the mirror, because I did it, I lost the weight and then just ruined my progress. I don’t feel confident in my body at all, and I feel horrible every time I eat anything remotely “unhealthy”. It got to the point where I starved myself for a day or two. This was especially concerning because it took me years to unlearn that starving like that is destructive. I feel horrible about myself and I can’t motivate myself to start again because I feel so discouraged.

My starting weight is again 62kg and I aim to lose 10kg. Any advice and tips to keep myself motivated would be helpful.

submitted by /u/gintokisundae
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Really struggling tonight

Long story short, I'm going camping and fishing with my dad and brothers this weekend. We're going on a trip that requires lots of hiking and waders. I've been really looking forward to it because with my weight loss so far, my body hurts less and it's easier for me to hike.

My dad bought me a pair of waders, my first pair - I'm a beginner fly fisherman. I was so excited! But they don't fit. I couldn't even get them up past my hips. I feel so embarrassed. I have to exchange them for a men's pair in hopes there's more room around the waist and my dad has the receipt so I have to explain they're too small and get it from him.

I feel so discouraged! I've lost 50 pounds and I'm still too fat to fit in something as simple as a pair of waders. I feel like no one understands how frustrated and defeated I feel. I'm ashamed I let myself get to the point I did; I still have another 80 pounds to lose before I'm at my final goal. No one GETS IT. They tell me I should celebrate what I've lost so far but I'm not even halfway to my goal and it's been 14 months! I know they mean well and unless you have also been on a massive weightloss journey yourself, you don't really understand how daunting/discouraging it can be, but I feel like giving up.

Tomorrow I'll continue on, but tonight is hard. Thanks for letting me vent.

submitted by /u/Wolverine112416
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Small Victory : ~18kg lost; outside "obese" BMI bracket for my height

I was muscular-athletic (80kg) when 18, but gained ~40kg weight during my undergraduate studies.

I lost 30kgs in 2016-18 then, gained almost all of it back later when completing my PhD.

I am now at the end of my PhD and in the last year have made some changes in my life. These changes include eating healthily and going to the gym regularly, and I have now lost 18kg over 1 year.

I still have another 18kg to go until I reach my goal weight; but I thought I'd make this post here because I am now only clinically "overweight" and not "obese" for my BMI relative to my height.

I consider that a small victory; and the slow weight loss combined with heavy lifting at the gym has had the effect that my chest, arms, and legs now starting to recover some of the muscular definition that I had during my youth, which has helped with motivation.

I now fit into single XL shirts comfortably, and any shirt is only tight around the chest and arms (never the waist, stomach, or hips). My bench press has improved to the point where I can lift my own bodyweight for ten repetitions, and I can squat and deadlift almost double my weight for at least 5.

My wife has started to appreciate my body more as well as it has become more athletic, which feels great.

As to how this was done:

(a) I have not counted calories regularly because up until this point it has not been necessary, but as I get closer to my ideal BMI I expect I will have to be more careful in managing my calories;

(b) each meal has a large serving of lean protein, and two meals per day are soups, salads or meat and vegetables;

(c) I eat Miso Soup, dates, jerky, oranges, berries, Kefir or Skyr yoghurts for snacks;

(d) I have a post-workout protein shake of two servings of lean ON Whey Protein Gold Standard with 500mls of full cream milk after each gym session;

(e) I lift heavy weights 4-5 times a week; I run about 10kms three times a week;

(f) after every 4 weeks I will have a 2 week maintenance period, where the goal is to gain muscle and not lose weight.

Sorry if this sounds like bragging, but I am proud of my achievements so far.

My fears for the future (which I am sure many of you share) is the excess skin around the abdominal region when I finish weight loss - I do not have any problems with it at the moment, but when I reach my goal weight (which is to be around the upper midpoint of the ideal BMI for my height) I anticipate that it will get worse. You can't lose 40kg without some loose skin.

I have a good paying job lined up for post-PhD, so I am hoping that that will help fund surgery by the time I reach my goal weight to remove any excess skin, should that prove necessary.

Good luck to all of you who are still doing your best. For those like me who lost the weight and then regained it, I feel for you, but wanted to let you know that it is worth restarting the journey again no matter how hard that might seem in the beginning.

submitted by /u/Oxon_Daddy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost it, Gained it, Overwhelmed

I am writing for advice and words of encouragement. In 2018 I lost over 70 pounds. I started off losing weight through exercise and then saw drastic results with the keto diet. At the time I was 22 moved back home after college and was very focused on starting my career and losing weight. I am now 29 I have probably gained 40 pounds since that time. I can hardly look at pictures from when I was smaller. I envy the mindset and determination I had. It's not as easy for me living alone and working full time to focus so much on weight loss. I am not interested in doing Keto again and being restrictive with food. Although, Keto did make the weight melt off. I want to eat mindfully and move, but it feels so impossible. I feel like I have spent the past 5 years fantasizing over when I was smaller and wanting to go back. Does anyone have any advice of how to get back in the mindset. I don't feel comfortable living in a larger body. I miss how easy it was to move when I was small and how energetic I was. I also don't want to spend the next 10 years hating my body. I am tired of living in shame of the way I look and sadly I think losing weight previously makes it worse.

submitted by /u/Due-Significance5967
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