Saturday, January 12, 2019

28F, 427lbs - I was disgusted by this photo of me over Christmas, so my weight loss adventure begins here!

Hey Guys!

I may as well introduce myself because I plan on being active here :) I'm Chloe, and THIS is the photo that has sparked my motivation for weight loss. I'm 427lbs right now (at 5'7") - and I've gained weight steadily since I was at University. When I was 18 I was around 190lbs, and I was happy with how I looked back then. I've never been super skinny, but I was happy in my own skin. It's obviously super depressing to compare the two 10 years apart, but I can't take back the bad decisions I've made and the life I've lived in that time, so I may as well start somewhere - better late than never!

Anyway, my goal is to be 350lbs by Christmas. It's a somewhat conservative goal I know, but I'm expecting some losing battles along the way. I am a food addict, and have been all my life. I used to be able to get away with it mostly because I lived with my parents who limited access to constant food, and was very active when I was younger too.

I'm going to achieve this 99% through diet at the moment, I want to get a base level of fitness before I go to the gym and exercise. I'm cutting out takeaways completely. Cutting out biscuits, chocolate, sweets - completely (for now). I'm eating 4 small meals per day with minimal carbs.

For my future reference (and yours of course) when I am lacking motivation, I'm going to think of these things I am looking forward to when I'm not so heavy:

  • Not being out of breath all the time. It isn't normal to get out of breath talking for more than 5 minutes Chloe...
  • Being able to talk and walk at the same time!
  • Not having to panic thinking about whether or not I'm going to be able to fit in the booth at the restaurant, or the seats on the plane, or in my friends car!
  • Not having that awkward conversation about "have you thought about losing weight" with my doctor *every* time.
  • Being able to have my blood pressure taken on a normal machine, not one built for fat people. (This happened the other day. Super embarrassing.)
  • Clothes shopping like a normal person.
  • Not having a deathly fear of stairs.
  • Not feeling like my head is going to explode when I bend down to put on my socks and shoes.
  • Being able to walk around a shopping mall, town centre, party venue, anywhere - without having to sit down after a while because my legs and back hurt.

I don't take life too seriously, but above all I am looking forward to a happy, healthy and hopefully long life. I'd like to have a family of my own one day, and I need to be properly able bodied mentally and physically before that can happen.

Let's go!!!!!

TL;DR, I am fat. I want to be not fat.

submitted by /u/Elegant_Anxiety
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Where were the unsolicited opinions on my health when I actually needed them?

I got in a disagreement/fight/tense discussion with a close friend last about health and my weight loss and it’s still getting to me.

We got onto the subject of what things can be measured to evaluate health and I was pointing out that research shows waist circumference and body fat percentage are good indicators of health (risk for diabetes, heart disease blood pressure issues etc.) She was saying things like “well if that’s what you think” and “I guess if those things work for you but it doesn’t really matter”. She was discounting medical consensus as nothing more than opinion. She was also expressing that I didn’t need to lose weight and I shouldn’t keep losing weight. She’s seen pictures of me at my heaviest (when I was classified as obese) and said the same thing. “You looked fine!” “You didn’t look overweight.” “There’s no way you weighed 220.”

I understand that my friends experience with health and weight has been very different than mine. (She was on the underweight end of the spectrum in high school due to an autoimmune disease and now she’s a healthy weight. I’ve been overweight since age 17 until this year.) I just imagined having her own struggles would make her more understanding, not less.

I’m just frustrated that the entire decade of my adult life that I was unhealthy, unfit, and not in control of my health, nobody would recognize it or suggest I focus on my health. Now that I have worked for a year towards a totally reasonable and goal with consistent success, people feel comfortable telling me about weight loss and what to do with my body. The same people that weren’t worried about me being overweight are the ones who are apparent experts on health now and think I’m doing something wrong.

submitted by /u/AlwaysRoundDown
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

You Are More than JUST Your Weight Loss!


Those of us who have lost or are losing weight are extremely familiar with these. As we've progressed (or are progressing) through our weight loss journeys, every single one of us has been on the receiving end of numerous compliments from other people, whether they'd be family members, friends, coworkers, acquaintances, or others whom we see on a regular basis. At first, they were always great things to hear (especially to those of us who aren't used to many compliments period) and motivated us to keep doing what we were doing.

As we've progressed and as many of the other Redditors on here can attest to, compliments may slowly start to have an unintended effect on us. One such effect, and the reason I'm writing this, is that you may feel like you are only your weight loss.

What do I mean by this? Well, as you keep receiving more and more compliments like "hey skinny" or "you look great" or others, you may start to think that the only thing positive about you is your weight loss achievement. You may eventually get to the point that you're almost begging for a compliment about something OTHER than your weight loss.

I say that because I am currently at that very point. Although I haven't vocalized it, I'm at the point where I just want people to compliment me on something that isn't related to my weight.

However, I've been thinking about it, and I had myself a realization that I wanted to share with all of you: you are absolutely more than just the number of pounds you've lost. You are a symbol of immense strength and discipline that the vast majority of people in the world do not possess. You are a symbol of unrelenting determination in the face of an enormous challenge. Most importantly, however, you are all beautiful people both inside and out, and are inspirations to so many people.

So the next time you get a compliment and feel a little insulted or defeated because of it, think of what I just said. It helps pull me though those moments where people unintentionally (or even intentionally) knock you off your feet in a negative way.

Stay strong!

submitted by /u/Coffee_Flavor_Coffee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need some help getting started

I've gained like 30 or 40 lbs over the past couple years, and I really want to start moving in the right direction. I set a goal to lose 20lbs by the end of the semester (190 to 170) but I really don't know what I should be doing. I'm a 23 y/o male in college, so I'm broke and eating healthy is a little difficult. I have time to workout pretty much every day of the week and have access to a gym, but I've never done any kind of weight loss regiment. I'd really appreciate some pointers for slimming down my stomach and recommendations for any protein supplements that seem to work particularly well.

submitted by /u/StallinForTime
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Diva Cup Tips from You

Hello! It seems harder and harder to find my go-to favorite tampon lately. I’ve used OB tampons exclusively since high school. I think they’re awesome, work well , are small and easy to tuck in a running shorts pocket… But lately it’s been hard for me to find them. Many stores have the variety pack or the wrong size – I just want a box of the regular ones! So, I started to order them from Amazon.

But this last cycle – I forgot. When I went to Target to get them… there was one box! That’s good!! But it was ripped open. That’s not good.

my favorite tampon for runners

[You can get OB Tampons on Amazon here]


This did remind me that my fave period partner has been harder to find so I finally considered trying The Diva Cup. For those that don’t know it’s a re-usable menstruation cup. I’ve known about it for a long time but have hesitated to try it for several reasons…

a.) How?? How do I put it in? How do I take it out?

b.) Weird? Is it going to feel weird? Does it hurt? It seems big and awkward…

c.) Questions! I have a lot of questions. How do you empty and put it back? How often? Does it get heavy?

d.) Need? I don’t think I’ve needed it up till this point. I already have a tampon I’m super happy with.

e.) Eco-friendly. Yes, The Diva Cup is eco-friendly since you’re not throwing away pads or tampons each month. But as far as conventional period options go – OB Tampons seem to create the least waste of all of them. They don’t have an applicator, have minimal packaging and are small so it’s less waste.

the diva cup

[You can get The Diva Cup on Amazon here]

But that 1 ripped box at Target reminded me that I might need to find another option so I grabbed the Diva Cup and decided I’d give it a try.

And I asked on Instagram for some tips. I have NO idea the actual logistics of this thing.

The Diva Cup tips

Truthfully, I’m a little scared…

What if I do it wrong? Will it get stuck?! Will it poke me and be uncomfortable?? What if I get it in but can’t get it out?

Luckily, I have the BEST followers in the world! And you came through. There are so many helpful comments and suggestions on this instagram post.

Thank you. Seriously – so many people chimed in with their personal experiences and advice. It’s a personal topic! And I really appreciate the openness.

If you’re curious about using something like this check out my Instagram post and read the comments.

If you have any tips or advice please share it with me. I’m trying to learn before I go for it. I might have bought the wrong one so I’m open to trying another one.


Since we’re on the subject…

I have a very popular post with Tips for Running a Race on Your Period. I’ve run several races – full marathons and half marathons on my period. And after a few day 1 situations I put together a post with some advice. Check it out if it could help you!

Tips for Running a Race on Your Period

Question: Have you tried a menstruation cup like this? Thoughts? Tips?


The post The Diva Cup Tips from You appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Superfood Saturday: The Power of Pistachios

Native to the Middle East, according to American Pistachio Growers, pistachios have always been viewed as a delicacy in that region. In fact, in Persia, involvement in the pistachio trade or ownership of pistachio groves was equivalent to an elite or wealthy status. Known for their colorful green appearance, are said to have become popular in America during the 1880s when first imported by Middle Eastern travelers. But it wasn’t until the 1960s that crops of pistachios emerged throughout California—and later in Arizona and New Mexico. Today they remain a popular crop in all three of these regions, though the majority are grown in California.

As far as nuts go, these nuts are a healthful choice that pack in a lot of nutrition. Pistachios contain antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, are a naturally cholesterol-free snack, and are rich in fiber and potassium, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. And with six grams of protein per serving, they are considered part of the protein group, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Superfood Saturday: The Wonders of Watermelon

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Research published by the American Diabetes Association has also indicated that they may have some positive effects on health. For instance, one study found that eating a handful of pistachio nuts per day, as part of a healthy diet, may help people with pre-diabetes to improve their condition and also avoid developing diabetes or other diseases.

There are clearly lots of great reasons to eat pistachios. But it’s important to note they’re not only loved for their nutritional value but also their unique, earthy taste. These colorful green nuts have such a distinct color and flavor that they’ve even become a popular ice cream flavor. Of course, there are many delicious ways to eat these protein-filled nuts.

10 Fresh (and Tasty!) Ways to Enjoy Strawberries

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You can get more pistachios in a one-ounce serving—49 nuts—than any other snack nuts. A single one-ounce serving is just 160 calories. To count as one PowerFuel on the Nutrisystem plan, you can have two tablespoons of of this superfood. While they are delicious to enjoy on their own, that’s not the only way to fit more into your day.

Here are five ways you can enjoy the power of pistachios:

1. As a Topping


Add crushed pistachios atop your favorite oatmeal, yogurt, smoothie bowl, salad or even avocado toast like in this awesome recipe > As a topping, pistachios add crunch, flavor and added nutritional value to whatever you’re eating.

2. Baked or Mixed In

Dark Chocolate bark pistachios

There are a plethora of recipe ideas for baked goods that use pistachios. Look for healthy muffin recipes if you’d like to find a nutritional way to bake pistachios into your breakfast treat! You can also make pistachios part of your healthy frozen yogurt bark > Or as a hearty base for Pistachio Protein Bombs >

Superfood Saturday: The Benefits of Almonds

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3. As a Crust


Pistachios can serve as a crunchy and healthy crust for chicken or fish meals, such as in this delicious and healthy salmon dish >

4. As a Spread

Pistachio nut butter

Did you know you can turn pistachios into a spread, just like you can with peanuts? There are various recipes out there that will tell you how to make your own—or you can buy it premade to spread on your whole wheat toast or bagel!

Superfood Saturday: Why You Need to Jump on the Walnut Wagon

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5. Blended into a Smoothie


Pistachios can add a delicious nutty flavor—and some serious nutritional power—to your smoothie when blended in.

No matter how you choose to enjoy pistachios, you can feel good knowing that you’ve made a healthy choice that also has a variety of nutritional benefits!

The post Superfood Saturday: The Power of Pistachios appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

High calorie foods for "intuitive" calorie control

Hi all. I just wanted to share my experience with INCLUDING higher calorie foods in my diet in pursuit of weight loss. I've found that by eating high calorie foods (peanut butter, nuts, rice dishes, pastas etc.) I actually eat LESS overall. I believe this is due to a mindset of "Oh, this has a lot of calories in it, I need to have a smaller portions"- which is still satisfying. This overall reduces my total calorie intake instead of the common approach to eating low calorie foods "freely" that add up overtime.

Bottom line: Experiment with incorporating some of your favorite high calorie, but still moderately healthy foods into your diet. Savor the food, experience the flavor and satiety and see what happens with your results. Good luck on all of your journey's!

submitted by /u/shelifts45
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from loseit - Lose the Fat